Exactly. Again...I do not know what happened, it's just that the BS meter goes off too often with the official story. Of course it is plausible that some parts vaporized while others did not (though this was not the story with fdd's F4 example hitting reinforced concrete...similar to the pentagon.
However it would seem like things of greater mass would survive the vaporization like the landing gear...but human bodies, essentially bags of water...and then there is the large unburnt pieces of fuselage (light aluminum...same as the f4) that did not vaporize, but the majority of both engines did.
A while back...someone was nailing keenly on every grammatical error/typo possible...makes me a little nervous of being belittled also...I thought that person was you...I guess I must be mistaken, and apologize
Everyone makes typos, spelling and grammar errors...and most people occasionally mix up their, they're, and there...some more than others and is often associated with less formal education and that is cool also...but those people NEVER call other members stupid. Habitually misspelling simple words while at the same time calling every person who does not agree with them and the handful of witnesses morons, idiots, stupid, thick, and insinuate that others do not love their country seems...well...
If you came to this thread undecided...how in the world could a handful of people whom you do not respect...solidify in your mind that either the lie that is the official report is the truth, or that it is ok to lie to the people?