New grower - No Trichomes??

Have a Himalayan Gold growing indoors. Started 12/12 on Dec 10. Now have healthy plant used Bat Guano & Nitrosol sparingly. 400W MH and fan.
Now (28/01) have many buds & am planning to harvest but am looking for trichomes but see nothing with the naked eye. Under 14X magnification I see them but they are nothing like the frosty bud pics I see on the Home page. Am I too impatient? It is now 7 weeks.


Active Member
hit it with some molasses or some vermi t or anything you think is good enogh to use to make some sugar like honey from humbolt is a killer product its molasses and complex carbs


Active Member
You want to increase trich production use either purple maxx or snow storm ultra from humboldt counties own. Just make sure if you use it to cut your bloom nute dosage in half or you will burn the hell out of your plant. I swear by those products and use now storm ultra with every grow.