are you a free thinker?

Big P

Well-Known Member
are you a free thinker?

put on glen becks show at 5 pm

start now, its on now. watch a segment and tell me what you think

its on fox news channel but remeber this is for free thinkers its an amazing show today.


Well-Known Member
Ever since I saw him do an interview with a NORML leader I can't look at him the same.

Sorry to all you glen beck fans, but that interview made him look like the most ignorant sob there is.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Ever since I saw him do an interview with a NORML leader I can't look at him the same.

Sorry to all you glen beck fans, but that interview made him look like the most ignorant sob there is.

i hated him for that too i used to hate him

put it on its a lot different now


Well-Known Member
Glenn was really good on the radio. Then I saw his show and found I didn't care for him as much. I'm a republican. I prefer O'Reilly cause he takes it to whomever. Hannity has mellowed a bit now that he's got his own show. But Beck is just alright. He certainly is entertaining.

One thing is certain. Left wing media is at it's lowest point ever. The bottom does not appear to be in sight. Radio and liberal print media is just flat out dead.

I prefer Dennis Prager on AM radio. As he would say "I prefer clarity over agreement." He's a brilliant man and very fair.


Well-Known Member
While Glenn and I disagree on a few things, overall his message is clear.

I suggest the book, Arguing with Idiots... I have the audio book and listened to it on a long road trip, some real eye opening stuff for those less up-to-date on our current situation in America and also past events.


Well-Known Member
alright just because I dont like to rag on people before I understand where they are coming from, I will watch one of his shows. but based on literally everything I have ever heard from or about him, he is like the biggest cry baby retarded tool I have ever seen in my life. but I'll double check... just for you haha


Well-Known Member
alright just because I dont like to rag on people before I understand where they are coming from, I will watch one of his shows. but based on literally everything I have ever heard from or about him, he is like the biggest cry baby retarded tool I have ever seen in my life. but I'll double check... just for you haha

As I mentioned in my post, I would definitely suggest getting the book or audiobook of Arguing with Idiots before watching any of his shows, I haven't seen but maybe 4-5 minutes of his shows, but I loved his book.