

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, i got a new plant that germinate and had a promblem with 2 that never cracked after 10 days, but the one that did start to stretch, so i changed the light and put it next to it, well than it started growing sideways and was wandering if there is anything else i can do. I was thinking of sticking in net cup and bareing it some only the upper part is exposed and up near the light while it grows. Just wander if anybody else has a suggestion out there. I got it window seal as i thre out but picked it out the garabage before work today. So I figure if you all had some suggestions.



Hey there! i myself have recently just started and went through exactly what your going through! Let me give you the newbie advice that works!! Go buy a desktop lamp and get a twin socket adapter and get the correct lights (assuming your using cfl?) BUT.. put the light RIGHT OVER TOP of it (1-2 inches) it cannot burn though (put your hand between plant to test). IFF it continues to stretch what i did was replant it covering the stem halfway up and then it grew stronger and buda bing! you have yourself a healthy plant! Good luck !


Well-Known Member
plants grow toward the light if you had a light on that side of the plant, thats what happened, planting into a bigger container will help straighten it up


Well-Known Member
Hey there! i myself have recently just started and went through exactly what your going through! Let me give you the newbie advice that works!! Go buy a desktop lamp and get a twin socket adapter and get the correct lights (assuming your using cfl?) BUT.. put the light RIGHT OVER TOP of it (1-2 inches) it cannot burn though (put your hand between plant to test). IFF it continues to stretch what i did was replant it covering the stem halfway up and then it grew stronger and buda bing! you have yourself a healthy plant! Good luck !
Yea, I had it real close, was 2' long cfl with dual 55watt bulbs, When i did that i guess the stem was not enough strength and it starting curling to the left/right. I will bury into a net pot wheer about 3/4 of the stem in covered and try.

I jsut want to explore my options and see what other suggestions might be out there.


Well-Known Member
Twice a day, you should lightly "ping" the baby stalk with your finger. This won't cure your stretch, but it will encourage the stalk to strengthen itself. Not too rough, just enough to stress it slightly and make it realize it's getting too tall.

Put a fan on low (about 4ft away) and bring the light to within 2", like everyone else said.


Well-Known Member
Twice a day, you should lightly "ping" the baby stalk with your finger. This won't cure your stretch, but it will encourage the stalk to strengthen itself. Not too rough, just enough to stress it slightly and make it realize it's getting too tall.

Put a fan on low (about 4ft away) and bring the light to within 2", like everyone else said.
Yea, that what i did, got it resting now right 1-2"below cfl in a small cab i got with fan blowing in there. And put it in net pot and got about 1/2 the stalk in case, and been trying to slowly bend it striaght, so we will see, thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Yep, it needs more light. Also, it didn't bend because the stem was too weak, it bent because the strongest light was off to the side, and it's reaching for it. Add a fan too, as recommended. :)


Well-Known Member
Yep, it needs more light. Also, it didn't bend because the stem was too weak, it bent because the strongest light was off to the side, and it's reaching for it. Add a fan too, as recommended. :)
yea i have a fan in there now blowing towards the back top of the cab and than it reflecting off it towards my o ne survior. Its jsut weird my other plants (pepper plants also) all did good but this one, kind of weird.

Have to wait and see as it the only La ConfxSkunk that has made it.