Hi everyone, I have just started my first grow roughly a week ago and it got off to a rough start. Im starting with 2 clones in a small grow box(2'wx1'dx3'h). For vegging i am currently using 6 26w 6500k cfls placed within 1-3 inches of the plants on a 24/0 light cycle. When i received the clones they were roughly 5 inches and within a week they are already to 6 inches (not stretching), but the leaves dont look good... So here is the story for the 1st 3 days i didnt have a thermometer in the box. Turns out the temps were upwards of 100*f, and i left them in the tiny cups i received them in. The humidity was also low at 30%. This all went on for the first 3 days i had the plants. The leaves first started drooping and then some turned a lime greenish color and curled down. I Fixed the temps which are now between 72-78*F. Bought a humidifier (humidity now at 43%) and replanted them in 10in pots with New Fox Farm Ocean forest soil. When replanting i noticed the roots were spiraling at the bottom of the tiny cups. I haven't fertilized at all and with the fox farm soil don't plan to till flowering. Id like to think i haven't over watered them too, as i have only watered after replanting and the soil is still a little moist at an inch under the surface(probably gonna water tomorrow). It has now been 3 days in good conditions and some of the leaves are not as light of a green as they used to but they are still drooping and curled down. It also seems that the veins on the lime green leaves are now turning a darker green. So here are my questions. Is there anything i can do to try and perc them up a little bit, or will time only tell? With using good soil do you think i would need any fertilizers during veg? I also want to start flowering at no taller then 9inches. Do you think the plants could recover by then? Let me know what you guys think?