helo ppl..how do i creat co2 wivout talkin to my plants???????


Active Member
any ideas of how to giv my plants the rite amout of co2 wivout talking to them???anyy tips ppl????:joint:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
any ideas of how to giv my plants the rite amout of co2 wivout talking to them???anyy tips ppl????:joint:
You should always talk to your plants, they do respond. You could add a co2 booster which you could fine online or at a grwoing shop. :mrgreen: :peace:


Active Member
You should always talk to your plants, they do respond. You could add a co2 booster which you could fine online or at a grwoing shop. :mrgreen: :peace:
thank you chiceh ur a darling.......i like ur new pic....r u using aeroponics or is that a bubble system????

Puffin Afatty

Active Member
make beer outside the grow room at the air intake...if you dont like beer, just use 4 cups sugar in a 5 gallon bucket of water and some yeast...the yeast consumes the sugar, giving off co2...you can do it in the grow room too, if you have room..any small fan will mix and move it thru room...my plants love it...


Well-Known Member
Well what I do is get the biggest plastic bag I can find that`ll go over my plants, then I`ll get a Co2 cannister that you buy for BB and pellet guns and pop it when it`s in the bag , seal the plastic around the pot they`re growing in and leave it sealed for an hr or 2.
Easiest way I know of and alot cleaner and cheaper than most.
Hope this gives ya some idea`s.


Active Member
Well what I do is get the biggest plastic bag I can find that`ll go over my plants, then I`ll get a Co2 cannister that you buy for BB and pellet guns and pop it when it`s in the bag , seal the plastic around the pot they`re growing in and leave it sealed for an hr or 2.
Easiest way I know of and alot cleaner and cheaper than most.
Hope this gives ya some idea`s.
wat if i mix vinagar wiv baking powder???


Active Member
In Mr Green's grow video he says to spray bubbly water on your plants and that will give off CO2. Does anyone know if he is right or not, I've been wanting to try it out.