1st Grow 150 watt Hps


Active Member
Hey everyone! I'm new to the site and have already learned so much from many of you talented individuals!!! This is my first grow I'm using a custom grow box about 3ft wide, 3ft high and about 18 inches deep, has what i like to call a poor mans carbon scrubber!! 2 large computer fans pulling out the hot air (not sure of the size) and a 150 watt hps. Right now i have dinafem diesel, power africa, trainwreck, and the church in the box, only the diesel and the trainwreck broke the surface. I'm going to be taking pics with my camera phone until i get a better camera so bare with me......all advice is welcomed and appreciated!!!!! (i'll take pics of the plants when they get a little older i know you guys probably don't like looking at seedlings...lol)



Well-Known Member
Very nice cab! My first grow was with a 150w hps in a similar sized cabinet. You're off to a good start...the plants should thrive in there. I'll be along for the ride.

How are the temps? Looks like it would get really hot in there.


Active Member
Hey sick, yeah it looks like it could get hot but the temp holds around 75-77 degrees! hey since you had a similar cab at what height would you suggest i flower with the strains i have? i will be doing some kinda of training most likely just bending and tieing.


Well-Known Member
If you are tying them down, it doesn't really matter when you flower as long as you have the floor space. I tied mine down and vegged for 5 weeks before flowering. You can scope the grow here if you want to see how I did things.


Well-Known Member
Are you using HPS throughout the entire grow cycle? I always thought you should veg them out under clfs until you reach a desired hieght then throw them under the HPS. I also have a spare 150HPS im curious to see the progress.


Active Member
Hey SiV3L yeah i will be using the Hps for the entire grow, i have had a couple of buddies do this with no problems so i thought i would give it a try.


Active Member
Ok i have 3 seedlings right now the diesel (about 3 days old), power africa ( not sure if this one will make it), and trainwreck ( broke the surface and looks strong). My question is i have just recieved an order of seeds from the attiude of pineapple express,and LA women was wondering if i should germ these i want as many plants as i can get, but my concern is space does anyone think i would be able to fit about 6 mature plants in my grow space using six inch square containers? and i also have auto ak47/blueberry cross germinating. Will wait for some feed back before i make any decisions thanks everyone!!!!!!


Active Member
Hey decided to post a couple pics of the beans that poped the first is the diesel from dinafem the strongest, the second pic is of power africa (on the left) and Trainwreck (on the right) only have a camera phone so its hard to see. Does the Power A, and the Trainwreck look like they will make it? the train wreck has a yellowish light green color going on, but the Power A is real short, but looks like its comming on....let me know what you think....all comments welcome!!! thanks



Well-Known Member
I've heard of people having issues with GHS germination rates but I've never experienced it. I've had great success with their germination rates. I just sprouted a batch a week or so ago and 12 out of 12 germinated. How are you germinating them?


Active Member
Hey decided to post a couple pics of the beans that poped the first is the diesel from dinafem the strongest, the second pic is of power africa (on the left) and Trainwreck (on the right) only have a camera phone so its hard to see. Does the Power A, and the Trainwreck look like they will make it? the train wreck has a yellowish light green color going on, but the Power A is real short, but looks like its comming on....let me know what you think....all comments welcome!!! thanks
Hey just a quick update, having trouble with greenhouse seeds and germination the church seeds 1 germinated and the other didn't, the one that sprouted grew all deformed then died, the trainwreck seeds one germinated and one didn't...has anyone had trouble with greenhouse seeds germinating? well anyway here are the latest pics i have the first is Power Africa( this one is growing super slow don't know why) the next is the trainwreck, and finaly the diesel from dinafem ( the bigest one so far). I also have auto ak/blue that just sprouted (take pics when bigger) and also pineapple express waiting to break the surface. All comments welcome!:weed:



Active Member
So i added a 150 watt floro and the plants seem to be loving it. Also transplanted them to bigger 6inch square pots yesterday, and gave them their first feeding of earth juice grow and catalyst, so hopefully they take off!! Let me know what you think!!!!!:weed:

Pic 1 Grow box with the 150watt floro

Pic 2Dinafem Diesel

Pic 3Power Africa (really slow growth but nice looking)

Pic 4Train wreck



Active Member
Here are the latest pics of my plants tell me what you think.

1) trainwreck did a little Lst with her
2) Pineapple Express (untoped)
3) Pineapple Express (toped)
4) Power Africa also did a little lst with her.

Does anyone think that i should flower now? i'm concerned with space as you can see from my growbox....let me know what you think!

