

Well-Known Member
Yeah methedrone is a completely different drug from methedone, its a legal high thats going about at the minute bit it wont be legal for long lol, scientists have shown that its compounds are very similar to ecstasy and is called things like M-Kat and bubble. I'd watch what your doing with it though few people I know have broke down in fits off having too much and were rushed into hospital
Oh there is a drug named methedrone..Learn something new everyday. Personally, Im into 1 drug only.. Sweet Mary Jane. :)
you are an idiot for even thinking about taking that stuff. what if you are allergic to it, or take too much it's easy to do. stay away from man made chemicals, stick with the natural stuff. i promise you if you take that stuff you will be sorry especially if you like it and become addicted to it, it's easy to do because i have been there and done that, so please say NO it's your friends who are pussys not you.
This is why people shouldn't post questions about drugs that aren't Marijuana in Toke 'n Talk.

He isn't asking about Methadone, or Mephedrone aka MCat, it's Methedrone aka Methadrone. Para-Methoxymethcathinone

Any question about drugs that aren't marijuana should go in the Hallucinatory Substance subforum. Anybody who says this drug doesn't make you hallucinate is just unexperienced.


No its you whod be a pussy.... your friends had the balls to take it... dont be a loser man!!! just take a little bit!!! go on!!! itll be fun!!!


Active Member
i was perscribed methadone for pain management once and i still havent finished the bottle prolly never will because every time i took them they made me sick and i took 3 every 4 hour according to doctor


Well-Known Member
there is a research chemical called mephedrone. it's used in plant fertilizers and what not, anyway, it is said to be comparable to e.

but it could also have been methadone.


Well-Known Member
there is a research chemical called mephedrone. it's used in plant fertilizers and what not, anyway, it is said to be comparable to e.

but it could also have been methadone.
This is what it sounds like too me as well. People dont snort methadone.

There is a LOT of ignorance in this topic.

Methadone is not better than heroin, opiates are very fun but very addicting. I was hooked on some of the worse opiates there are for quite a long time, and in the long run it sucked. Opiates are just like most drugs, the first time you do them is the best, and every other time is just chasing that high. So if your going too do methadone just take one pill at a time and another one 30-45 mins later if you feel you need it. What I will recommend is that if you start using and abusing opiates do not do them often, 2-3 times a month and you will be safe from becoming hooked. Chip away!

If it is mephedrone also called meow meow, bubbles, mmcats , few others as well I would stay away from them, alot of young people die each day from mephedrone. Mephedrone is taking alot of the E out of club scenes and around the world, if you want too feel like your rolling just do an e pill, much safer.


Well-Known Member
HOLD UP GUYS! its NOT METH! its the plant fertilizer stuff people above are saying about! im deffo goign to try it, the fact thats its legal is pretty awesome, iv read about it and the come down can stopp you sleeping for a while, so think i might take some, and half way through it might have some bongggggggggggg hits :D


Well-Known Member
who was that aimed at? im not bothered what my friends say, plus like i said before they are my best mates, they would respect my decision, hence they are really good mates, no peer pressure ;)


Well-Known Member
Indeed there is alot of ignorance in this thread...
Another forum i read, every day there is new posts about people dieing from mephedrone. Its nothing good. I dont understand why one would consume something that is sold as a "plant food".

There have been several studies that i have read, mainly in the UK that compares e and mephedrone and states that taking an e pill is alot safer.

One thing i dont like too see here is all the useless bullshit replies people leave, if your not going too leave useful information dont leave anything at all. When someone posts something like this they are obviously gonna do what ever they want and we cannot tell the otherwise, all we can do is state the facts and make them as aware as they can be about said drugs.


Well-Known Member
shit, got links dude? im not actually set on trying it , as im not the kind of person that likes hard drugs, i know its not illegal but its compared to E which is a hard drug.... eitherway i havnt spoke to them since last night so ill catch up with them on monday and see what there saying. :)


Well-Known Member
shit, got links dude? im not actually set on trying it , as im not the kind of person that likes hard drugs, i know its not illegal but its compared to E which is a hard drug.... eitherway i havnt spoke to them since last night so ill catch up with them on monday and see what there saying. :)

This is just the top few that came up in a search on the forum i was speaking about.

