1 single yellow spot on sprout leaf. Any Ideas, PIC PROVIDED.

Natures Cure

Active Member
Any comments on what this single yellow spot can be? My other plants are fine. Just this one with a single yellow spot.

I just emptied about half the water and replaced it with settled tap water (settled=sitting out for about 30 mins to dissapate chlorine) today after seeing the spot was increasing in size. Started out small but is no doubt increasing in size.

I'm pretty sure just a slight reaction to nutes given in half strength twice over the past 7 days. Since the others are fine, I'm fairly confident that this monkey is just a bit sensative.

But can anyone tell me what specific nutrient overdose/defficiency would present yellow spots.

thanks much!

:peace: & :weed:



Well-Known Member
Those leaves are supposed to die early in veg, it's their normal life expectancy, as they don't serve any function other than supplying the young plant with energy until it develops it's first grow tip. Then the fan leaves take over, and those little leaves(cotyldons. spelling?) die off. Nothing to worry about man, it'll be fine.

Does look a tad yellow though(the whole plant). Hmm.....seems strange that it would need more N after you've already fed it a couple times. *scratches head* Is the PH okay? That's the only reason I could imagine it starving already.


Well-Known Member
Those leaves are supposed to die early in veg, it's their normal life expectancy, as they don't serve any function other than supplying the young plant with energy until it develops it's first grow tip. Then the fan leaves take over, and those little leaves(cotyldons. spelling?) die off. Nothing to worry about man, it'll be fine.

Does look a tad yellow though(the whole plant). Hmm.....seems strange that it would need more N after you've already fed it a couple times. *scratches head* Is the PH okay? That's the only reason I could imagine it starving already.
I thought at first it looked a bit pale, but I think it is just the lighting. Not sure?

Natures Cure

Active Member
Those leaves are supposed to die early in veg, it's their normal life expectancy, as they don't serve any function other than supplying the young plant with energy until it develops it's first grow tip. Then the fan leaves take over, and those little leaves(cotyldons. spelling?) die off. Nothing to worry about man, it'll be fine.

Does look a tad yellow though(the whole plant). Hmm.....seems strange that it would need more N after you've already fed it a couple times. *scratches head* Is the PH okay? That's the only reason I could imagine it starving already.
Well, I was nervous (first timer) that I over fed the monkeys. (See my Monkeys album). So I like I said I drained half the water and replaced it with settled tap.

These guys are actually like 3 weeks old and have survided a lot so far. I had originally poste a thread on the sprout leaves and their life cycle. So I'm happy to hear that cowboylogic said they die, that was a good answer. But I remembered seeing somewhere that yellow spots were fairly significant of something specific.

thanks for all the post piling in . . . I have done quite a bit of research and reverse engineering to get to this point and I figured basic postings or general questions give peeps a chance to boost thier levels on this site by posting their answers. experience leves and all.

anyways thanks again.

Natures Cure

Active Member
Does look a tad yellow though(the whole plant). Hmm.....seems strange that it would need more N after you've already fed it a couple times. *scratches head* Is the PH okay? That's the only reason I could imagine it starving already.
PH has been magnificent as I've been pretty neurotic about my first grow so far. It's been between 5.8 - 6.5 consistantly and I think more importantly it's stayed stable enough that I've not had to really fk with the PH. My tap PH is perfect from the start and I let it sit for 30 mins to an hour before I attempt to add it to my bubbler.

Af far as the whole plant looking yellow it's pretty much the lighting and/or the camera. inperson they look very healthy but not very dark green.



Well-Known Member
What kind of lighting are you using? That thing is awfully tiny for 3 weeks old, and could probably benefit greatly from some more light. :)


Well-Known Member
hey man i had the same problem with a little yellow on the tip end on one cotyledon. i did notice that the particular leaf was in the fat rounded part of the seed which stuck to the leaf for way to long causing the discoloration