Third grow/ unknown strains


Well-Known Member
jorge ceventes guide isnt really true for the amount of time a plant can be ina certain sized pot, also when u guys think i should throw them into flower.
I like the name you picked for the clones! Way cool! lol.

And I PERSONALLY wouldn't question Jorge Ceventes ways...
That root thing is fuckin weird man! I never have roots growing out of the holes in the botom of my pot... I really don't think it's that big of a deal, I mean you said you JUST transplanted them right?... So I wouldn't think they're root bound by any means... What size pots did you transplant them into?

On when to flower that depends on how much room you have/light for the room. If you have enough light, why not grow all of them into massive bushes like your other? That way you get a massive yield! lol, that's what I would do, if I had enough light that is.


Well-Known Member
I like the name you picked for the clones! Way cool! lol.

And I PERSONALLY wouldn't question Jorge Ceventes ways...
That root thing is fuckin weird man! I never have roots growing out of the holes in the botom of my pot... I really don't think it's that big of a deal, I mean you said you JUST transplanted them right?... So I wouldn't think they're root bound by any means... What size pots did you transplant them into?

On when to flower that depends on how much room you have/light for the room. If you have enough light, why not grow all of them into massive bushes like your other? That way you get a massive yield! lol, that's what I would do, if I had enough light that is.

well i wasnt qeustining him its just that his take on pot size and plan age is way wrong he says u can go 3-5 months in a 5 gal pot, and 1-3 in a 3 gal, and ive grown in both and it out grows it way quicker, i dont think my clones are root bound, it just seem like the roots grow way quicker than what everyone thinks, i did use mycorhiznal to though, and my flower room has a 600 watt hps, and enough room for llike 20 plants of average size, and i might not lst these plants cuz i will have more plants in thier, also 600 watts wont grow more than 1 massive plant, the plants would be to tall and a 600 only penetrates about 34 inches past the canapy, but i dont know i might still lst,im tryin to flower at least 4 plants at atime now, my limit is 6 though but i think 4 would be better, i have some pics comin later today:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well I'm 71 days in (which is about 10 weeks, so 2&1/2 month's) and the pot that I have my flowering girl in is a 2&1/2 gallon... And I'm using it all the way through doing fine so far... I dunno, different plants and different genetics I guess, thats all I can think of anyways...
Your plants look good non the less, so that's awsome! Bigger pot size is always better! I just don't have room for a bigger pot than 2.5 gallon in my grow room.

This new grow you have going is gonna be a hell of a lot of fun to watch once you put the girls in flower! Can't wait! What do you plan on doing with the girls you don't put in flower? Just keep vegging untill needed? lol, awesome!


Well-Known Member
ya i geauss it does depend on alot of stuuf , like even soil, nutes, genitcs, clone or seed, but any ways ya it should be fun,
well i got 10 seedlongs 8 in soil and 2 in hempy im hopin for 1 female in the hempy, and at least for females from the soil seeds, if it happens like this i will put my 2 lucky cahrms in flower, along with 1 hempy and 3 seed females, and the other female i will try to take clones fromso i dont have to start from seed agian, and also if my luckycharms cuttuings take root, then i might just thorow some out so i stay at the legal limit, it sux having a limit cuz u always got to throw some out wich sucks, but i am very indesisive about things so i guess u and i will both see when that time comes cuz im not sure yet, i hope it happens the way i explained though if that makes sense, im really baked


Well-Known Member
ok today the seedlings are 11 days old from sprout, and the clones are 8 days since i got them, some of the seedlings seem like they have heat stress but they are the furthest from the light and my box stays below 80 at all time, so i dont really know. all the rest are growing quick, i can see roots at the bottoms on most of the seedlings, i think i will feed them a bit the next watering, my luckycharms are doin good, i topped them both and they seem to have what will be 4-5 main colas, i still might tie down a bit to though cuz i really like lst, the lc cuttings are still healthy, and the hempies are gettin their, i can see the tap root about 2 inches away from the res so once it hits the plant should take off, pill botlle seed is still small, and the 12/12 seed is doing ver well also, heres some pics:weed:



Well-Known Member
the 9th pic is my fav by far! That 3 leaf plant man... I can't get enough of it! I WANT one! hahaha, looking good bro! Hope all works out as you plan!


Well-Known Member
ya im quit fond of it i think i am going to top it to to see what happens, im just not sure on then to top,


Well-Known Member
ok i killed my big girl cuz she was seeded, so i burnt that bitch unfortanity, so i tranplsnted the Lc clones into 5 gallon pots, i also put them under the 600 cuz they wont fit in the veg box, im going to veg them for 2-3 more days so they can get comfy in the new pots, also will be usin 18/6 for these 2 for the next few days i dont like having a 600 on for more then 18 hours at a time, seedlings got their first feed today, i dont think they can be called seedlings anymore though their now plants, and all ar edoin great except one that seems to have extreme heat stress but its no where near the light, maby just bad seed, also looks like i got all indica dom plants wich im very happy for, i hate growin sativas, the hempies roots are in the res, they also got a feeding, they should start to take off now, pill seedling is still small, i will top the seed plants tomorrow using ubs method for 4 tops, well heres the pics tell me what u think and give any advic comments or info good day:weed:
oh and the Lc cuttings are very healthy still im hopin their formin roots, also i am tossin the seed i started on 12/12 do to the facxt it might have been polinated, so i will plant it outside in the could to see if it holds up



