What about the smell?


Active Member
hello people ,i'm going to start my aerogarden in a couple a days ,starting with 2 -3 small plants....I live in a small rented appartement ,and the building's owner is living just underneath mine.I am more concerned about having to deal with the owner as he doesn t like hippies very much ..than with cops ,because in my country one plant per house is legal and not even confiscated if found
I have no means of pulling outside the exaust pipe (from a carbon filter) for ex. .as i have no ventilation hole in the wall....the good thing is though that i m on tle last floor 5th.....i was wandering..............how strong will it reek ,from 2 - 3 lowriders ?? or if any of you could indicate alternate meanings to reduce the smell ,or suggest me some strains that have low smell,i 'd appreciate it very much .....it won't be long till i plant and i'm checkin out any means possible to reduce smell.

thank you


bud bootlegger
you should check out roseman's diy odor control bucket thread.. he takes a bucket, drills some holes in it, and fills the bucket with a few inches of water mixed with ona.. then he places a fan on the top of the bucket and it blows into the ona and water mix.. it just sucks all of the stinky grow room air into the bucket and forces it thru the ona and then comes out the holes smelling daisy fresh.. never used it, but it looks like it would work pretty good, and there is no need to have any outside vent holes and the like..
you should do a search on here for it, its here somewhere..


any way you can run a vent tube to a window? ive seen vent tubes running right through the panda and out the window..


Well-Known Member
hello people ,i'm going to start my aerogarden in a couple a days ,starting with 2 -3 small plants....I live in a small rented appartement ,and the building's owner is living just underneath mine.I am more concerned about having to deal with the owner as he doesn t like hippies very much ..than with cops ,because in my country one plant per house is legal and not even confiscated if found
I have no means of pulling outside the exaust pipe (from a carbon filter) for ex. .as i have no ventilation hole in the wall....the good thing is though that i m on tle last floor 5th.....i was wandering..............how strong will it reek ,from 2 - 3 lowriders ?? or if any of you could indicate alternate meanings to reduce the smell ,or suggest me some strains that have low smell,i 'd appreciate it very much .....it won't be long till i plant and i'm checkin out any means possible to reduce smell.

thank you

You can buy an air scrubber or an ozone generator, and have it venting throughout your apt. without any problem whatsoever. The whole apt. will smell better. Just as long as you can keep your temps below 80 you will be fine. I might suggest getting a low odor strain such as Northern Lights #5. An excellant strain that produces large buds, and very easy to grow. This is the only strain that I would reccomend living in an apt. Take my advice, because when you go into flowering with a "smelly" strain the whole building is gonna know, no matter what you have to reduce odor. been there, done that. Good luck :)


nope ,it 's a "mansarde"styile apt and would get really cold if i opened the window.
i vented through the window once. Keep your window open just a small crack so it looks like its closed from the outside. then put some cheap horizontal blinds close to the glass, inside the window frame so the trim is still exposed. then cut out a piece of ply-wood or simelar 1 inch shorter(or less wide) than your window frame and paint it flat black. (so it always just looks like closed blinds and a dark room!) This wood covers the window, leaving the gap at the opposite end of the cracked window.

Then build a box(maybe 4 inches deep) the same size as the window frame, cut a vent hole in it at the opposite end as the gap, cover the entire window and BOOM! Stealth window vent!:weed: I did it and you could never tell.

**actually, watch this guy do it

good luck



Well-Known Member
i live in a one bedroom rented apt and to get around smell and cutting holes in my walls i just bought a grow tent its like a room in a room you can have an exhuast sytem with a carbon scrubber and you can even hang them on the metal poles on the ceiling of the tent and it comes with holes. i use the setup and normally run around ten plants and everything is tip top


Well-Known Member
You know there are strains out there that don't have an ultra potent smell to them. I know everyone wants the dankest bud on their block, but in your case you'd do well to research some of the lesser known strains. Sure you can spend some big bucks on filters, but why? Just buy the right seeds for your environment. Not everyone can grow Skunk #1 or whatever is in fashion.

