The question of IQ has been raised

What range are you in? Remain anonymous.

  • 140 and over, Genius or near genius

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • 120-140 very superior intelligence

    Votes: 25 45.5%
  • 110-120 superior intelligence

    Votes: 4 7.3%
  • 90-110 normal or average intelligence

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • 80-90 dullness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 70-80 borderline deficiency

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • below 70 definente feeble-mindedness

    Votes: 6,005 10,918.2%

  • Total voters
Are we all aware that there is a strong positive correlation between IQ and the likelihood of each of the following:

1. being unemployed
2. being on welfare
3. being in jail
4. unwed pregnancy

and a host of other indicators of social dysfunction. What this means for our society I don't claim to know. But it is interesting, isn't it?
Pics or its bullshit ?, show us all brotha we would love to see your lavish lifestyle ? Show us pics of that sick ass interior on your ride ? Show us pics of the fine women you must date you big player you... What a waste i'd be travelling the world eating, drinking, partying and getting my sausage sucked and fucked all over...I'd have bitches comin out of the ceiling in whicker baskets on Mon, big fat assed Carribean mamis on Tues..etc... I surely wouldnt have the time to be on RIU....but anyways dickwad this was directed towards an individual that was referring to me as a garbage man...If you read correctly fuckface I clearlyyyyy stated that 100k in Cali aint shit...I am glad that your so filthy rich..thats awesome I commend you, your a financial genius..doesnt help the fact that your a little dicked troll...Now kick rocks derelict...I was implying that you dont need a high IQ to break a 100k...and more so than not having an IQ doesnt make you a garbage man.....Eat a dick... Go buy yourself something...A diamond dildo and sit on it...

Yeah, going by this inane and asinine response, I'm gonna have to agree with him and go with GARBAGE MAN. You mistake me pointing out what a douchebag you made yourself appear as, by talking about your financial merits, with trolling. I guess you missed the point of my post, which was to let you see what an ass you look like for listing all the highpoints of your LAVISH LIFESTYLE (as they were unnecessary to make your point). By your angry, impotent little reply... it obviously worked, didnt it little man?
Are we all aware that there is a strong positive correlation between IQ and the likelihood of each of the following:

1. being unemployed
2. being on welfare
3. being in jail
4. unwed pregnancy

and a host of other indicators of social dysfunction. What this means for our society I don't claim to know. But it is interesting, isn't it?

That's kinda funny.........because according to the "numbers", I am a genius, yet I'm unemployed and on "welfare" (collecting unemployment); at the same time I've never been to jail or pregnant.

And for what it's worth, my old boss used to clear >$1MM (multiple MMs in '06 and '07, I'm sure) a year, and I'd be willing to bet he couldn't tie his shoes with a gun to his head.

IQ doesn't mean shit, what you do with your life is what's important.

FYI, I'm typing this from the cockpit of my G4.
That's kinda funny.........because according to the "numbers", I am a genius, yet I'm unemployed and on "welfare" (collecting unemployment); at the same time I've never been to jail or pregnant.

And for what it's worth, my old boss used to clear >$1MM (multiple MMs in '06 and '07, I'm sure) a year, and I'd be willing to bet he couldn't tie his shoes with a gun to his head.

IQ doesn't mean shit, what you do with your life is what's important.

FYI, I'm typing this from the cockpit of my G4.

If you were that smart you would realize the stats are what they are and you have not refuted them.
If you were that smart you would realize the stats are what they are and you have not refuted them.

I think you missed the point of my post, which was to (in my own little way) confirm those stats, counterintuitive as they may be.

FWIW, statistics was one of my majors.
A lot of smart motherfuckers taking this poll, and more than a couple Wile E. Coyote super-smart motherfuckers.

...Hey Crackerdick...I can assure you my paycheck is bread your is croutons brotha..Unless you make well over 100k a year (thats right and thats not a lot here in Cali)..I would slowly re-treat back from out of the hole from whick you popped hear head up....Bro Ive got credit cards with 30K limits..please dont insult me...Own my own house, 3 fairly new cars, 1 truck (07,07,08, truck(07), jet-ski,..This last year, Puerto Rico (twice), Jamaica, Grand Caymans, Haiti...sooooooooo :clap:...NOW SHINE MY SHOES....bro ive got Bruno Maglis that go for 650 bones......and im headed back to the island for a fucken month!!!!!....Thats doesnt include the wineries which I am a member of, the shows, concerts, dinners, on and on and on.... Dont throw rocks if you live in a glass house.....

Now that's impressive. Maybe I shouldn't bother to point out that if I dropped your net worth out of my back pocket, I'd lose money stopping to pick it up, but you seem to be focused on comparing wallets. Sounds like you still work, yeah I retired 5 years ago at age 36, guess that makes my views more important than yours, right? They say money can't buy happiness. Look at the fucking smile on my face! Ear to ear baby! You want details, fine. I drive a Ferrari 355 Cabriolet. What's up? I have a ridiculous house at the South Fork. I have every toy you could possibly imagine. And best of all, I'm liquid.

The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room. Posting on a message board about your cash and all the shit you buy with it speaks volumes.... or you could just be liars.
The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room. Posting on a message board about your cash and all the shit you buy with it speaks volumes.... or you could just be liars.

I kinda thought that was the point of my reply (as I've already reiterated twice now). I guess the sarcasm was lost on both of you even with the OBVIOUS Ben Affleck line from Boiler Room (I even made reference to it, right after the quote)

I guess next time I will loudly declare "I will now emulate your stupidity, for the purpose of your own self reflection"
I kinda thought that was the point of my reply (as I've already reiterated twice now). I guess the sarcasm was lost on both of you even with the OBVIOUS Ben Affleck line from Boiler Room (I even made reference to it, right after the quote)

I guess next time I will loudly declare "I will now emulate your stupidity, for the purpose of your own self reflection"

I figured it was, but it also looked like you enjoyed it. Sorry I missed the OBVIUOUS Ben Affleck reference. Ive not seen the movie Boiler Room. I quoted Denzel Washington from American Gangster in my post. It should have been OBVIOUS.
So sarcasm is only acceptable if the person posting DOESN'T seem to be enjoying it? :lol:

Mr. GreenJeans, I got rid of that monstah, but then my wife gave him a dollah behind my back! Now we'll never get rid of that monstah....
Sorry peeps sometimes I get tunnel visioned....At any rate I won't waste anymore time on arguing with idiots, to each his have, I have, we have...whatever...wont mean shit in when all is said and done....All egos aside im not here for all that...Im here to learn, laugh and shoot the shit with like-minded individuals ....So my apologies to all the ladies I upset (relax...laugh)....If your wondering what im referring to then obviously this wasnt directed towards you...peace in the middle east fight crack not iraq.....