Aeroponic Power Cloner Plz Help


Not sure if I'm posting in the right place. I'm kinda newb to these forums. Please instruct if I need or should post elsewhere.

I’m starting to get frustrated and a little discouraged over the progress of my cloning results. In the past I had a near 100% success rate doing the exact same thing I’m doing now. I’m calling on all those experienced and more knowledgeable than I, or any that may provide a bit of insight to help rectify the situation. In short I’m experiencing some sort of dampening off of the stems of the cuttings or in other words, the stems get really soggy and eventually fall off. My procedure is as follows:

I take cuttings from my plants, strip the leaves with only the very top set remaining.
I recut the stems at a 45degree angle while they are under water to avoid any air bubbles being trapped in the stem. I then dip the stem in RootTech rooting gel and insert the cutting into the neoprene disk. The cutting is then put into the lid of my Botanicare Power Cloner. In the cloner I use about 5-7 gallon solution of clonex, hygrozyme, and aquashield, reading at 300ppm. The pump is set on a 15min on/off cycle and the last temp reading was about 81 degrees F.

Within 3 days the stems exposed to the solution have already become very soggy. This has been the result of my last two batches of clones done in the aerocloner, the stems become soft and soggy and within 7-10 days all clones have died. :wall: This is a first for me and I'm a bit confused as I’m doing the exact same thing I used to do. Back in the day I could clone and then veg in my aerocloner for nearly a month before the roots got out of control and had to be put into a larger chamber. Now my cuttings don’t even last a week. My first notion is that the water temp could be the main issue. Anything else come to mind? Thanks for all the input, much appreciated.


Active Member
Not sure if I'm posting in the right place. I'm kinda newb to these forums. Please instruct if I need or should post elsewhere.

I’m starting to get frustrated and a little discouraged over the progress of my cloning results. In the past I had a near 100% success rate doing the exact same thing I’m doing now. I’m calling on all those experienced and more knowledgeable than I, or any that may provide a bit of insight to help rectify the situation. In short I’m experiencing some sort of dampening off of the stems of the cuttings or in other words, the stems get really soggy and eventually fall off. My procedure is as follows:

I take cuttings from my plants, strip the leaves with only the very top set remaining.
I recut the stems at a 45degree angle while they are under water to avoid any air bubbles being trapped in the stem. I then dip the stem in RootTech rooting gel and insert the cutting into the neoprene disk. The cutting is then put into the lid of my Botanicare Power Cloner. In the cloner I use about 5-7 gallon solution of clonex, hygrozyme, and aquashield, reading at 300ppm. The pump is set on a 15min on/off cycle and the last temp reading was about 81 degrees F.

Within 3 days the stems exposed to the solution have already become very soggy. This has been the result of my last two batches of clones done in the aerocloner, the stems become soft and soggy and within 7-10 days all clones have died. :wall: This is a first for me and I'm a bit confused as I’m doing the exact same thing I used to do. Back in the day I could clone and then veg in my aerocloner for nearly a month before the roots got out of control and had to be put into a larger chamber. Now my cuttings don’t even last a week. My first notion is that the water temp could be the main issue. Anything else come to mind? Thanks for all the input, much appreciated.
Hey,Too try a new batch and only use the clonex (and rooting gel)and leave the pump gonig 24/7.I don`t cut off all the lower stuff,I only cut off from the bottom up about 2 inchs.I`ve tried that hygrozyme and I think it jacked my shit all up.I think there is a few people on this site that has had problems with it.Do you hva a doam for it? If so try leaving it off.


Well-Known Member
I have the same machine and for me it works great 9 months a year but as I live on the frozen tundra for half a year it seems like during the coldest 3 months of the winter cloning becomes slow too almost impossible at times even though I have a climate controlled clone box. In April - December I get rooted clones in 7-10 days at the most. In Jan - March it takes 21- 28 days or they die. I am not sure why but I think they know it's winter.



Well-Known Member
81 degrees is way too hot and IMO you have WAY too much junk in your water. i use plain water in my aero cloner.

what light are you using over your cloner? clones dont need much light at all to root and too much can hinder thier roots progress. if your in the basement put your machine on the cement floor, this will help keep your water temps down. and only using a couple cfls's or a couple tubes will be plenty of light without heating up your area.

you water temp is the main problem.


Well-Known Member
Try cutting out all the crap you are putting in there and just use plain water, 15/15 is good so is 81, i just use tap water and never have problems.