One other question for you, and please don't take this as disrespectful.. but why the fuck are you using an Aero garden? Their fine for growing some kitchen herbs, but honestly, you'll never be a true grower if you don't learn to grow using real lights. That kit is one step above a night lite. For $100 you could have a really nice CFL setup. And for a tiny bit more cash you can have a decent HPS setup. You don't need to go nuts and spend $300 on a 400-600 watt HPS. I know people recommend them like like it's part of their religion, but if your goal is to grow 3-4 plants you can easily get away with 125-200 watt CFL for under $100.

And if you can some grow outside (Spring is only 2 months away) you can get a yield that will beat even a 1000-watt HPS setup.


Well-Known Member
Ther is only one sure way of getting rid of any smell from growing cannabis and that is to have a good exaust fan and a carbon filter.The exaust fan is a must any how so it will be in your benefit to get a carbon filter if the guy who is renting you the flat then make sure that everthing is hung useing rubber rings these will cut the noise down no end.A good tip also is when it comes to harvest this will be the time that the smell will be at it's strongest.I take my plants early in the morning in blck bags to somewhere i know that is of the beaten track this is where i do all my trimming.And all the stuff that needs throwing leaves ext go into the river but not in the bag i'm eco friendly.Then i put the buds in a cardboard box seal it up and put to dry in the house somewhere but just room temp don't try to dry it too fast.The card seems to pull the moisture from the buds but you will have to turn them every few days every day realy.Also have plenty of air freshner around i'm not sure if you can get the ones like we can in the uk called glade but these are a growers friend for sure each one can be pluged into the wall socket and set a timer so it blast smell out every 5/10/15 minutes.Also another great buy is a coffee perculater these leave a smell of coffe this also can help.........................tyke................................................................


Ther is only one sure way of getting rid of any smell from growing cannabis and that is to have a good exaust fan and a carbon filter.The exaust fan is a must any how so it will be in your benefit to get a carbon filter if the guy who is renting you the flat then make sure that everthing is hung useing rubber rings these will cut the noise down no end.A good tip also is when it comes to harvest this will be the time that the smell will be at it's strongest.I take my plants early in the morning in blck bags to somewhere i know that is of the beaten track this is where i do all my trimming.And all the stuff that needs throwing leaves ext go into the river but not in the bag i'm eco friendly.Then i put the buds in a cardboard box seal it up and put to dry in the house somewhere but just room temp don't try to dry it too fast.The card seems to pull the moisture from the buds but you will have to turn them every few days every day realy.Also have plenty of air freshner around i'm not sure if you can get the ones like we can in the uk called glade but these are a growers friend for sure each one can be pluged into the wall socket and set a timer so it blast smell out every 5/10/15 minutes.Also another great buy is a coffee perculater these leave a smell of coffe this also can help.........................tyke................................................................
You throw away your leaves? I'd keep em for butter:idea:


Active Member
You know there are strains out there that don't have an ultra potent smell to them. I know everyone wants the dankest bud on their block, but in your case you'd do well to research some of the lesser known strains. Sure you can spend some big bucks on filters, but why? Just buy the right seeds for your environment. Not everyone can grow Skunk #1 or whatever is in fashion.

One other question for you, and please don't take this as disrespectful.. but why the fuck are you using an Aero garden? Their fine for growing some kitchen herbs, but honestly, you'll never be a true grower if you don't learn to grow using real lights. That kit is one step above a night lite. For $100 you could have a really nice CFL setup. And for a tiny bit more cash you can have a decent HPS setup. You don't need to go nuts and spend $300 on a 400-600 watt HPS. I know people recommend them like like it's part of their religion, but if your goal is to grow 3-4 plants you can easily get away with 125-200 watt CFL for under $100.

And if you can some grow outside (Spring is only 2 months away) you can get a yield that will beat even a 1000-watt HPS setup.

thanx for the reply.
i picked up the aerogarden because of the electricity bills......they all come to the name of the owbner of the building ,it is him who receives them so i have to be extra careful about it.I don ;t want to get in bad relations wit him ,especially because he has helped me a lot with lots of things since i moved in.I am also not looking to grow large quantities or special ,fashionable ones ,it' s more for the fun of growing palnts for my and my girflriend s use.I have a lot of friends with good weed so running out would't be a big problem.
i just wanna grow for the pleasure of growing , maybe I m not a true grower ,but that doesn't affect me very much.
thank u again for the reply.