Obama - your racism is showing.

Why did Bush have a disproportionate amount of white Texans with degrees from religious universities on his staff?

He clearly passed over more qualified non texans.

I think that says it all. Presidents sometimes bring in people that they know (or have some connection with) to work with them. So, it looks like Obama may have connections with a higher proportion of educated black people than there is in the general population. I'm sure other presidents brought in people that they knew and trusted (and were qualified for the job), even if there was a chance that someone else was a bit more qualified.

I wouldn't go so far as to accuse Rick of being racist over this. He's just incredibly eager to find things to bitch about when it comes to liberals... so eager, that he'll jump at the chance, even when it doesn't totally make sense.
I think that says it all. Presidents sometimes bring in people that they know (or have some connection with) to work with them. So, it looks like Obama may have connections with a higher proportion of educated black people than there is in the general population. I'm sure other presidents brought in people that they knew and trusted (and were qualified for the job), even if there was a chance that someone else was a bit more qualified.

ding ding ding we have a winner:bigjoint:.

I was waiting to see if anyone caught what I was throwing out.
I think that says it all. Presidents sometimes bring in people that they know (or have some connection with) to work with them. So, it looks like Obama may have connections with a higher proportion of educated black people than there is in the general population. I'm sure other presidents brought in people that they knew and trusted (and were qualified for the job), even if there was a chance that someone else was a bit more qualified.

I wouldn't go so far as to accuse Rick of being racist over this. He's just incredibly eager to find things to bitch about when it comes to liberals... so eager, that he'll jump at the chance, even when it doesn't totally make sense.

You are grasping at straws. Obama doesn't know the first thing about being black. He was raised by a white mother in Hawaii. He went to Harvard law. I see more Blacks driving to my Detroit warehouse every day than Obama has seen in his entire lifetime.

This is really very simple. Obama wants to put more Blacks in positions of power because he is an ultra Left President.

You guys really need to look in the mirror and ask yourselves why you have so much difficulty admitting obvious facts when race is involved. Your difficulties are an obvious manifestation of your white guilt and your internalization of Left wing programming.

How is it you can honestly claim to look at life without bias when fear of certain subject matter forces you to ignore obvious facts.

Pretend you have a pair of testicles and call it what it is.
The core issue is Obama has an administration which is overwhelmingly occupied by folks with NO private sector experience.

A HUGE mistake, color aside.

On Rick's point, which is accurate, and may be what is upsetting to ppl, what is disturbing is Obama ignores the heritage of Martin Luther King and sides with the likes of Farrakhan and Jackson.
Obama doesn't know the first thing about being black. He was raised by a white mother in Hawaii. He went to Harvard law. I see more Blacks driving to my Detroit warehouse every day than Obama has seen in his entire lifetime.

He looks black. You don't think he experienced life as a black person to any degree? Living in a housing project in a big city is not the only black experience in this country - in fact I'm sure a person with dark skin can experience racism in even the nicest communities. Apparently you don't think so though - try pulling your head out of your ass briefly.

So, he didn't grow up in a black community. Being one of the few black people in a place like Harvard, he may have connected with the other black people there more easily for all I know. I don't know the answer for sure, I'm just making a logical guess. You seem to think you have it all figured out though (as usual).

Whatever his reasons were for picking people, it doesn't seem very different from what past presidents have done - picking people they know or trust or have some connection with. It doesn't seem like that high a proportion of black people that he picked anyway.

Pretend you have a pair of testicles and call it what it is.

Coming from the guy who's always getting his panties in a bunch because liberals resort to insults and name calling. :lol:
Dead wrong. To be sure, there are professors that do not give preference but many do. like I said, I have seen it with my own eyes. Do they have official minority grading scales - no. But you have your head up your ass if you don't think minorities get an extra leg up from their ultra Liberal professors.

So every college professor is not just liberal now, they are "Ultra-Liberal". When I asked you before to give me examples of how your college professors were pushing liberal agendas you came up with some flimsy nonsense of how your anthropology professor was pushing liberal ideology because he did not allow for value judgments in the classroom. Value judgments have no place in science. I suspect any other example you give will be similarly bogus, and yet you will still go on saying and believing that most or all of your college professors were liberals pushing liberal ideology.
Dead wrong. To be sure, there are professors that do not give preference but many do. like I said, I have seen it with my own eyes. Do they have official minority grading scales - no. But you have your head up your ass if you don't think minorities get an extra leg up from their ultra Liberal professors.

