My Spirit Walk


Well-Known Member
So, I've been thinking about doing this for a while, and recently I've decided that it's time for me to take a spirit walk.

This summer, after graduation, I'm going to pack up and leave for at least a month. I'm going to have some supplies and drugs in a pack, and I'm going to start walking either south or west. If I go south, I might visit a new friend who lives near New Orleans. If I go West... well, Cali will be my goal.

I plan on carrying an ounce of mary, some shrooms, and maybe some DMT. I think I'll buy some of those pre-rolled cigarette tubes at a local tobacco shop and fill them up so I never have to roll on the road. Hopefully, I can bring a friend along too, but it's going to have to be someone who really understands the whole purpose of the trip and agrees with it.

The trip really isn't just an excuse to do drugs. It's something that I feel like I really need to do. Just the idea gives me a weird kind of euphoria. I don't know if it's some sort of divine inspiration or just some sort of deep seated psychological need for a new adventure, but I know that if I don't do it soon, I'll be too tied down by the responsibilities of the real world to ever make it happen.

The idea of the trip is to get away from society, to detox from the internet and television. I want to be able to walk or sit or lie in silence and nature for hours at a time and think and write. I'll keep a journal to log any revelations that I have while I'm out and probably carry my acoustic to keep music in my ears. I want to accomplish all of this with only what I can carry on my back. As much as possible, I'll stick to wooded and rural areas so that the pollution and hustle and bustle of cities can't affect me.

Of course, I'll be as safe as possible. I'll be carrying my cellphone, and if I can't get the GPS app for whatever reason I'll be buying a GPS of some sort. Hopefully I can recharge the phone at libraries or Starbucks, even if it means having to venture into a city every once in a while. I also intend to carry some sort of item I could use to get myself out of trouble. I think a lightweight aluminum bat would be a pretty good idea. I hate the idea that my walk would be marred by violence, but I won't hesitate to defend myself if necessary.

As for supplies, I've only just begun to formulate a list. I know I'll require a small tent - the smallest and cheapest I can find which provides adequate protection from the rain and wind. As the trip will be in summer, extremely low temperatures won't be a huge concern, but I'll be packing a heat blanket and sleeping bag just in case.

So, as of now, here is a list of the supplies I'll need. I will gladly accept recommendations and additions to the list, but do remember that I'm attempting to keep the cost and carry weight of everything down.

Supply List
~Hiking backpack capable of carrying all my gear
~small tent
~sleeping bag
~acoustic guitar
~first aid kit
~swiss army knife
~hunting knife
~small machete
~maybe a small bong
~1 gallon jug to keep filled with water from whatever source I can find
~steripen or water purification tablets
~camp cookware - small pot, folding grill for cooking over fires
~butane refill
~5 MRIs or dehydrated meals in the event I really can't scavenge any food
~bar soap
~metal bat?
~rope (braided nylon)
~field guide for identifying plants, etc

~hiking shoes
~2 pairs of jeans
~1 pair sweatpants
~2 t-shirts
~1 light jacket
~2 long-sleeved shirts
~thermal underclothes

waterproof case containing
~2 lighters
~firestarting material
~emergency money (at least $150)

~ounce of pot
~few doses of DMT
~whatever my shroom growing project generates

I know that this list is definitely incomplete, so I'd like input. Also, I don't know too much about backpacking, so if anyone does and would want to recommend a good pack, that'd be great too.

I plan to mostly scavenge my food. If I find a nice secluded place, I might just stop there and hang out for the whole thing. The walking aspect isn't all that important, more the idea that I can be alone and think about the universe. The DMT and shrooms are intended to aid me with that understanding.

Any input? Advice? I AM doing this, so don't attempt to stop me, but if there's some pressing thing you think I should know, let me in on it, please. I have about 5 months to prepare for the trip. The girlfriend is supportive, and the parents are getting there. All I need are supplies and if possible a like-minded friend to come with me for both safety and company.
I realize that you can't quite get what I feel about this trip through this emotionless text, but I feel that it's going to be a very spiritual and strong experience for me. I'm attempting to forgo the materialism of the real world for a while, and that is a noble enough pursuit.

