My First Grow almost 4 weeks in :( ?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about posting a grow journal but I will post what I've done so far.

Basically they had been in those red party cups up until yesterday (was and still is 2 parts FF Ocean forest per 1 part perlite) I was using a small digital scale to weigh them so I would know when they got close to their dry weight and needed water (every 3 days), and I would water them until they were double their dry weight (which was basically when they would start leaking the water out the bottom a bunch). I have been using untested distilled water. After awhile they wouldn't hold as much water and lost their weight quickly so I was advised to start soaking. Gave them 1/4 strength Grow Big watering once, they've been watered twice since then (the most recent was yesterday a couple hours before they were transplanted into the bigger pots). The biggest plant on the left I have removed its 2 lowest sets of leafs because they dried and yellowed and had some black spots coming in (don't believe they were bugs looked more like some kind of bruise). The one plant the lights leaned over and made contact with the top for an hour or 2 a couple days ago. Yesterday i went to the store and got a water ppm/ec/temp pen, pH up/down, Super Thrive, a cheap soil pH stick thing and one that was a moisture meter (which reads dry the same day as a watering so I think that is broke), an analog rh meter, and vial/drip liquid pH test kit. I tested the distilled water and it was only around 5.75 pH (if i did that test right...), and according to the 8$ soil pH testing thing the pH of the soil was just under 6.5. I have always given each of the plants the same treatment. They have been growing in a mrgrowpro pc grow box (4 24w 6500k cfls) have kept them between 1-2 inches off the tops. I give each a turn just behind the intake fans, rotate them in place, etc. Given them all the same amount of water and everything. The seeds were supposed to be bag seed from decent/good stuff and I tried to pick seeds that looked the same. The biggest popped first, sprouted first, etc. Then the 2nd biggest, and then the smallest. In this picture its 1 on the left/alma, 3 in the middle/Abby, and the 2nd biggest/oldest on the right. The ball shaped one has always looked like that, and the lowest pair of leafs have only started yellowing on the 2 smaller plants for a couple days (the big one has had problems for a week and a half.

So basically I am wondering what the heck is going on! Am I over watering? No watering enough? Need to fert more? Feed Super Thrive every watering? I can't figure out what is going wrong because each one is reacting so differently to the same conditions. The biggest is droopy and apparently had some kind of infection or fungus, the 2nd largest is spread out but leaves are curled in at the edges a bit (has been that way for about a week but hasn't really gotten worse (but not better either), and the smallest is a freaking fist of leafs. Please I need some help guys, I am growing these for my aunt. She has had leukemia, breast cancer, chemo, etc. Takes lots of hard pain killers that don't work well, barely eats, etc. Its perfect for her and she tried it recently in Britain and it worked wonders. This is for her, thanks for any advice!

12/28/09 began paper towel germination sometime around 6?
12/29/09 planted 2 popped seeds in the morning, added them to tower with light*one was definitely ahead of the other
12/30/09 planted 2 more seeds, added to tower with light following Friday
1/03/10 added water to the only seed that hasn't sprouted above ground yet, looks like tap root dried up crisp and green? Gave everyone a spray in the evening, 3rd seed has risen out of the soil
1/04/10 3 seeds seem to be doing fine and have sprouted out well, 3rd/latest is still unfolding first leaves?, 4th probably dead
1/05/10 added dirt to Alma to make her cup more like the others and watered each to the same weight, will adjust dirt levels to the same as possible on each later on, Abby looks like she might have some sort of problem, otherwise everyone looks good this morning, little growth
1/08/10 added dirt to Berri to make all the cups more even
1/12/10 I waited an extra day to water this time and it took a lot more effort to get them up to almost double the dry weight (faster draining). Abby's 2nd pair of new leafs are coming in far more slowly than they did for Alma and Berri. However Berri's 2nd set seems to have come in faster than Alma's had (even though in overall size she is a couple days behind). This leads me to believe that they may each be a different strain. Inspecting Berri while weighing her for the second time today, I can tell she is developing differently than Alma had (could being under one of the bulbs instead of half way between 2 have made this difference?) she seems to be shooting off more leafs before her first couple pairs have even grown to a fair size, where as Alma had her first 2 pairs of leafs grow fairly large before she started to rapidly start new ones. Even Abby with her small leafs seems to be branching off more at once, though she is as small as Alma was on her 4th day (she is branching off in a way that Alma didn't until her 7th or 8th day). So I am almost certain that there are at least 2 different strains in here, unless Abby is somehow a runt and not a 3rd strain.
1/13/10 Alma's round baby leafs seem to be fading away, they are turning a yellowish color. But everything else is fine and at some point this is supposed to happen anyway. Got back from work and Alma's little problem doesn't seem to be any worse, although her baby leafs are definitely farther gone (not a problem).
1/14/10 Alma's problem doesn't appear to be spreading or have gotten significantly worse. Berri is definitely not growing up as much as Alma has for how many leafs shes spreading out (Berri is quite flat topped but shooting leafs in many directions). Abby seems to be shooting of her 3rd and 4th pairs before her 2nd have even unfolded completely (let alone gotten as large as Alma and Berri's had before they shot off 3rd and 4th pairs).
1/15/10 Alma's first pair of leaves with the dieing tip parts, the whole pair of those 2 leaves is starting to yellow/fade in color compared to the rest. Perhaps I waited too long to water everyone, solid drains super fast now. Berri's baby leafs are quite yellow this morning, don't recall them seeming yellow last night. Experienced grower says I need to start applying nutes and should upgrade to a bigger pot size.
1/17/10 Soaked Alma in a pot with 8 cups of water and an 1/8th teaspoon of grow big, watered Berri and Abby with the leftover water to a more regular watered weight
1/24/10 Combination of bulbs leaning down one way and Berri growing over night grew up and touched the bulbs, now has some brown spots on leafs, looks more like paint than burn marks. Evening- burns don't appear to be changing, lower pair of leafs on all plants (2 on alma) still yellowing, not much worse. Forum help suspects there may be a pH problem or too much humidity.
1/25/10 Soaking with untested plain distilled water, gently pulled the lowest dead leafs off of alma. Transplanted each into bigger containers 4 hours after being watered

Alma is in the lead, Berri appears to be about 2 days behind Alma, and then Abby is 2 days behind Berri and 4 days behind Alma


Active Member
a real grower can just look at ur plant and tell you wut u need without reading ur description.