My last statement was fucking redundant for crying out loud. Pull your head out of your ass and look at the world you live in.

You're dead wrong buddy. You think you know academia because you went to college for a year? You make me laugh.

The sad thing is that you probably honestly think your opinion is somehow more founded than others because of a slim slice of limited experience. It's called narcissism buddy. Narcissism.
I see my friends from the left side of the bell curve have decided to chime in.

Here is a link for the organization that created the "student's bill of rights." It has been implemented by a number of universities and is gaining momentum. The purpose of the organization and the bill is to combat the strangle hold that the Left has over our universities.


Anyone who doesn't think that our universities are largely Left, has clearly never been to one and is not at all familiar with the issue.

Here are some more links for those too lazy to Google.




College faculties, long assumed to be a liberal bastion, lean further to the left than even the most conspiratorial conservatives might have imagined, a new study says.
By their own description, 72 percent of those teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal and 15 percent are conservative, says the study being published this week. The imbalance is almost as striking in partisan terms, with 50 percent of the faculty members surveyed identifying themselves as Democrats and 11 percent as Republicans.

The disparity is even more pronounced at the most elite schools, where, according to the study, 87 percent of faculty are liberal and 13 percent are conservative.
"What's most striking is how few conservatives there are in any field," said Robert Lichter, a professor at George Mason University and a co-author of the study. "There was no field we studied in which there were more conservatives than liberals or more Republicans than Democrats. It's a very homogenous environment, not just in the places you'd expect to be dominated by liberals."
Ever wonder why the colleges lean to the left?

because the other side (conservatism) is based on fact revision, slander, hate, fear, conflict, discrimination, bigotry, hypocracy, and on, and on, and on. anyone else care to add to the list? i"m sure theres a few i missed.
Kinda hard to teach an intelligent person to justify the conservative mindset when there is so much hypocracy involved. funny how an education can clear things up.
Ever wonder why the colleges lean to the left?

because the other side (conservatism) is based on fact revision, slander, hate, fear, conflict, discrimination, bigotry, hypocracy, and on, and on, and on. anyone else care to add to the list? i"m sure theres a few i missed.
Kinda hard to teach an intelligent person to justify the conservative mindset when there is so much hypocracy involved. funny how an education can clear things up.

lmfao! +rep figtree! Maybe you should be educating Ricky cuz the guy just doesn't seem to get it.

Maybe these "ultra-liberal" universities tend to swing to the left (on social issues, something you conveniently decided to leave out) is because that's the smarter choice. Give that one some thought. Why else would it be? Are you proposing some nation wide... er.. international conspiracy going on where ultra-liberal people are infiltrating the university staff positions to indoctrinate America's youth just like the red scare with communists infiltrating the gov.?

Not to mention the fact in this very same thread you were bitching and moaning about how Obama was appointing a higher ratio of black people to white people who might be less qualified. Yet here you are (it definitely sounds like) proposing more conservative people be given the positions solely based on their political affiliation, in order to balance out the system, regardless of their qualifications, you motherfucking hypocrite.

The jig has been up for you for quite a while bro, everyone on the forum knows what you're about, what you believe, and how ass backwards most of that is. Even when the majority of the posters post in opposition to your post, you still believe you're right and everyone else is wrong. Even when it comes down to professors in some of the most acclaimed universities in the world, you're right, everyone else is wrong...

Why do you sit here on RIU and post this stuff? Why aren't you out saving the world from liberalism? Why aren't you out running for office? I mean your ideas are so revolutionary and unique, hands down correct in every way, what's stopping you?

Perhaps your opinions wouldn't get such public praise as you think they would?

That should tell ya something.
Do you know how many Blacks even graduate from college with advanced degrees? Today, more and more are and affirmative action plays a large roll - I know because I went to school with them. But these guys are in their 40s and 50s. How many Blacks do you honestly think received advanced degrees prior to the 80s? How many went on to accomplish great things that would make them eligible for such positions?

I'm not saying there are not any to be found - I'm saying that Obama is recruiting them in numbers that are way disproportionate to our population. Even a blind retard can see how obvious this is.

BTW, I think the high school graduation rate in Detroit which is over 80% black is around 30% - do the math Copernicus.

Like I said, for every Black qualified for these positions, there has to be at least 100 Whites according to the statistics. Obama is clearly overlooking the qualified white candidates in favor of the black ones.

