I found this on grass city - "you might want to try popping that thing in to the freezer for 10-15 minutes, then, if it's got a kief catcher, just bang the whole kit on a table or something solid a few times. If It doesn't have a kief catcher than you should bang each half on a piece of paper. When I do this with my spacecase (with kief catcher) and my grinder is dirty enough, I can usually get a pretty nice amount of kief."
Also this - "pour some hot water from the kettel into a large mug drop your grinder in there and stir it, trust me i do it every month or so. "
And this - "Clean it using a swiss army knife, a business card and a peice of paper and get all the little bits and keif and crystals and pollen out then smoke it... You'll get fucked what i do"
well my grinder is getting really full of kief on the side walls and crevices my question is how do i get it off and into a bowl?
if i use my finger i'll get it all out but i cant get it off my finger. i've tried mini spoons and everything i just cant figure this out
anyone got any good ideas