If you look around on google you can find all sorts of experiences, ive read of people doing a few milligrams too much and having there knees, elbows ect turn purple.

"""Users can experience blurred vision, hot flushes and muscle tension particularly in the jaw and face, and some people report their fingers and other extremities have taken on a blueish pallor after using mephedrone. Nausea and vomiting has been reported.

"A particularly concerning feature about mephedrone use is that once users have started using the drugs in a particular session, it is very hard to stop, with compulsive use leading to unpleasant side effects including insomnia, involuntary muscle clenching and hallucinations and in some cases regular or heavy use may develop into psychological dependency."

One 18-year-old Burnley user spoke candidly about the drug and its terrifying effect. "We went through 20g between four of us in three days," she said. "We kept going without sleeping or eating and by the third day I was just sat with my head between my legs. I've never felt so bad in my life.""

"One of my friends took it and her vision totally went. She couldn't even see her phone. It was terrifying."


Well-Known Member
cheers for the links, ill read up on them later when i get highhhhhhhhhh, i just spoke to my mate on the phone and he was saying it was awesome, he said they started it a bit late, thhink around 11 pm, and he said they didnt get to sleep till around 5-6, which put me off quite a bit, as i love my sleep and kinda ruins everything when i cant sleep :\


Well-Known Member
cheers for the links, ill read up on them later when i get highhhhhhhhhh, i just spoke to my mate on the phone and he was saying it was awesome, he said they started it a bit late, thhink around 11 pm, and he said they didnt get to sleep till around 5-6, which put me off quite a bit, as i love my sleep and kinda ruins everything when i cant sleep :\
People tend too binge heavily on the drone. Have read stuff of people staying up for 4-5 days straight just snorting and freebasing the stuff. If your friends keep going they gonna be hooked in no time, and they will end up sorry that they ever fucked with it. Personally i love my drugs, hard and soft but drone is something i will not fuck with. E pills for the win!:weed:


Well-Known Member
What a sad thread. Methodone is a substance that permeates the whole of your body including your bones. It is more addictive than heroin worse to come off(hard to believe really, but true) and will bloat you out slow you down and make you a shell of a person. The other stuff... A fucking plant next horse tranquiliser?


Well-Known Member
What a sad thread. Methodone is a substance that permeates the whole of your body including your bones. It is more addictive than heroin worse to come off(hard to believe really, but true) and will bloat you out slow you down and make you a shell of a person. The other stuff... A fucking plant next horse tranquiliser?
According to the Darlington Drug and Alcohol Action Team it can cause nose bleeds, nose burns, hallucinations, blood circulation problems, rashes, anxiety, paranoia, fits and delusions. According to the company Crew2000, other problems may include poor concentration, poor short-term memory, tachycardia, palpitations, anxiety, depression, hyperhidrosis, mydriasis, trismus, and bruxism
A survey conducted by the National Addiction Centre, UK found that 51% of mephedrone users said they suffered from headaches, 43% from heart palpitations, 27% from nausea and 15% from cold or blue fingers.

The BBC News reported that one person who used the drug for 18 months, in the end using it twice a week, had to be admitted to a psychiatric unit after he started experiencing hallucinations, agitation, excitability and mania

This is not a "sad thread". I have found no evidence that compares addiction levels of opiates too the drone.

The Guardian reported that some users compulsively redose, consuming their whole supply when they only meant to use a small dose.

Ketamine, the horse tranq, is a hell of alot safer than this, i could snort as much k as i want and be fine the next day, could not say this about the drone.


mephedrone is a bit like MDMA but a lot more shit.. you get a buzz and for the first few times its brilliant but after that its shit. its pretty fucking addictive too psychologically anyway, i dont know about physically.


Well-Known Member
dont think they will get hooked on it, i will preach to them for sure if they start doing it regularly, there smoking weed tonight, so thats a good sign i guess hahaa :P