Well-Known Member
today i topped the vegging plants using ubs method for 4 main tops i also did a few the way i like to to see if one way is better or not, got some pics of before i topped and after i topped the pics are in order so theirs 2 pics of each plant one before topped and one after, also i did some lst to one my Lc clones she seems alot wider now, the other one i will be doin some tying when it need to be done, also i have ants i heard their bad and i hread using some cinnamin on top of the soil will keep them out of the soil, i need to get them out though, i believe the hempies are gonna start takin off now that the roots are in the res, heres the pics:weed:

oh and the pic of the plant outside is the one that was doin 12/12 from seed but i just threw it outside, cuz their couldve been pollon on it, i think it will make it till the end of winter but who knows, its been out for 1 day and night and still looks good



Well-Known Member
Sweet shit man! It's looking good! The girls<<<(hopefully) are growing FAST man! At least it seems that way to me...
I didn't see any pix of the hempy's, how are they doing???
And have your cuttings taken root yet, or are you still waiting to find out?


Well-Known Member
thanks, the hempies are doin good they gonna start takin off now, i just forgot the pic, and the cuttings i think are starting to root, i dont want to pll them out and ruin them, but they have new growth in the leafs so i think their is some root forming going on


Well-Known Member
ok all the plants are taking well to the topping some alot better than others though, shoul have 4-6 tops on each plant, plus i mite lst once i found out sex, also they are in need of a transplant, i think thats why the leafs are curlin under, and becasue their gettin bigger and the leafs sut bent in the box so they have a bent shape on some, also theirs a pic of some branches tryin to grow from under the cotyldons or what ever they are, and i did top the three leafer to it is gonna look good, the Lc cuts i took are gonn root soon i think it seems like it has been getting new growth in the last few days, My luckycharms plants in flower are getting bigger also, i switched them to flower today, so lets hope it ends up better than the last, also a pic of the seedling i threw outside its been 3-4 days since its been in the cold and it seems to be growin, but slowly, any way heres the pics:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Hey bro shits lookin good! Those hempy's look like they seem to be catching up ya?
And the clones are looking healthy as well! Hopefully they'll root! How long has it been since cutting?..


Well-Known Member
im not sure how long its been ob the cuttiongs but i think about a week, or so, and ya the hempies are strattin to pick up but i think im gonna be stayin in soil cuz they are blowin the shit out of the hempies and i dont see them catchin up at all, im sure they will still grow but i think all the hype of hempie isnt what it seems to be, thanagain im a soil guy, and congrats on your cut rooting thats awsome


Well-Known Member
ok today i took some pics of the babies, all but one have came up and that one will pop eventualy, some look indica dom, and some look sativa dom, i really dont care for growin sativas though, also my cut im tryin to clone is still alive but a bit yellow. also i got 2 new clones im not sure on strain or age so im startin day 1 for the clones, they seem to have a deficincy or nute burn, im growin 1 for another patient and the other is mine i will label them later to let u know what one is mine, also the cups their in say plo i dont know what it stands for but i know their from a dispenserie type place, also im doin one seedling from 12/12 from seed just to see what its like, i will be doin to plants the hempy way to to see how that is. heres the pics oh and also i have a three leafer theirs a pic to show:bigjoint:
You see PLO I see OLD. :idea:

And they are all growing up nice. That 3 leaved plants is cool.



Well-Known Member
thanks hempstead, and yes upside down it does say old i think i dont kno it could be initals of the strain or somthin but i named them luckycharms cuz they have no name, thanks for stoopin by


Well-Known Member
ok today my babies got a much needed transplant, they were in a half gal pot and now in a 1gal grow bag, i hate grow bags but its all i could afford, also i only have six soil vegging now cuz their wasnt enough room for them all so i took #7 outside and planted in the ground just to see what happens and if it makes it to spring, and then i put seed #1 into flower cuz i didnt want to toss it, oh and the one i put outside looked like it had thrips, so i didnt want to risk my other babies. other than that every thing is goog, the luckycharms in flower got some more lst today, and they are gettin bigger by the day, check the pics out:weed:



Well-Known Member
oh and my perlite in the hempies are turnin green does anyone know if this is normal:bigjoint:
Yes that is normal in hempy buckets. I have never done one but I was about to and I was reading up on them. Alot of people have the algae and it is ok to have and it won't hurt the plants. I also heard it helps supply the roots with more oxygen by way of algae photosynthesis. Some have avoided the algae with covers and even bubble stones in the bottom but then that defeats the simplicity of the hempy. I ended up building a bubble bucket and now I am just waiting for a plant to finish so I have some more room. I may do a hempy and a bubble bucket.


Well-Known Member
thanks man i wasnt sure on the green but know i do much thanks, and im not as estatic about hempy anymore now that i am doing it, my soil plants are kickin their ass,