dark Period End of Flower


New Member
Just to be clear, this is a new thread so people will see it about the issue of whether to put them in total darkness at the end. Well Cannabis makes resin to protect itself from the hot BRIGHT sun, dark will not have any effect. Even if it did it would not matter if you are growing a strain worth a shit and not fucking it up in the first place. If my shit is not shit then I know your shit must not be shit. But really your shit is shit and mine is gold... But I diggress...


Well-Known Member
Well there's your problem!

The OP tells why cannabis produces resin, in theory. Well eveybody , pretty much, agrees on that. The problem is that the OP (as well as most nubes) assume that resin = potency. It doesn't!

THC content equals potency! Resin just makes you cough! More resin doesn't neccesarily mean a higher THC content. In my own tests the results were inconclusive, at best - but far from "overwhelming"!

Has anyone else had similar results? I'd like to bust this myth once and for all, or was it just me, did I do something wrong? Was I expecting too much?

I tested this "UV-B Theory" several years ago. I got "more resin", but not much more "potency". Maybe my methods or UV equiptment wasn't the best, I don't know. Anybody else find it to be "less than impressive"?


Well-Known Member
^^As in "UV-B" are you talking about using lighting with color temps in the UV range?(like 10,000+K) I was recently talking to a guy i trust, and he said he heard about people using those lights at the very end of bloom, and getting an impressive increase in crystal production. He said he couldn't guarantee that it would work because he'd never tried it himself, but it was interesting to think about, nonetheless. Have you tried it? Any worthwhile results?


Active Member
Well there's your problem!

The OP tells why cannabis produces resin, in theory. Well eveybody , pretty much, agrees on that. The problem is that the OP (as well as most nubes) assume that resin = potency. It doesn't!

THC content equals potency! Resin just makes you cough! More resin doesn't neccesarily mean a higher THC content. In my own tests the results were inconclusive, at best - but far from "overwhelming"!

Has anyone else had similar results? I'd like to bust this myth once and for all, or was it just me, did I do something wrong? Was I expecting too much?

I tested this "UV-B Theory" several years ago. I got "more resin", but not much more "potency". Maybe my methods or UV equiptment wasn't the best, I don't know. Anybody else find it to be "less than impressive"?
i completely agree; for example i have grown extremely resinous strains, like hashplant for example, and the potency isn't necessarily as strong as you would think it would be with all those trichs.

but, on the other hand, i have used UV-B lighting during flowering as a 1:3 ratio; 1 = 6500k, 3 =2700k, in a test grow i did side by side with another clone of the same strain and noticed a definite boost in potency and resin. these were grown with CFLs


Well-Known Member
i thought the plant produced resin to trap pollen...

DAMN that BUG iamstoned, U got me!!

but i thought the pistils caught pollen??


Mr. Ganja
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: in my mind
Posts: 4,564

im not in the mood to argue, but im not running away from it either, actually, fuck it, i'll just do it-, using a uv light through flowering will increase resin/thc production, that is not what we are talking about, thc is the sunblock for the plant like you said, it is degraded by light. if you give it 48 hrs of dark right b4 harvest it will maximise the thc level in the plants since it didnt have light breaking it down right away.....now do you understand?


New Member
Ok, unlike many on here I put my money where my mouth is. I have had the finished ladies in complete darkness now for 3 days. Will cut them when I can on tuesday. Will let all know if the dark did anything at all... Stay tuned. Bye the way, this is a four strain grow so the results should be conclusive....
rofl i think we need to get in contact with some actually legalized farmers or some scientists from that university in missisipi to over come this argument


Well-Known Member
u didnt take any "before" piks?? ur not gunna get results if u dont have something to go by. u smoke, 3 days!! u wont remember wat u had fer dinner last night. lol. OR am i alone on that??:o


Well-Known Member
that was a bit of a violent way to say that...Ok. Umm

Originally Posted by FuZZyBUDz
u didnt take any "before" piks?? ur not gunna get results if u dont have something to go by. u smoke, 3 days!! u wont remember wat u had fer dinner last night. lol. OR am i alone on that??:o

the red, is a question. the yellow is a joke (NOTICE the LOL) and that surprized smiley...thats me, lookin surprised.

i appolagize fer asking u a question, i will not make that mistake again.:sad:

as for wat im smokin, weed man, weed.


New Member
I just looked at the three strains after three days in the dark! No good can come of this!!!!! I see a change but for the worse imho. Not what you want to see. The buds are a bit less white it would seem and well I am taking them now and not ever will I waste my time with a finish dark period. Did my part so I deserve the rep! Your post was misread so sorry but I can remember so if you have mental challenges then I am sorry for you but I can remember.... Don't! Do! A! Dark! PERIOD!!!!!!!
that was a bit of a violent way to say that...Ok. Umm

Originally Posted by FuZZyBUDz
u didnt take any "before" piks?? ur not gunna get results if u dont have something to go by. u smoke, 3 days!! u wont remember wat u had fer dinner last night. lol. OR am i alone on that??:o

the red, is a question. the yellow is a joke (NOTICE the LOL) and that surprized smiley...thats me, lookin surprised.

i appolagize fer asking u a question, i will not make that mistake again.:sad:

as for wat im smokin, weed man, weed.


Active Member
WOW!! CRAZY results duhhbaa. its amazing how you can accomplish 3 days worth of dark period all within 1:54 and 2:30 on January 30th. Please let me borrow your time machine.


Well-Known Member
i would just like to point out although people say they know what thc actually does for the marijuana plant this is not true ...no one actually knows the reason why thc is produced. i have done about an hour research and although its not really known why the plant has thc it is thought to be to block out UV rays ,deter pests, collect pollen....but thers are not FACT, on another note duhhbaa imo i would think 3 days dark would be to much ...after about 30hours i would think the plant would actualy start to deteriate...but i havnt been growing for years.


New Member
I know exactly why they make THC!! It is because God! made them for us to use. To think God made them and people in our government think they know better than him and say his plant is bad. Fuck the US Government!!! They now steal in the name of keeping us all safe from Pot. They take your car and you possesions for as little as $20 of pot. They sell your things for money. Legalized teft by the police and the state! The PROOF! it is not to keep people from pot or to protect anyone how do you know, well because if it weren't for the theft of your things for resale then they would not be out there making arrests for little pot buys. They would not spend so much time if they could not steal your stuff for profit!! Now how fucked up is that. We should revolt in this country against the tyrany!!!
i would just like to point out although people say they know what thc actually does for the marijuana plant this is not true ...no one actually knows the reason why thc is produced. i have done about an hour research and although its not really known why the plant has thc it is thought to be to block out UV rays ,deter pests, collect pollen....but thers are not FACT, on another note duhhbaa imo i would think 3 days dark would be to much ...after about 30hours i would think the plant would actualy start to deteriate...but i havnt been growing for years.


Active Member
Oh lookie, it's RockMan1 again. With another new screen name. Why don't you just stop being a douche, dude? Then you won't have to keep making new SNs. :)

This needs to be done with two identical clones grown under the exact same conditions, with the exception of the final dark period. The results then need to be measured scientifically, not anecdotally, before this issue can be put to rest. Anything else is pure conjecture.


Active Member
oh and the crystals you keep refering to as thc are actually called trichombs and they are filled with resin containg thc amoung other compounds and that is why more trichs doesnt always meen more potent if the resin inside the trichs isnt that potent then it dont matter how many trichs there are.