Pitt bulls and growers


New Member
There's nothing wrong with Pit Bulls.

Dogs are born pure of heart. It's the owners (not all of course, just the insecure ones) who are the problem, not the dogs.


Well-Known Member
I love mine too! I had a video on here of them hanging on a rope (which they absolutely love to do) and some jerkoff here reported the video on youtube.

They both also sleep in the bed with me. The brown WILL NOT sleep if her neck isn't laying across my neck.



Well-Known Member
there are three rotts around the corner from me that guard a "battered women" shelter. when I take them for a walk, the three rotts STORM the fence. nemo and gemini just look at them, look at me, and just keep on walking while those rotts are going NUTS biting the fence and jumping around.

nemo the brindle boy has absolutely no "mouth-eye" coordination because he has bit my hand several times on accident trying to get the stick.

nemo is so diesel, he has forehead muscles. I'm talking HUGE muscles on top of his head.


Well-Known Member
there are three rotts around the corner from me that guard a "battered women" shelter. when I take them for a walk, the three rotts STORM the fence. nemo and gemini just look at them, look at me, and just keep on walking while those rotts are going NUTS biting the fence and jumping around.

nemo the brindle boy has absolutely no "mouth-eye" coordination because he has bit my hand several times on accident trying to get the stick.

nemo is so diesel, he has forehead muscles. I'm talking HUGE muscles on top of his head.
as long as he lets go soon as he knows its you.. it was never intentional.. nice lookin boys


i really dont know why people are so defensive about this subject. i have 2 pits and they sleep in the same bed with me too. whats up with these fucks.. they are misunderstood about pit bulls.. ive noticed a lot of growers on here post a pic ot there dog, and guess what its a pit.
im with you man. wtf people trippin on. like you shot their dog or somthin haha. ya'll need to kick back and burn a bowl fuck. another thing, i tend to find short stiff hair in nuggs sometimes and i have since i started somking. everyones got their preferences and i think the rationalization was pretty correct, just misdirected. Most growers have dogs in general.


Well-Known Member
pits are nice looking dogs, but illigal in the uk. the Feds take the pits away and destroy them.
I own a all White English bull terrier bitch, looks mean as fuck but is soft as shite.


Well-Known Member
I keep a couple in my house.. they are good dogs.. but EVERY dog needs extra attention and training,.. but I will be honest, once your dogs are trained right you will have no worries, I use dutch commands on my fawn boy and he is the BEST dog I have ever owner or seen.. off leash trained and over 50 % shutzhound trained haha yes the good ol German shepherds got this bad boy gaining on them



Well-Known Member
Pit bulls are illegal here, one of the dumbest laws ive seen get passed into legislation...

I dont think they're necessarily mean,as i used to have one living next door to me as a child and it was so damn nice. but i think there pretty ugly, I wouldnt get one. I own a border collie/ german sherperd cross.

not all dogs are mean either.., ive been around them all my life and never had one draw blood from me. Yet ive never pet a cat that hasnt tried to fucking scratch me to pieces and bite me, but i know theres gotta be atleast one nice one out there..
Not ALL pit bulls are mean... The dog is as mean as the owner makes it and that goes for ANY dog. Their not anymore expensive than other breeds either...