First grow, help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3693083]Nice and green :mrgreen:[/QUOTE]
Yeah she is really healthy now. I wont go full power yet. I will wait til she is a little bigger. I also just notice that the waterlogged soil grew a node and opened over night so that is good.

I have been reading up on hempy buckets. I am either gonna try a hempy bucket on my next grow or buy one of the GH water farm buckets. I already started germinating a couple more seeds but they will be in soil. I am hoping to harvest a plant every month at least. I have 1 northern light seedling but not fem so i decided to increase my odds by germing another and a blue mystic too. I hope i get at least 1 fem but if all are then sweet. On my next grow I am gonna do a Lowryder fem and 2 wonder woman seeds. I have an old fridge and may make it into a veg box heh. Baaah stoned and rambling sorry. lol If anyone is interested in what I have to say then please reply and then I willl ramble on again. lmao


Well-Known Member
SO I was a little busy yesterday. I went a little crazy with some snips and lollipopped the wet dog. heh I tell you what(too much King of the Hill), I think it likes it. I cut off all her lower fan leaves, which were dieing and drieing, and left the new growth. It kinda looks like a furry dog after a hair cut but I am getting used to it. The new growth is opened up and just since yesterday it looks like it doubled. I have not snipped my girl in the ag so don't worry. heh However, I do move lots of fan leaves and branches around because the branches keep getting growing into the fan leaves. I will try and post a few pics this afternoon.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3703207]Plants looks good man, keep us posted[/QUOTE]
Thanks SICC. I have no life so all I do is post, oh wait that's my life. lol ..........And my lil girl.


Well-Known Member
now there is a huge difference in the ag and the dirt. sorry for not knowin all the new school lingo like "hempy" but if your talkin bout the bucket with a big airstone down in the water then i would say go for it, they are very easy to maintain. With a ph/tds meter it will be very easy to get right. i was thinkin about a bubble bucket myself but just to test with, i just wanna see the difference between dirt an dro with my own eyes/strains. i also wanna see if there really is a taste issue with water.

now in my own opinion , i believe that any kind of pruning after the first week of flower will slow down the process. I have been pruning for years and i even beat the shit outta my girls, sometimes. (HST high stress training :bigjoint:) but i only do that in veg, if i prune anything after 1st week of flower then it seems to slow down the process. (always pluck the dead shit off or any leaves with 50% or more damage.)
i have seen monster nugs on the bottom of plants, so its not always about getting more light down there. the right enviroment is always better then a ton of light, although a ton of light with the right enviroment is very nice.



Well-Known Member
Thanks SICC. I have no life so all I do is post, oh wait that's my life. lol ..........And my lil girl.
no big deal :bigjoint:
if your real bored go read up on the "soil food web" and microorganisms and that will help you to understand soil alot better. I have hundreds of hours reading myself. (everyone is a newb in one way or another)
thats a very long an confusing subject!
(between that, this, my babies , my electrical work, and the 911 thread, thats ALL my time.....bongsmilie)



Well-Known Member
Your first set of pics on page 1....Thats some nice looking Sage and Looks great so far!! so far!!
The sage was a boy but this female oregano smell great. I can't wait to have some on a pizza.

Wyteboi said:
wyteboi now there is a huge difference in the ag and the dirt. sorry for not knowin all the new school lingo like "hempy" but if your talkin bout the bucket with a big airstone down in the water then i would say go for it, they are very easy to maintain. With a ph/tds meter it will be very easy to get right. i was thinkin about a bubble bucket myself but just to test with, i just wanna see the difference between dirt an dro with my own eyes/strains. i also wanna see if there really is a taste issue with water.

now in my own opinion , i believe that any kind of pruning after the first week of flower will slow down the process. I have been pruning for years and i even beat the shit outta my girls, sometimes. (HST high stress training :bigjoint:) but i only do that in veg, if i prune anything after 1st week of flower then it seems to slow down the process. (always pluck the dead shit off or any leaves with 50% or more damage.)
i have seen monster nugs on the bottom of plants, so its not always about getting more light down there. the right enviroment is always better then a ton of light, although a ton of light with the right enviroment is very nice.
I am still a newb so I did some pruning to see what happens. If it gets slowed down then oh well, it is already stunted from being flooded. heh It is growing at about the same rate so i think it is ok. I didn't cut off branches only dead or dieing fan leaves. I left a couple on at the top which seem to be dieing too.

A hempy bucket is different than a bubble bucket. It is really basic hydro. A bucket with a hole 2 inches from the bottom, for drainage and air, and filled with perlite or some other soil-less medium. Water daily and that is it, very basic. But a bubble bucket sounds good too. Check out this link.

I read tons too online and books. My wife gets mad because I am always online or have my face in a book. lol But I am never really bored. I have a little one and she keeps me on my toes.


Well-Known Member
A couple of pics from today just before their bed time.
pic 1 AG Short Rider with her buds growing in.
pic 2 cola forming
pic 3 dry as a desert and shaped like a cactus
I am scared to water her. I have a soil meter and it says it is dry but I will give it 1 more day. But lots of growth.
pic 4 nirvana northern light seedling 12/12 from seed
pic 5-6 Undergrowth and buds growing up to the light.