They call that racism.

i think you may be over reacting....just a thought.
Why did Bush have a disproportionate amount of white Texans with degrees from religious universities on his staff?

He clearly passed over more qualified non texans.

dude, say that in a johny cochran voice, you could be famous...fucking hilarious dude. great stuff......:lol::lol::lol:
i think you may be over reacting....just a thought.

No, Paddy's post is an example of over reaction.

RW, is just posting true data. You folks might not like it, but facts are facts.

Life is hard, and facts can get in the way. Some can't face it, and stay in school ... forever. Inside the bubble of paper comfort, where all things are possible as long as they aren't truly tested on the field called reality.

That my friends is why the Universities lean far to the left. That's the type of person it attracts.

The brave ones leave school. There are always exceptions, but I've laid out the rulre tried and true.
Well said CrackerJax could not agree with you more, or say it in my own words as well.
Now how does this all relate on a racial level?
Funny it takes years to get a phd, think the ones that have one of those are hiding in their bubble? they should just forget about their education and face the world uneducated?
Now the right is against education? wow! again! just showed us all where yall are coming from.

I'm telling you right now, everything the right is saying that needs to happen to fix anything is completely backwards, dont stay in school kids! face the world guys, be brave and dont get an education!
And they think an uneducated society is whats going to help our country? maybe thats what is wrong with the right? I dont know, but it sure sounds like it. maybe this is why they dont understand reality. education.
RW, is just posting true data. You folks might not like it, but facts are facts.

I don't think anyone was disputing the facts - just the conclusions (opinions) that were based on those facts. Some people think it's a big deal, some don't.

As to why more professors are liberal: I don't thinks it's as simple as liberals being smarter. (I wonder how IQs of liberal vs. conservative populations look though). IMO a person dedicating many years of study to get a job where they share their knowledge, but don't get paid a whole lot is something that liberals would be more likely to do. I'd expect conservatives to more often be looking to make a lot of money if they are going to invest so much time and money into an education.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but there's nothing preventing conservatives from becoming professors, is there? Why so much bitching about all the lib professors, its not like conservatives are black balled. Last time I checked most universities(like obama apparently) are equal opportunity employers... Maybe if conservatives weren't too busy lining their pockets and making up conspiracy theories about communism and FEMA, they would stop to think about the education of our youth. Then you'd have some conservative professors. It would probably blow there mind though when they open up their teachers edition text book and it disagrees with everything they've heard on talk radio baaaahahahaha.

I can see it now, "Big bang? WTF is that? Is that when god fucked the universe into existence? But that's not what the bible says!" and "Terkatonic plates? How could plates be responsible for earthquakes? Them crazy libs got it all wrong, everyone knows its the earth farts that causes em, and the farts are brought on by libs not driving an SUV or drinking enough bud light..."
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but there's nothing preventing conservatives from becoming professors, is there? Why so much bitching about all the lib professors, its not like conservatives are black balled. Last time I checked most universities(like obama apparently) are equal opportunity employers... Maybe if conservatives weren't too busy lining their pockets and making up conspiracy theories about communism and FEMA, they would stop to think about the education of our youth. Then you'd have some conservative professors. It would probably blow there mind though when they open up their teachers edition text book and it disagrees with everything they've heard on talk radio baaaahahahaha.

I can see it now, "Big bang? WTF is that? Is that when god fucked the universe into existence? But that's not what the bible says!" and "Terkatonic plates? How could plates be responsible for earthquakes? Them crazy libs got it all wrong, everyone knows its the earth farts that causes em, and the farts are brought on by libs not driving an SUV or drinking enough bud light..."

Fuckin' nailed it!

They'll come up with anyfuckin' thing I swear...

Liberals stay in the universities because they're scared to face the real world... I've heard it all now...:wall:

Whose afraid to face facts again?
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but there's nothing preventing conservatives from becoming professors, is there? Why so much bitching about all the lib professors, its not like conservatives are black balled.

Actually, that is exactly what is happening.

About the only place you find Conservative professors is in the sciences. And BTW, Conservative does not mean religious zealot - don't conflate the two.

Many intellectuals agree that the university is a perfect isolated bubble from which Liberal Professors can espouse their views unchallenged and to a captive audience with no chance of failure, and that is why liberals gravitate toward that environment.

Starting a business or entering the rat race is the polar opposite where one succeeds or fails based on their performance.