Air America to Cease Broadcasting Immediately


Well-Known Member
Why is it that Left of center radio programs can't attract a profitable audience?

I have been listening to talk radio since the late '60s.
These are the guys that got me hooked on talk:

Jean Shepard
Long John Nebel
Barry Farber
Bob Grant
Alex Bennet
David Gold
Neil Rogers.

These were all shows that were on the air way before the fairness doctrine was abolished in 1987.

Shortly thereafter (1987) Rush Limbaugh changed the way talk radio was perceived by the non listening masses. He also achieved record ratings.

But I wonder why there seems to be no substantial audience for lefty talkers?

Maybe for whatever reason they are not as entertaining? Hmmm?
I wonder.:leaf:

January 21, 2010, 4:57 pm
Air America to Cease Broadcasting Immediately

By BRIAN STELTERAir America, the progressive talk radio network, said Thursday that it would cease broadcasting immediately, bowing to what it called a “very difficult economic environment.”
“It is with the greatest regret, on behalf of our Board, that we must announce that Air America Media is ceasing its live programming operations as of this afternoon, and that the Company will file soon under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code to carry out an orderly winding-down of the business,” the chair of Air America Media, Charlie Kireker, said in a memorandum.
His statement was published on
The news did not come as a total surprise to staffers. The company, which was founded in 2004, has never been on sound financial footing. The company first filed for bankruptcy protection in 2006, but managed to stay on the air at that time.
“The fact of the matter was, it was always a very challenging business proposition, and it never had the right management,” said Sam Seder, who hosted programs on Air America until last September.
Starting at 6 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, listeners will hear encore programming until Jan. 25, “at which time Air America programming will end,” Mr. Kireker said.
They dont have the CORPORATE backing the righties have. Most Lefties are anti-corporation and you cant draw the corporation money by being against them
Why is it that Left of center radio programs can't attract a profitable audience?

I have been listening to talk radio since the late '60s.
These are the guys that got me hooked on talk:

Jean Shepard
Long John Nebel
Barry Farber
Bob Grant
Alex Bennet
David Gold
Neil Rogers.

These were all shows that were on the air way before the fairness doctrine was abolished in 1987.

Shortly thereafter (1987) Rush Limbaugh changed the way talk radio was perceived by the non listening masses. He also achieved record ratings.

But I wonder why there seems to be no substantial audience for lefty talkers?

Maybe for whatever reason they are not as entertaining? Hmmm?
I wonder.:leaf:

January 21, 2010, 4:57 pm
Air America to Cease Broadcasting Immediately

By BRIAN STELTERAir America, the progressive talk radio network, said Thursday that it would cease broadcasting immediately, bowing to what it called a “very difficult economic environment.”
“It is with the greatest regret, on behalf of our Board, that we must announce that Air America Media is ceasing its live programming operations as of this afternoon, and that the Company will file soon under Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code to carry out an orderly winding-down of the business,” the chair of Air America Media, Charlie Kireker, said in a memorandum.
His statement was published on
The news did not come as a total surprise to staffers. The company, which was founded in 2004, has never been on sound financial footing. The company first filed for bankruptcy protection in 2006, but managed to stay on the air at that time.
“The fact of the matter was, it was always a very challenging business proposition, and it never had the right management,” said Sam Seder, who hosted programs on Air America until last September.
Starting at 6 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, listeners will hear encore programming until Jan. 25, “at which time Air America programming will end,” Mr. Kireker said.

It's because people at work or driving to and from work can listen to radio. And most of those working people are conservatives.
They dont have the CORPORATE backing the righties have. Most Lefties are anti-corporation and you cant draw the corporation money by being against them

You realize that as of the Gore presidential run the demographics showed liberal America to be more affluent than conservative America. While every state has it's share of both, the Sun Belt is where a bulk of the wealth and Dems are. Whereas the Bible belt (Fly over zone to you Dems) is where most conservatives are.

Advertising is the key. You can't sell deodorant to hairy armpit lib chicks that don't wear any... :) Just kidding...I think there just happens to be a bigger market for Advertisers with the Right.

But look at Jim Rohm. He doesn't sell educational or religious items on his commercial breaks, he sells SlingBox and PC Anywhere. Why the left can't do this I don't know. Maybe the left doesn't actually listen to the arguments of their own. They only disagree with right? Does that make sense.

I used to listen to tons of Talk Radio but it wears you down and makes you a little agro.

Dennis Prager is more my kind of show if any. Sure he's conservative. But his show is more about life. His modo is "I prefer clarity over agreement."
They don't have the CORPORATE backing the righties have. Most Lefties are anti-corporation and you cant draw the corporation money by being against them
oh, please. the left has shown that it is as tied to corporate america and big money interests as the right. the sponsors follow the audience, not the other way around. if there were anyone interested in listening to liberal talk radio you can be sure there would be someone willing to pay for the advertising and that's what keeps a show on the air. there is no cabal of corporate fat cats conspiring to keep the liberal agenda from the radio audience.
Three reasons.

1) The Left tends to be younger and more pop culture oriented so they are more likely to be listening to music.

2) The left has very little use for facts because their ideas don't require them. Conservatives seek knowledge and enjoy being informed. Liberals just need to have the politically correct opinions - not much actual information is required.