IMHO. ur plant look horrible.

and IMHO your thinkin too much. this is not rocket science what the fuk u been doing???

let's turn it down a bit.

stick with the basic and ur plant will be successful.

no more nutes. transplant into a bigger pot. make sure the dirt is wet on the bigger pot and drain throughly before you transplant. do not water for least 5 days. until the left start going up. and no more nutes till 2-3 weeks later.


Agree with ya Bosson26. The plants look like overwatered but the top of the pot looks dry. I think drainage issues and as u suggested a bigger pot would help but he had theses goining in 1" of dirt in plastic cups. The roots are prob all tied up.
Let them go for another week or 2 using just water. Let them dry out a bit more between waterings.
blosson lol lol anyways my plants look like shit to dude i wish you all the best also i started mine about 11 days earlyer than you and i got them in 3 gallon pots although mine seem alot bigger buy a 600 hps/mh set up should speed things up a bit.


Well-Known Member
I had them growing in a mostly full party red cup of soil (more than an inch for sure). I just transplanted to bigger pots, these are the biggest I can have as long as they are going to be in the pc grow box (hopefully moving up to a tent soon). Do I really not water that often? When they were in their party red cups they lost all their water weight in 3 days and an experienced grower advised me that was not good.


Well-Known Member
Get them into bigger pots and lay off the water. Don't weigh the damn containers, put your finger in 3 inches of the medium, and if it's dry, you should probably water them, and then LEAVE THEM ALONE! Plants will take care of the rest.


Well-Known Member
Man I just find it so hard to believe they can go that long without water. If all the water is used up in 3 days how can they go 2 days without any water? I thought that 5 day thing was for soil mixes that didn't drain very well. This is just 2 parts Ocean forest per 1 part perlite, seems to be airy and drain pretty quick


Well-Known Member
The numbers is just their weight in grams at the recorded time. I figured that if I weighed them dry, then watered, and then in between, that it would be easy to predict when they would need water. They always seemed to get within 5-10 grams of their dry weight every 3 days so I figured that since all the apparent water weight was gone that meant they needed more because there wasn't any left


Well-Known Member
The numbers is just their weight in grams at the recorded time. I figured that if I weighed them dry, then watered, and then in between, that it would be easy to predict when they would need water. They always seemed to get within 5-10 grams of their dry weight every 3 days so I figured that since all the apparent water weight was gone that meant they needed more because there wasn't any left
that is completly unnecessary. btw they dont look terrible^.


Well-Known Member
Ok. There are two types of droopy leaves. Thirsty leaves are brittle and light and droopy. Over watered leaves are soggy and somewhat thick.


Well-Known Member
Ok. There are two types of droopy leaves. Thirsty leaves are brittle and light and droopy. Over watered leaves are soggy and somewhat thick.
Thanks that was actually some helpful information. The leaves haven't ever been soggy, and they were only droopy like this after the first week and a half or so (showed most in the biggest plant, the ball shaped one never really acted this way, and the other didn't get droopy like that for the first 2.5 weeks.

Yesterday at almost noon I mixed up a gallon jug of distilled water with 1/4 teaspoon of SUPERthrive and 1/2 a teaspoon of growbig, then balanced the pH to 6.5 and fed the whole jug to each plant equally in increments of about 1.5 cups (i think).

I don't know which is a bigger factor, upgrading to this size pot several days ago, or the feeding yesterday, but the leafs are perking up again! I will get a picture in several; hours for when it has been 24 hours (so I could have 2 good pictures for that comparison). The leaves that had been yellowing don't seem to have gotten there color back at all (can they ever?), but I suppose its good that the higher up sets are perking up again.


its true.. you are thinking about and messing with yout plants way too much. they don't look all that bad though. they want to grow. i wouldnt transplant into fullsize pots until sex is determined.

you may want to try canna brand terra nutrience. a good combination of canna vega, rhizotonic, and cannazym for the first couple weeks then flores, rhizo, and cannazym for the next few weeks is impressive. way better than any other nutrience ive experienced.

also do you have a thermometer/humidity meter? it looks like the temp/humidity may be off..


Well-Known Member
Ok so here we go. Pictures 26 and 27 were the 3rd and 4th days in their new pots. The 3rd picture was just before noon right after their first real watering in their new pots, plus their first dose of SuperThrive and 1/2 strength Growbig. The last picture is 24 hours after said treatment, definitely and improvement! The lighting makes it seem like all the leafs are losing their nice shade of green but that isn't true. I haven't seen any improvement in how some leafs were curled in at the edges a little, but eh? Alma was so uplifted that I can't put her in the back of the case anymore because the tips of her leafs will touch the spinning fan blades. Also now her tiny little new leafs that didn't get much sun near the bottom with all the big leafs up top laying down, can get sun (although the leafs that were in the way are yellowing while the baby leafs below them are fine *not the ones she was born with)


Well-Known Member
Ok man. Here's the deal: for plants that size, you do not need to give them more nutrients than what is already provided in the soil. LAY OFF THE SUPERTHRIVE AND GROW NUTES. Those plants look like they have too much nitrogen now. When you water for the next few weeks, just give them water. No nutes, just water.