FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}


Active Member
just read through your whole thread, very nice!
im so glad to see you managed to take care of the root problem and get it back to health. great job, subed


Well-Known Member
felt like posting thiz pik....

ALSO, about the DWC bucket,the honey es doesnt do so good in dwc, at least not anything over a ML of it. but i threw in sum Fox farms BB (7 ML) and a lil fox farms GB (3 ML), she (hopefully she) is starting to make new root, it looks like its making a WEAPON hahaha all spikey and shit. but yea goin good other than thet, i like hydro.
looking good bro what size light is that on the right 150 hps ?


Well-Known Member
SICC!? would 12-16 ounze beer cups do fer the clippings im gunna be taking off it, to use ALL the way throo the grow, flower and all??.....heres da pik, its a T-12 'day light' Dual floro-tube.....

PS~I raised the 150 up about 4 inches and i switched to a 18/6 hour schedule,
anything eles i can do to get it to stretch out a lil bit more??
the nodes r REAL close right now, maybe too close im thinkin mayb??

Yea the clipping will be fine, you seen my grow, you can get good sized plants in them cups, I would of got an ounce off my last plant if i didnt test so much of it, and the deficiency in the beginning of flower

I would just raise the light, im doing that with my plant no to get them to stretch, well mostly the SK, the nodes ae too close, which seems weird haha that should ne a good thing ;)


Well-Known Member
looking good bro what size light is that on the right 150 hps ?
yea its a 150 watt hps, it werks great fer veg tho. wen i drop it like 6 inches from the plant i can get the nodes about a centimeter apart.

[QUOTE="SICC";3711192]Yea the clipping will be fine, you seen my grow, you can get good sized plants in them cups, I would of got an ounce off my last plant if i didnt test so much of it, and the deficiency in the beginning of flower

I would just raise the light, im doing that with my plant no to get them to stretch, well mostly the SK, the nodes ae too close, which seems weird haha should ne a good thing ;)[/QUOTE]

i put the 150 a foot away so hopefully that will get them branches out the branches out there, but wat about using a 16-8 light schedule????


Well-Known Member
Never heard of a different light cycle to get em to stretch, moving the light should be enough


Well-Known Member
well i was under the impression that they do a bit of stretching at night? i thought it was understandable since it the morning the leafes of the plants seem to reach out in veg during the night hours.


Well-Known Member
Yes the plants do stretch at night
The plant releases auxins that help cell elongation aka stretch
I would keep the light as close as usual though, nodes being too close is not a bad thing imo
Close nodes mean long colas which is what you want right?
Subscribed dude looking nice


Well-Known Member
im just tryin to get the bottom 'colas' to stretch right now so i can clone them asap, as its an unknown sex seedling. i dont wanna b putting time and nutes (im running out of micro,lol) into it if it s a POS male.


Active Member
im just tryin to get the bottom 'colas' to stretch right now so i can clone them asap, as its an unknown sex seedling. i dont wanna b putting time and nutes (im running out of micro,lol) into it if it s a POS male.
the thing about that is a POS male is also a POS female, so if it is a female then its gonna be a neglected female


Well-Known Member
neglect? its fine. i was just lookin fer an 'easy stretch' of the bottom colas RIGHT NOW, not fer good, just to get them out a bit. i was even goin as far as thinking about making a lil light proof cup and covering one of the colas fer 12 hours a day!? trust me this plant is far from neglected. i think i pay too much to it not having a PH meter or anything, i study the leaves and the veins of them, every detail. i want this to go smooth, and it is! mayb tooo smooth? no problems yet, so sumthing is BOUND to pop up sum time.


Well-Known Member
Your doing a DWC grow without monitoring the pH?
You are going to have to buy one ASAP bro, the pH is a lot more important in DWC than in soil
Get a cheapo digital one on ebay for like 20 bucks, your plant will thank you


Well-Known Member
Your doing a DWC grow without monitoring the pH?
You are going to have to buy one ASAP bro, the pH is a lot more important in DWC than in soil
Get a cheapo digital one on ebay for like 20 bucks, your plant will thank you

Good advice Tom.. If that ph is off... plants get sick rather quickly in hydro..:hump:


Well-Known Member
Id say use a GH solution ph test kit. I'm not too sure about digital/strip testers most of the time they have been really unreliable for me. It has a liquid test and it's easy enough to use just match water color to chart. Looks good!


Well-Known Member
Id say use a GH solution ph test kit. I'm not too sure about digital/strip testers most of the time they have been really unreliable for me. It has a liquid test and it's easy enough to use just match water color to chart. Looks good!
Digital pH meters are the most reliable way to test the pH, you probably did not calibrate often enough. That GH pH test kit is useless if you are using nutes that change the color of the water. How do you expect to have an accurate color reading when the nute mix is not clear? That pH test kit will only work with straight water or with nutrients that do not change the color of the water


Well-Known Member
ill look into it, im pretty broke right now. monee comes and goes too fast around here, REAL fast. but ill EBAY it mayb even sum craiglisting. so TOM, u think there is NO way i could handle this plant in veg to mother it with no meter? its doin great right now? does it get more difficult as it gets older??


Well-Known Member
As the plant gets older you are going to have to up the nutes, making the pH higher or lower depending on your nutes
As the plants eat the nutes in the rez the pH will shift due to there being less food and more water
I mean you probably could make it flower without one, but I wouldn't suggest it
The growth will be much better if you can keep the pH in that perfect range all the time
pH controls nutrient uptake, if it is too high or low nutes will be locked out making the plant go deficient
You won't be able to correct the deficiency because you can't adjust the pH to allow the plant to use the nutes it needs
I would only buy one off craigslist if it is brand new, used meters are junk because you don't know how badly they were treated


Well-Known Member
gotcha! ill scope around, if not go talk to the lady at the HYDRO shop. she thinks im cute, so i love to go 'look' at stuff.:-P

mayb i can 'convince' her to let me borrow one fer a while.:hump:


Well-Known Member
damn fuzzy them leaves are ginormous. Nice color of green, looks fucking healthy as can be. Roots are gettin long


Well-Known Member
damn fuzzy them leaves are ginormous. Nice color of green, looks fucking healthy as can be. Roots are gettin long

yea im wondering y tho! ive never had a plant with this BIG of foliage! they are bigger than my hand, im not very tall tho. or do i have big hands:sad:. BUT oh well my plant does:-P.