2 1/2 weeks from seed, need help please!

Hey everyone, This is my first grow and I feel its kinda going slow. They look kinda sick to me and I need some expert advice. like the title states about 2 and 1/2 weeks out of the seed. I have them under a 600w hps for now, mh bulb is on the way. lighting is 24/0, temps are between 75-80 F, using jacks classic all purpose at 1/4 strength every other watering. Any input would be great. Thanks for looking


Dan Halen

Active Member
Your giving them nutes way to early, and it's probably causing your soil ph to rise, causing them to get less water and nutes. At least that's what it sounds like to me. Try flushing your soil out, and waiting to give them nutes for about 2-3 weeks and see if that doesn't help.


Active Member
no food build the bugs in the soil the roots cant grow into something that strong and let them dry out so the roots can chase the water


Well-Known Member
u need to take them off nutes ASAP if u want to keep them , otherwize i would just thru them out they look about 5 days old. u dont want to give your plant nutes until they are about the size of your hand , so around 3 weeks ...


Active Member
I have to agree with the last few catts, stop the nutes quick! they are on thier way out....a seed has all it needs to develop on its own without help from mankind. Your plants will tell you when its time for food!

u need to take them off nutes ASAP if u want to keep them , otherwize i would just thru them out they look about 5 days old. u dont want to give your plant nutes until they are about the size of your hand , so around 3 weeks ...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you've stunted them with the fert. In those sized pots, they won't need fed til they're about 12" tall.(minimum) Flush them, then they should recover okay.
Thanks for everyones input, I've flushed the pots and I'll just see how they do. I'll be back in a few days to post pics of the progress.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
get them out of those containers. they don't need any nutes for the first two weeks, but too late.... put them in pots about half that size at least. in soil, people usually feed once a week, and water with plain ph'd water in between.


Well-Known Member
get them out of those containers. they don't need any nutes for the first two weeks, but too late.... put them in pots about half that size at least. in soil, people usually feed once a week, and water with plain ph'd water in between.
i agree wit silky here, seeds do not need to b started out in a pot that size man ull only invite root rot. go buy a pack of party cups and start seedlings out in that. ido 2 transplant thru the whole cycle cups>1gal>3gal
They germ'd using the paper towel method, then put into 1.5" rockwool cubes, once i saw roots coming out i put them in 16 ounce solo cups, i noticed bunches of roots growing through the drain holes I put in the cup so I transplanted them into there final pots (3 gallon)

Growth has started again, all I have besides the 3 gallons are the cups right now so should I transplant them back eventhough it has a crazy amount of roots going?


Active Member
They germ'd using the paper towel method, then put into 1.5" rockwool cubes, once i saw roots coming out i put them in 16 ounce solo cups, i noticed bunches of roots growing through the drain holes I put in the cup so I transplanted them into there final pots (3 gallon)

Growth has started again, all I have besides the 3 gallons are the cups right now so should I transplant them back eventhough it has a crazy amount of roots going?
how big are they now? how many nodes?..id say if you got like 3 or 4 nodes then def transplant them into there final homes,unless u will veg in the 3g pots then transfer to 5 for flower,if not them make the final transplant and again dont over water(wait untill the top soil is dry and an inch or 2 below that is just moist) dont over feed(always follow the scheduel on the bottle,and start at 1/4 strength then work up) and dont over examine,alot of times people tend to over evaluate a small issue.
did they MH get there yet?
ya it looks like you have them in MG soil too. so you really dont need to add nutes. and dont buy all the BS about planting them in big pots. they grow in the fucking ground....u think they only go down and inch outside? i plant all mine in their final homes from the get go. just use low soil amounts and cover up the stem when they stretch out. just stop watering too much and stop feeding and stop looking at them. i bet you go in there 20-30 times a day. i did my first grow. you will notice everything that is on them this grow. your lights are good. deep breathe and relax. they are a weed. they will grow.
Just an update, The soil i'm using is a mixture of 1/3 light warrior and 2/3 ocean forest, both from fox farms. still no mh yet, should arrive tomorrow. But I noticed they are growing more to the sides and not that much in height.

Some are 5" tall but 7 or 8" wide with at least 3 nodes on all plants. Is that normal for bubbalicious and blue mystic?


Well-Known Member
Looks like they have some fert burn going on. I should've went back and read the first page first, because I don't know if you added any ferts yet. Doh!LOL

EDIT: I see that you've been using fert, so I'm going to recommend holding on that for awhile. That soil is pretty rich already, and won't need anything added for a couple weeks. Flush, then wait for them to recover. That's your best bet.
Thanks Jawbrodt, yea I flushed them a few days ago and most look pretty good, it was just those few that still looked yellow/brownish. I haven't used any ferts since the flush and i'm not sure when the best time to start would be. Should I go by size or how old they are? nirvana's website says they are very short in height so i'm not sure if that will be a factor.


Well-Known Member
don't waste all that light mang.... those plants are small still...

next time use some CFL's until they grow a little more. 2 weeks of 600 watts 24/0 is a bunch of wasted electricity for small ass seedlings... this time around you stunted their growth because of the feeding. next round don't feed them, at all, for at least a whole week after they break ground.

next time, without the nutes, the plants are going to grow a lot faster, so 1 week under CFL's, then boom, under the MH... you'll plants will be like 3-4 times bigger by week 3-4, instead of being tiny and pathetic like they are now.

and feed them once or twice a week, more than that burns them. be sure to keep the PH around 6.0-6.5. regardless what ppl heresay, PH is the most important factor to consider when indoor gardening. monitoring with a soil ph tester is inefficient. it's better to use the PH drops to properly PH the water and nute-mix before putting in the soil. you'll save 10 bux on the soil tester, and you'll have healthy plants......



Well-Known Member
A lot of good advice for you there.

Definitely overkill with the light at that stage of growth....literally. That will be excellent lighting for flowering. Will your space be to hot?

Simply, if you could go back.....plant seeds in moist unfertilized soil. Leave them until they start to dry out, learn to judge by the weight, compare a bone-dry pot of soil to a saturated pot of soil. MJ loves it when they can dry out between waterings. As the plant grows add ferts, starting with low dosages, increasing dosages until half-way through flowering. Decrease dosages until 2-3 weeks before harvest. Flush with plain water in the final weeks. When it comes to fertilizer...less is more. When it comes to water, the drier the better without drying out completely. When you do water, flush thoroughly, rinsing unused ferts and replacing with fresh food.