Well-Known Member
lookin great man like that 1st pic !!! keep up the good work!!!!:) i just posted new pics check em out when u get time !!!


Well-Known Member
That scary clown dude jinxed me. My bitches are looking sad and droopy today. I hope they perk up. It may be because it was chilly last night and got below 70 in their tent. I notice new growth on the ag, her buds are reaching from underneath the canopy. Oh well only time will tell. Most of their life they were droopy anyways. llol


Well-Known Member
OK I checked the pH and it was low, about 5. So I mixed up a batch at 50% power and changed the res. The pH is 6 now. I will check it later to see if it goes down again. If it keeps going down I will just water with bottled water which is about 6.5 to correct it. Oh yeah took a couple pics too.



Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3711394]She looks really good man, nice and healthy

how tall is she now?[/QUOTE]

She is standing at about 23 inches now. She has buds popping up everywhere.


Well-Known Member
I woke up to an email from Nirvana today. My seed freebies were supposed to be shipped separately from the germ kit. Alice said she is not sure if the freebies were ever shipped so she is shipping some out to me today. Nirvana is ok in my book. heh

I broke down and watered the cactus today. It has been 12 days since I flooded her. I used some nestles pure life water. I didn't check the pH but I have a couple times before and it is about 6.5. With my luck it will be a bad bottle or something. lol But she is definitely growing again. I am hoping the water makes her explode. I have 2 Northern light seedling babies (12/12 from seed) and still waiting on the Blue Mystic to pop. The AG is still growing good and buds are forming all over. She is drinking over a quart a day now. I add water in the morning and at night. No pics today but in a couple days I will post some more.


Well-Known Member
as much as you may read it, you do not need to ph the water going into dirt. The dirt will buffer the ph to whatever the dirt wants it to be. (and you cannot get a accurate reading from "runoff" either) Alot of folks will argue with me over the ph thing but i have the science and experience/experiments to back it. The only way to tell if she needs water is the wieght of the pot. Try your best to remember the weight of the pot when it was bone dry , an then when its that light again it needs water. (as green as she is i would not use any food yet, plus u just repoted so it should have plenty of food for 3 or 4 more waterings maybe more)
That AG is fuckin beautiful ! if this is your first grow then fuck, you cant tell !


Well-Known Member
as much as you may read it, you do not need to ph the water going into dirt. The dirt will buffer the ph to whatever the dirt wants it to be. (and you cannot get a accurate reading from "runoff" either) Alot of folks will argue with me over the ph thing but i have the science and experience/experiments to back it. The only way to tell if she needs water is the wieght of the pot. Try your best to remember the weight of the pot when it was bone dry , an then when its that light again it needs water. (as green as she is i would not use any food yet, plus u just repoted so it should have plenty of food for 3 or 4 more waterings maybe more)
That AG is fuckin beautiful ! if this is your first grow then fuck, you cant tell !
Thanks,Recipe for success is pretty good for $30.

On the meter I have it says to test soil pH take off the top 2 inches of soil and muddy it up and then stick the meter in for pH. I have read that tap water is best for soil instead of distilled. I have well water and I heard it is bad because of the salt from my softener. So I use bottle spring water for soil and distilled for hydro. I have a RO system but my well water is so hard after it goes through the RO it is still about 140ppm but I may need a new membrane because it is an older RO system.

What type of water do use?

p.s. the pH of my well water is almost 8 so it would definitely need to be pHed before using. And it smells like eggfarts mixed with lit matches before it is treated. heh


Well-Known Member
A ph of 8 is not high enough to add anything to it. (in dirt) Like i said before your dirt will buffer it to the same thing whether its 4.0 or 9.0. If you take a cup and fill it halfway with your dirt and halfway with your water/food and let it sit for an hour , then dump the water out and test it you will see what i am talking about. (it not the most accurate test either but a lil better then sticking the meter in muddy water from the top 2 inches)
I have always used tap water for soil until i started having problems related to something else and i changed everything in that process. So i have never had any problems from tap that i know of. I know plants love well water (yes the softner is bad) but it also depends on the well too. I use a ro filter now , but only because i already bought it. If you wanna really have control of things then i would say stick with the ro water. 140ppm yea you need a new membrane and carbon , but 140 is not that bad at all so thats probably your best option.


Well-Known Member
A ph of 8 is not high enough to add anything to it. (in dirt) Like i said before your dirt will buffer it to the same thing whether its 4.0 or 9.0. If you take a cup and fill it halfway with your dirt and halfway with your water/food and let it sit for an hour , then dump the water out and test it you will see what i am talking about. (it not the most accurate test either but a lil better then sticking the meter in muddy water from the top 2 inches)
I have always used tap water for soil until i started having problems related to something else and i changed everything in that process. So i have never had any problems from tap that i know of. I know plants love well water (yes the softner is bad) but it also depends on the well too. I use a ro filter now , but only because i already bought it. If you wanna really have control of things then i would say stick with the ro water. 140ppm yea you need a new membrane and carbon , but 140 is not that bad at all so thats probably your best option.
My water guy said 140 isn't bad considering my well is over 500. It is a 3 filter system and 2 out of 3 are new. It is about the same to get a new ro as it is to replace the older membrane. SO I am just holding off til I have to replace the whole system. I just buy water because I don't know about this swamp water where I live. heh