a "back door man" is someone who LIKES anal sex. this dude has other feelings towards it, obviously.
i should have said "fucking" 13 times in this post, but i fail.
the always and ever knowing fdd.. opening his mouth before reading up on a subject.. the backdoor was a door before it was a sexual position.. perhaps you should read up on a culture outside of Califoria.. or would the be too much? Yeah.. I fuckin love using the word fuck.. it's my motherfuckin right to use whatever words I fuckin choose to use...
When I made the name, I knew there would be alot of people that would go this route, and just as I do now, I laughed and thought "it's not my fault they're simple, nor my place to educate the uneducated..." ban me if you choose, it's really the ONLY power you'll ever have..
And yeah.. I also enjoy fucin other men's women in the ass aswell... "the men don't know but the little girls understand.."
I just find it amazing Jim Morrison sang about it and still you don't have a fuckin clue...
Sometime's it's better to let us think you're an idiot than to remove all doubt
Asfor you socata... yeah, I do, and if I wasn't paying off a fine, fixing my truck and moving.. I would be more than happy to help those haiti... but unfortunately , life has dealt me the cards it has...
I feel sorry for those in Korea.. I feel for those in Afghanistan, for those sent to war for nothing more than a natural resource... those who were merely trying to go to school, to better themselves but lacked the financial aide to do so.. and felt that joining the military was the only answer... for those who have paid that price with their lives.. lieing in a hospital somewhere, arms missing, legs missing... lost in darkness... all because they wanted to go to school...
But I don't see any of you cracking Haitians jokes, laughing at their plight, the way you all seem to enjoy this man's misery... when's the last time you made fun of a man or woman who served her country, and lost his/her life for doing so? Wheres your jokes about naive high schoolers getting their arms and legs blown off? What about oyr grandfathers, who fought in WW1/2? About all those Jews who died in the holocaust? I would dtand here, and defend them with the same conviction as I do on this subject.. there's just nothing funny about human suffering.. we're all human, and we all have a stake in each other's well being...
I don't hold grudges... but I don't pull any punches either... being from Mississippi, i'm very opinionated and very outspoken about that opinion... if you don't like it.. there's nothing I can do about that... I believe in what I believe in, whole heartily.. I don't straddle anything when it comes to my convictions.. you're either the problem or the solution... and i'm sorry you wasn't raised to feel that way about anythingI was lucky enough to be born this way, and smart enough to see it is better to pick a side, than stand on the sideline's ondering where I should stand...
Asfor the super bowl... that all sounds great.. but i'm not sure whats going on... tickets for a bus will be 417 dollars for me and her... I can't afford that... she's going to try and take monday off, and if my truck and god will allow us to make it there.. then i'm done.. you know me.. anything for my black and gold... so it's really just a waiting game... as in waiting to see what gives first, me or my truck...
Do you know how shitty I will feel if I have to watch my boys celebrate their first ever super bowl victory, while i'm Oklahoma? !8 hours away from my family, who has had to endure my screaming and yelling fits, cursing at a deaf television .. season after season.. sunday after sunday? I'll be beyond ecstatic as that clock ticks down... but inside my heart will be breaking, and missing my Southern brothers and sisters... not to mention, all these Okies, standing around, watching my cry as we celebrate.... because there will tears... my blood runs black and gold.. as say.. WHO DAT SAY DEY GON' BEAT DEM SAINTS.. Sure as FUCK wont be no yankee doodle dandies dressed in blue...
You may be right, I might should calm my Mississippian ass down.. but as you know... dat ain't fidna happen til I die...