Club 600


Well-Known Member
my plants are really happy. i am 1 week into 12/12. i have had a couple timer issues but i think i got it all set now. i'm running 4 different timers. 2 on the lights one on my cooler and one on my sulphur burner. i had to get them all synced in. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Wish I could get my hands on some of those grow bags, they always look so handy!!!

Based on my understanding of patterns, should the last one not be BESTEST, Heads Up? lol Nice little selection. Last run I done was just pure bud leaf (from small leaves I pulled off the bud when skinning up) so I just ran everything into the 20mc filter. The hash is a real blast in the bong, like double trouble OG Kush, weed and trich hash mixed together.
As you say in Akrikaans (or Dutch,) Lekker man!!

McPurple, just leave the leaves, lol. Looks like you had a nice wekeend.

fdd, good to hear things are dialled in.

Hope everyone has a good week.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I take my 4 plants with the longest side branches (right now euforia) and I put them centered directly under my 600. I built a fence on my buckets with bamboo sticks and fishing line just to keep all the branches up high for a more even tighter canopy. Lst train all 4 tops when its in flower so that all 4 tops are even level with the side branches. Just so I can get as many buds as I can on a even canopy level. I trim off all the scraggle buds and branches cause it is kinda crowded and put a fan blowing down by the bucket level so I get plenty air circulation thru out all plants. I line that 4 bucket perimeter with 8 more 3 gallon buckets with a more single cola type indica (right now whiteberry and lapis mountain indica) And I also Lst train all of those too. I pull all the tops down parallel and jack the plants up higher so all the buds on the plant are closer to the light. I try and aim the tops in as close to the light as i can get...tucking away alot of leaves in the process.
I see alot of peoples pics and they are afraid of their light or something?! Jorge tells you 18 inches away and everybody is set on that. But your plant will tell you how close you can be. I start at 14 inches and keep watch on the leaves and hairs and after 3 days if alls good i drop another 1 inche. I do the same thing again after 3 more days, if its all good I drop another inch etc. When the leaves tell me its too hot or signs of light bleach I back the light off 2 inches and Im golden!! Every top on all my plants are within 21 inches at the farthest away..I get double the yield that way. Oh yea gotta have a fan blowing across the canopy level too
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Well-Known Member
Hi Williewill, thanks for telling us about your set up, and welcome to the 600. Please feel free to share some pics of your LST'd girls, we love words on the 600, but we like pics even better!

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
New member here. Just upgraded from a single 430w Son Agro to dual 600w's with ushio OptiRed's for bulbs. Nothing in the way of bud porn yet since the plants have only been in there fo 12 hours, but I'm here to show off the hard work on the build. It was a massive upgrade and mite genecide that took 2 weeks. Here are the shots, if you want to see more, check out the journal in the sig.

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Well-Known Member
Awesome build work, looks very sweet. Having seen the monsters from your 400 it's gonna be interesting to see what comes from the new set up. I remember reading in your journal that you were going to do two rooms (keeping the old set up for veg?) or am I mistaken.? Anyhoo, welcome bru.




New Member
hey guys Im thinking of getting a 600w hps and am wondering how many plants can you grow with one? I was thinking 4 maybe 5 max, also what is an average yeild with a 600w hps per plant? Thanks .


Well-Known Member
looks great sl2, they all kinda look similar for bein different strains, and man it seems like theirs so amny strains ive even heard of, it would be cool to grow 1 of every strain in the world in one room just to see all the differencse and stuuf oh and the smell would be so dank, anyways though plants are lookin good

Thanks McP

When young they do look a lot alike especially in the pictures. They are all showing their own characteristics now. I enjoy seeing the differences.

We would need a big ass room to grow one of all the strains! It would be fun…


Well-Known Member
those are some great photos of some great buds,
Thanks McP

Hey thanks for the share SL2, these are my faves, the beer bottle, and the shades of light are cool!!:bigjoint:
Hey DST, thanks man. Was crusing the thread and thought I would add some porn for the Club 6...

absolutely amazing, how long did they veg?
Thanks UN420

They veged about 5 weeks. The funny thing is the first WW with the long cola was only 4" tall when put into flower. It just would not grow in veg for some reason. I almost killed it but put it into flower and it took off. It is like 34" tall. Go figure???? I am just glad I let it go...


Well-Known Member
New member here. Just upgraded from a single 430w Son Agro to dual 600w's with ushio OptiRed's for bulbs. Nothing in the way of bud porn yet since the plants have only been in there fo 12 hours, but I'm here to show off the hard work on the build. It was a massive upgrade and mite genecide that took 2 weeks. Here are the shots, if you want to see more, check out the journal in the sig.

Very Nice setup...:hump:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
id still stand by my original 9 to be honest any more any your yield will suffer unless your running sog single colas.

i dont see much point in running with 30 plants over 10 if the yields is roughly the same but then again our laws are a bit more strict than yours D


Well-Known Member
thats what i want to try a full tent scrog monster
It's kinda nice to have a legal limit of 6 plants... just becuase that's one less decision I have to make. I either grow 6 or less.

I am picking up my 1500w light today. I guess I won't be able to show pictures from my next grow. :sad: I'm not leaving though... I like it too much here.

Also... a bit hello to all the new visitors. Glad to have you. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
do you work on a perpetual with 6 jig?

im going to be knocking the pics on the head in a couple of months too
No perpetual yet. I've been meaning to build a veg space for a couple months now. That's really all I need for the cycle to start. I have enough equipment... just no space. I have only had 2 real harvests in 1 year of growing now. But those two have added up to over 24 ounces. I can't imagine what I would be swimming in if I pumped out 4 or 5 harvests a year. :shock:

It's early in the morning here (well 8am is early for me)... but I don't get the second sentence. You just mean you'll have something to take pics of soon?