What soil worked to get the best out of your plant?


Well-Known Member
Plenty of questions about it.

I have used topsoil, old potting soil, compost, and a mix of them.

old potting soil=crap

50% compost
25% wormcastings
15% coarse sand
10% perlite

Good water retention, does not compact, soft airation, wont burn plants, and very cheap to make.


Well-Known Member
Did a comparison grow with clones from the same mother (so can't blame genetics)

FF OF soil
MG Moisture control

MG did the best (by about 5%) plus saved the cost of nutes. (don't use nutes with MG soil, biggest mistake and reason why people blame MG soil for *their* failures)


Well-Known Member
Canna terra professional plus
dirty worm pro
fox farm ocean forrest

what about sunshine Mix#4 isnt that as good as promix? pretty much the same thing rigth? they have both at my local grow shop i got sunshine mix4 just because i heard it was great for a soilless mix with good airation.


Well-Known Member
i havent ried ffof... ff products are hard to find around here, and the one store that carries them is also the single hydro store in my area, so there prices are off the charts.

i have used mg moisture control, with a very limited success.... would go from nute burn to starving plants to nute burn, about every 2-3 weeks. it may have been strain related though.

the best results i have gotten in soil would be with mg organic potting mix, with a handfull of bloodmeal mixed in for extra N. however i noticed that some strains need a lil bloom booster at the end of the cycle, next round i will mix in some bonemeal when i flip to flower, and see if that improves the final product, taste and smoke and bag appeal were awesome, it just seemed that they were lacking in potency. the organic potting mix holds a shit ton of water like coca based mediums though, you have to be careful to avoid overwatering


Well-Known Member
So there you have it. Its settled. We all agree that we dont agree. I hope that makes things easier.

Seriously, as you can see there are many different opinions and we all like the results we get. May you find your mix and grow the most beautiful plants you can.