Support, advice, revisions, mockery, all are welcomed for this endeavor! Please post your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
It will definitely be fun! I'm extremely excited. There's a guy at school who I'm kind of friends with, but not really close, and I'm thinking about inviting him. He's a cool dude, similar views to me on drugs - only does natural stuff like shrooms and weed. He'd enjoy the trip immensely I think, as will I.


come on down bro.... my door is always open :) ... glad to hear that your girl is supportive/understanding of it though


Well-Known Member
Haha glad I've got an invite gogrow. And yeah, the girl's extremely cool with it, actually actively encouraged me to do it, and the rents will need a bit more convincing. They're concerned about the fact that I'd lose the money I'd normally make from my summer job, but I think I'm gonna work for the gummint this spring as a census taker, so that should replace that money. Like money's important anyway... but you can't really expect everyone to understand that.


Well-Known Member
This sounds like something I'd definitely enjoy. ONLY during the summer though. Good call on that one.

What do you mean by scavenge food? You mean through trash cans? I thought you were avoiding town.

Shrooms are amazing and the best part about them is only you know when it's time to take another enlightening journey. I haven't done it for over a year nor do I want to. However, I'm sure I will crossroads with them again.

How many times have you shroomed ??

What are you going to do during the day time? You said you don't care much about the walking part and more about the time alone reflecting and observing your ego etc. so I'd assume that's what you'd be doing? Do you want to avoid all people as well? Are you going to explore the woods?

Just curious as to what your plan is. I know that if I went on a walk I'd visit interesting places that I knew about prior to going on the trip. These places would all be natural, I might add.

Any more details?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
After some research, it's looking like the drugs alone are gonna cost upwards of $450. I may have to reconsider the whole oz thing. That's a lot of dough and I need to buy a tent and a pack too, which has to be at least $200.


Well-Known Member
In response to friedday...

I haven't shroomed before, but I will at least a few times mildly before I go off into the woods. As for scavenging, I doubt I'll hunt. Maybe fish. Hopefully I can do the whole freeganism thing and get food out of dumpsters. I plan to avoid towns as much as possible, but I'm gonna have to at least communicate with friends and family, so I'm thinking electricity is going to be necessary sometimes. What I'm hoping for is that I can grab a day or 4's worth of food each time I'm in town so that I down have to go in often. One of my main concerns is being picked up as a drifter, so I'm avoiding public as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
Jesus hiking gear is expensive. I doubt I can go on the trip for less than 1000 dollars... ugh. No clue how I'll come up with that kind of cash, but I guess I'll have to see.


Well-Known Member
That's the wrong attitude to have. I'm sure you can make 1,000 in the next 6 months if you really try...hell even if you don't REALLY try, just try a little and you will


Well-Known Member
Yeah, actually you guys are right. I might buy just the pack new, it's a pretty important part. Maybe I'll just get a cheapo walmart tent, it'd probably suffice as long as it keeps me dry. I'll be sleeping under the stars as much as possible anyway.


Yeah, actually you guys are right. I might buy just the pack new, it's a pretty important part. Maybe I'll just get a cheapo walmart tent, it'd probably suffice as long as it keeps me dry. I'll be sleeping under the stars as much as possible anyway.

see above.... ARMY SURPLUS!!! they have some fucking GREAT gear, at some really good prices.... and when you're picking out shit, keep it a military mind.... KISS (like no big ole guitar to lug around ;) )


Active Member
man this has been my dream for the longest time, just trip out on peyote or something in the desert for one hell of a spiritual journey or travel and just experience. When I get nice and old, or save enough cash I hope to retire in the far north and live on a lake and live off the land and be free from civilization type shit. anyways props to you man good luck, make it happen haha

God Dam

good answer! hahaha.....ok.
as a younger "kid" i took shrooms and lsd quite a few times.
i do have to say that did something to me. i did good! it really opened up my mind.
i don't do that anymore but had alot of fun. i would suggest you shroom at your home the first time.
then, plan a short camping trip out in the woods and shroom there for a day or two before you venture out
to the unknown. just my advice. since those days i take trips out to moab utah and page arizona (without doing drugs for a week) and
its a trip. that is the only way i can go without weed. (going out to the desert). it is truly an awesome place. hiking out in canyonlands national park.
looking at petrified dinasour (sp) footprints, native american rock art. it will blow your mind. good luck on your lifes journey. i wish you luck. just wanted to say go for it but
try the shrooms first. when you said you did not do them ever, and i read your "plan" i envisioned you all f*cked up on shrooms and getting picked up by the cops or something.
peace and good luck!