Leaves Curling Upwards - Photos


Active Member
I'd love it if anyone could help me figure out what's happening to my girls. I have tried to provide as much info & photos as I can. Sorry its a bit of a ramble

Strain - Purple Kush - Cloned
Medium - Coco & perlite
Growth Stage - I have 4 generations, each 3 weeks apart the oldest of which photographed here are about 12 weeks from clone. All have recently been affected by this leaf curl problem.
Feeding - Mild flowering mix of Advanced nutrients grow/micro/bloom combo. Plus a cal mag suppliment.

What shocked me is that this problem has hit all my vegging plants at once, making me think its possibly environmental rather than feeding related, since I feed them diferent mixes according to age. I have had the same room set up for months so I know its not heat/light proximity related.

I have dealing with a fungus gnat problem & one suspicion I have is that I doktor doomed (bug bombed) the room a week ago, and I also repainted the room with a antifungal paint. Is it possible that the fumes from these treatments have choked up the new delicate growth, anyone encountered anything similar? I have used doktor doom before & didnt have any problems, however I did use it when the lights were on & that might have caused the problem?

I feel really stupid if I caused this myself by trying to treat the gnats, which on their own probally wouldnt have caused this much damage!! :wall:

The leafs are still soft to the touch, but new grow seems to still be curling, I have given them a foliar spray with some epsom salts & a light micro nutrient mix. Any suggestions for anything else I could do to help mend them, either root feeding or foliar spray?

I really appreciate any help, you all rule!!



Well-Known Member
That's not upward leaf curl, it's called zippering, at least to MY knowledge. The most likely culprit for what you're experiencing is a little too much heat at the tops of the plants. Aren't most purple strains more conducive to cold temperatures? I don't have enough personal experience with them to say one way or another, but I've heard that is sometimes part of it. I say, back that light off a little and see what happens after that. You can't go wrong with giving your plants a milder environment just to see what happens. Also, back off on the nutes a little, or use a fulvic additive in order to help them suck up the nutes they may not be sucking up given their current situation. You may not need the additional Cal Mag you're giving them, and this also could be part of the problem. Go by the feed schedule, check your pH, and you should be good. I would do a flush just to be sure of your starting point as well. Best of luck.



Active Member
Thanks guys for the feedback, I don't think it's heat at the plant tops (bulb proximity) though, as you can see on the last photo its effecting all new growth, even the lower stuff (check out the bottom right of photo). However it can never hurt to raise lights & flush, I normally waste 3 days on hoping it will fix itself before taking firm action, ahhh I'm stupid!

@Mcgician I don't have any fulvic additive at the moment, but I do have DIAMOND NECTAR from general hydro, a humic suppliment. Would this be of any use? The bit of reading I have done on this has left me confused as to the difference in these two supplements!
ok from something i read awhile back, diamond nectar is fulvic acid im pretty sure, but someone with ore experience could correct me, or google it


That's not upward leaf curl, it's called zippering, at least to MY knowledge. The most likely culprit for what you're experiencing is a little too much heat at the tops of the plants. Aren't most purple strains more conducive to cold temperatures? I don't have enough personal experience with them to say one way or another, but I've heard that is sometimes part of it. I say, back that light off a little and see what happens after that. You can't go wrong with giving your plants a milder environment just to see what happens. Also, back off on the nutes a little, or use a fulvic additive in order to help them suck up the nutes they may not be sucking up given their current situation. You may not need the additional Cal Mag you're giving them, and this also could be part of the problem. Go by the feed schedule, check your pH, and you should be good. I would do a flush just to be sure of your starting point as well. Best of luck.


Sounds like the right RX to me.

+rep to you, man.

This is info you should post on every board...really, seems so simple, but you forget the basics when you're deep in a grow and attached to your plants once they start growing...



Well-Known Member
Yeah that diamond nectar will help promote more micronutrient intake for your plant which I think is the problem. I'm not entirely sure what micronutrient deficiency the particular case is, but I'm sure you using that stuff will help quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
fairly sure like he said to much heat
He said, "Thanks guys for the feedback, I don't think it's heat at the plant tops (bulb proximity) though, as you can see on the last photo its effecting all new growth, even the lower stuff (check out the bottom right of photo). However it can never hurt to raise lights & flush, I normally waste 3 days on hoping it will fix itself before taking firm action, ahhh I'm stupid!" So are you sure?


Active Member
Hey guys, this kind of thing is can be caused by anything making your plants transpire a lot, not just heat. So if you have a lot of wind blowing on your plants this can happen as well as having very low humidity levels, and of course high heat levels. So check your grow room and see if you have a decent amount of wind constantly blowing on them or if the humidity levels are really low, if either of those is true then that is also a possible problem.


I'd love it if anyone could help me figure out what's happening to my girls. I have tried to provide as much info & photos as I can. Sorry its a bit of a ramble

Strain - Purple Kush - Cloned
Medium - Coco & perlite
Growth Stage - I have 4 generations, each 3 weeks apart the oldest of which photographed here are about 12 weeks from clone. All have recently been affected by this leaf curl problem.
Feeding - Mild flowering mix of Advanced nutrients grow/micro/bloom combo. Plus a cal mag suppliment.

What shocked me is that this problem has hit all my vegging plants at once, making me think its possibly environmental rather than feeding related, since I feed them diferent mixes according to age. I have had the same room set up for months so I know its not heat/light proximity related.

I have dealing with a fungus gnat problem & one suspicion I have is that I doktor doomed (bug bombed) the room a week ago, and I also repainted the room with a antifungal paint. Is it possible that the fumes from these treatments have choked up the new delicate growth, anyone encountered anything similar? I have used doktor doom before & didnt have any problems, however I did use it when the lights were on & that might have caused the problem?

I feel really stupid if I caused this myself by trying to treat the gnats, which on their own probally wouldnt have caused this much damage!! :wall:

The leafs are still soft to the touch, but new grow seems to still be curling, I have given them a foliar spray with some epsom salts & a light micro nutrient mix. Any suggestions for anything else I could do to help mend them, either root feeding or foliar spray?

I really appreciate any help, you all rule!!

Did you ever get a solution to this problem? Im having the same issue EXACTLY. New room. Same temps. But lights are closer. Im wondering if this was your problem???
Thank you!