my leaves have yellowed, cant figure out deficiency.


hi all. im growing in a soil autopot system and my plants have gradually been getting paler and paler. im using canna terra soil/canna flores/canna boost, all ph levels kept perfect, temp and humidity at optimum in a 600w tent.

the worst now are light lime green all the way through and its really starting to worry me. i have about 4 weeks left of flowering and i really don't want to stunt the growth at this stage. the plants are affected all the way through and is most distinguishable on the fan leaves which have a slightly blotchy complexion like a subtle leopard skin and the lower ones have died off. they have been gradually yellowing for weeks now and i must find a solution. i have recently been foliar feeding them epsom salts mixed 1 teaspoon to the gallon to boost magnesium and nitrogen but a few days in and no change. i've raised my lights to avert heat stress which hasn't helped. from what i gather it might be a good idea to flush them to clear out possible problems but not sure if thats a good idea at this stage or even how to do it. ALL HELP APPRECIATED, THIS IS MY FIRST GROW AND WOULD LIKE A HAPPY ENDING. thanks


Active Member
well you can get the canna mono nutrients, probablly best option, but best to be 100% sure what the problem is first of course, a common thing to happen is if you switch straight onto bloom feed as the lights change to 12/12 you get nitrogen deficiency (they need a good dose of nitrogen when they are turning)

its also natural for some leaves to yellow off and die the further you get into flowering btw, but if its happening to pretty much all of the leaves theres obviously some deficiency happening, hard to really tell what though without seeing them man

ill see if i can get over to have a butchers at them if you want, or take some pics and get yourself over here ;) (its liam btw if you didnt realise yet)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like an N deficiency, however the fan leaves do turn yellow near the end of flowering to focus more on the buds. May be almost time to harvest