Well-Known Member
81 degrees is way too hot and IMO you have WAY too much junk in your water. i use plain water in my aero cloner.

what light are you using over your cloner? clones dont need much light at all to root and too much can hinder thier roots progress. if your in the basement put your machine on the cement floor, this will help keep your water temps down. and only using a couple cfls's or a couple tubes will be plenty of light without heating up your area.

you water temp is the main problem.
I thought that you wanted a little higher temps when cloning in aero? Good point about the light, you dont need much, i use 1 26w cfl for my 18 plant cloner.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i agree 81 is too high. give everything a good cleaning, might have some funk in there. may consider a cycle time that will let u get under 15 minutes pump running for 15 min is probably why the temps are that high


Active Member
81 degrees is way too hot and IMO you have WAY too much junk in your water. i use plain water in my aero cloner.

what light are you using over your cloner? clones dont need much light at all to root and too much can hinder thier roots progress. if your in the basement put your machine on the cement floor, this will help keep your water temps down. and only using a couple cfls's or a couple tubes will be plenty of light without heating up your area.

you water temp is the main problem.
Hey Skills,Do turn the lights off on your cloning machine?

trichlone fiend

New Member
Hey man, do this:

NO ROOTING HORMONES, NO FERTS.....use simple ass tap water that is dechlorinated and ph balanced at 5.5 - 6. Put a heating missle in there and keep the water around 70 degrees. Put under some low lumen flos....give 10 days and you'll be busting out with roots! Pics below. 100% everytime, ALWAYS, flawless!

...I set up my aero and let run for 24 hours to dechlorinate, heat to 70, and get ph balanced. Fill with TAP WATER ONLY! Tap has a ppm between 100 - 300 in most situations, is perfect to clone with in an aero. I use sissors and cut my clone, then put directly into the foam plug. THAT'S IT. Do this, as I say, and I'll fly to you and kiss your ass if it don't work.

...also, in the past, I've bought several different types of rooting gels/ hormones...the rooting gels seem to alter the ph and seems more of a problem then help when areo clone'n. :cuss:IMO

...I've tried several methods of cutting clones and have found this to be the only 100% success , with ease.

...give me a few minutes for the pics.


TY for the replies. Cool weather is def not my prob here as I live in So Cal. Next run I'm going to keep a frozen bottle of water in the aerocloner to help keep temps down closer to 70. I used to use the hygrozyme, aquashield (formerly Hydroguard), clonex, and rooting gel with no probs. Next time I might just use plain R/O water and see what happens. I am pretty sure the light is not an issue as far as the soft and soggy stems go. The machine is under a couple of floros...nothing special. I hope that if I'm able to keep the temps down it will solve the problem. I'll keep the thread updated on my progress.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
:arrow:Pure tap water!
:arrow:70 degrees!
:arrow:pH = 5.5 - 6!
:arrow:24 hours of low lumen flos.

This is what you get in 10 days.:bigjoint:

that sounds good. Also I give a six hour dark period. yu guys try using h202? I mostly use rapid rooters and a solution of liquid karma and h202 and for me I have warm water. (=warm root zone)/ anyway whole nother deal.

But I just stuck a clone in the top of my dwc bucket with another full blown donator plant. The clone just dangled out of the net pot in the air next to the giant tree. Anyway it was a joke but i looked today and after a week I apparently aerocloned. That was a full solution below the clone and just mist and humidty hitting the clone. mostly humidity. Also I use h202 religiously not organics. I get nervous there.


Well-Known Member
I thought that you wanted a little higher temps when cloning in aero? Good point about the light, you dont need much, i use 1 26w cfl for my 18 plant cloner.:leaf:
theres a fine line with temp IMO. too warm and bad shit starts geting comfortable and growing and too cold and the roots dont grow. i like my ambient air temps higher than my water temps if possible.

Hey Skills,Do turn the lights off on your cloning machine?
my cloning machine sits on the shelf next to my veg tray. i dont even have a light over it, just next to it and it does fine. and yes, it runs 18/6...i dont advise using a constant light schedule as i feel that necessary processes take place during lights out.

i also use h2o2 in all my solutions and i use my tap water direct from the faucet. i feel that the trace amounts of chlorine help my h2o2 with its disinfecting chores, it certainly isnt enough to harm the plants.


Well-Known Member
theres a fine line with temp IMO. too warm and bad shit starts geting comfortable and growing and too cold and the roots dont grow. i like my ambient air temps higher than my water temps if possible.

my cloning machine sits on the shelf next to my veg tray. i dont even have a light over it, just next to it and it does fine. and yes, it runs 18/6...i dont advise using a constant light schedule as i feel that necessary processes take place during lights out.

i also use h2o2 in all my solutions and i use my tap water direct from the faucet. i feel that the trace amounts of chlorine help my h2o2 with its disinfecting chores, it certainly isnt enough to harm the plants.
Agreed about the tap water, i use mine straight from tap, i think the chlorine does more good than bad, at least in my area.


That is a bad ass avatar. Tap water sounds good but I used R/O in the past and don't see how it contributes to my current problem. I agree with you guys that the minimal amount of chlorine in the tap has negligible negative effects on the cuttings and may actually prove beneficial as far as disinfection is concerned. I don't see why h2o2 wouldn't do the same thing, as well as Hydroguard for that matter, both of which essentially kill the bad microbes. What ppm does your tap water test at? What is the total ppm of your aerocloner solution?


Well-Known Member
i use tap water as well and have had about 90% success i keep rez temps no higher than 75 and ph at about 6.5. hope you fix your problem. happy growing


Well-Known Member
I have had the exact same problem, and an aquarium heater set at 75 degrees fixed it, now i have 100 percent success with nothin but plain water, and no powder/gel.