3) Liberal ideas don't do well under analysis. Talk radio show hosts need something to talk about and one can only call people names for a short time. In order to talk for hours, one needs solid concepts to discuss. Since the Left is short on these concepts, the dialog falls on its face. You can't say Bush lied and Fox News is full of crap for 3 hours. No substance, no show.
Three reasons.

2) The left has very little use for facts because their ideas don't require them. Conservatives seek knowledge and enjoy being informed. Liberals just need to have the politically correct opinions - not much actual information is required.


I guess I am a conservative then because it seems every day I have to come in here and correct you rad righties.

In reality I am rather conservative depending on the issue. I am also informed enough to know that conservative talk is VERY hypocritical and downright lies on occasion. If not lying, taking words or a situation and giving them their own outrageous analysis which IMO isn't any better than lying. I know this because i listen to conservative talk almost every day. Im not saying Liberal talk doesnt do almost the same thing. But claiming that you being a conservative means you are more informed is doing nothing more than giving yourself a disservice.
The number one reason why liberal radio fails? Its not entertaining nor informative, mostly hyperbole and vitriol. I can somewhat agree that the Limbaugh show has some of this also, but he does disseminate an awful lot of info and he does it in a way that most people can understand, he doesn't try to come off as erudite, although he is a mental giant.

I listen to two local lefty shows and enjoy them very much, I listen to Rush also. Im conservative/libertarian. I listen to them while at work.
Good points guys. TY.

I think it really boils down to entertainment value.
There are some leftward show in local markets that can make a profit, but it seems difficult for them to become lucrative syndicated national shows.
I enjoy some of the left of center talkers, Tom Leykis is amusing. Rhandi Rhodes is talented.
I currently listen mostly in the late evening and overnight. Mark Levin, Phil Hendrie, and of course the fantastic conspiracy show Coast to Coast AM. I miss Art Bell.
Entertainment is what draws listeners.
Just to clear it up i am not a dem, i am independent. i have been a rep, then a dem then an ind. I have seen crap on both sides but...... what i hear from the right blows me away. alot more so than the left.

What? lefties dont work?! what freakin planet are you on? most of the middle america isnt working, and hasnt been working for years? shoot what about education in middle america? you righties own the middle america and are just proving your wrong on a daily basis! half of what i hear coming from the right is pure nonsense, do you guys truly believe the B.S. your spewing?

Again, i need to point out the righties saying the left is something, and it turns out its the righties who are that!
Just so you know, lefties are highly educated people, always have been. especially when compared to a righty. Most colleges are demacratic, because of this fact. but you righties wont look at the facts, just throw the facts out the window and say what you want, keep on telling yourselves its a left wing conspiracy........
The Left has National Public Radio (NPR), backed by the largest corporation on the planet ... the United States Government.
Speaking of radio, yesterday's ruling will carry some precedent for efforts to silence talk radio.
There will now be another move to reinstate the odious fairness doctrine.
It matters not that the left is well represented by the majority of newspapers and television talking heads.
It is not their fault that the left seems unable to achieve any traction on the radio.
Progressives love to point fingers.
Speaking of newspapers and television, let's remember that it is not just liberal talk radio that is failing. It's also the New York Times, the network news, CNN, MSNBC, etc. There is clearly a declining demand for the liberal message, so they seek parity by shutting down the conservative message since they can't compete in the marketplace of ideas.
Just so you know, lefties are highly educated people, always have been. especially when compared to a righty. Most colleges are demacratic, because of this fact. but you righties wont look at the facts, just throw the facts out the window and say what you want, keep on telling yourselves its a left wing conspiracy........

Wow for someone who knows what smart is you sure can't spell worth a shit, nor do you know how to use spellcheck. Because of this fact you are disqualified in giving any statements about intelligence. Obviously there are plenty of people who seem educated when you compare yourself to them.
^^^ Let's see ... Dan Quale misspells potato as "potatoe" and he is ostracized by the Left for his entire Vice Presidential career. Obama claims during the campaign that he has been in all fifty-SEVEN states, and nary a mention. Go figure. :lol:
The Left has National Public Radio (NPR), backed by the largest corporation on the planet ... the United States Government.
Yeah, Proggies seem to forget about NPR when they whine about talk radio.

I'd love to see NPR even try to compete on a level playing field.

But they know as well as we do; it would be a fucking bloodbath.
^^^ Let's see ... Dan Quale misspells potato as "potatoe" and he is ostracized by the Left for his entire Vice Presidential career. Obama claims during the campaign that he has been in all fifty-SEVEN states, and nary a mention. Go figure. :lol:

Dan Quayle. :bigjoint:
Yeah, Proggies seem to forget about NPR when they whine about talk radio.

I'd love to see NPR even try to compete on a level playing field.

But they know as well as we do; it would be a fucking bloodbath.

NPR is great.

I love hearing about the "militant" who blew up a buss in "retaliation" for Israeli air strikes that killed 7 "people" adding to the "cycle of violence."

Notice they are not terrorists, just "militants or people." And their acts are not more terror but a "retaliation." And it isn't persistent terror attacks but a "cycle of violence."

That is their insidious way of manipulating pubic opinion. At least Fox makes their position known.