- New Wave T5 Sun System (8 Bulb)(Currently 6 blue 2 reds)- (2) 2 speed oscillating fans
- (2) 12 inch air stones
- Dual Output Air Pump
- 140 GPH Water Pump
- 2'7 by 2'7 by 5'3 Homebox Grow Tent (white interior)
- Hydroton Rocks
- 8 Dripper (2 on each of the 4 plants)
- Aquarium Heater (75 degree max)
- CNS-17 Grow ( Using Now)- Humex ( Using Now)
- Seaplex (Using Now)
- CNS-17 Bloom ( Using Later)
Ph- 6.5, PPM-320, Temp in Res- 71
A day after buying and transplanting these clones, i notices some shriveled up plants or it seemed like they were a little, i figured that may have been from wind burn, moved the fans as a result. I know that my PPM is also a bit high for clones but i'm hoping they will adjust just fine. ALL FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED![/B]