Why can't I get answers?

Natures Cure

Active Member
I joined this website for a handful of reasons and was off to a fast start . . .

Now I have a number of questions that have been viewed many times without anyone responding.

Am I asking stupid fkn questions. WTF! Why can't I get answers?


Well-Known Member
I took a peek aat some of your threads. Not stupid questions as there is no such thing. But yes, questions and topics that have been covered many times here. Spend a week or two doing some research and I think you will find many of your answers on your own.


Well-Known Member
You will find that most experienced growers (the people you want answers from) will not reply to vague questions...

Read up... and you will find that your questions will become way more specific and educated....

THEN, I bet you will start seeing good answers...:razz:

Best of Luck...:clap:

Natures Cure

Active Member
post a Q here... i'll try my best...
Well my main question right now is my thread on the yellow spot on only one of my sprout leaves.

I know the pic is a bit hard to see but that's my main concern right now. Don't wan't it to spread.

If you could post something in that thread that would be much appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Well my main question right now is my thread on the yellow spot on only one of my sprout leaves.

I know the pic is a bit hard to see but that's my main concern right now. Don't wan't it to spread.

If you could post something in that thread that would be much appreciated.

Things like: PROVIDING A LINK TO YOUR THREAD... will increase your odds of a response...

Not many people will go "looking for" your thread.... but if the link is there... we might just be tempted to click it...:razz:

Natures Cure

Active Member
Things like: PROVIDING A LINK TO YOUR THREAD... will increase your odds of a response...

Not many people will go "looking for" your thread.... but if the link is there... we might just be tempted to click it...:razz:
great point thanks for your input.


Well-Known Member
i read your yellow spot thread. there are some good answers now. basically, don't worry bout those leaves - they're gonna go away anywho. the plant did look a little yellow, but that could just be the lighting, camera or Al's interweb distorting the color a bit. i grow in soil, so i can't help you much regarding nutes. i also posted in your lighting thread.

good luck with your grow.


you will find that most experienced growers (the people you want answers from) will not reply to vague questions...

Read up... And you will find that your questions will become way more specific and educated....

Then, i bet you will start seeing good answers...:razz:

Best of luck...:clap:
i agree on this.....


Well-Known Member
wait until you have a problem maybe, a spot on your leaf? no is paid for helping on this site btw weird how people expect or demand help like its someones job here. stop worrying so much your plant looks fine

Natures Cure

Active Member
i did... there were 4 answers posted when i looked... OP you need to let longer than 5 mins go by before you get a response...

Read this for more info...

lmao, no really those thread sat empty right up until post started coming in like rain which is great feeling. I also firgured with posting some of this basic stuff it gives some eager peeps a chance to share/post some of their newly aquired wisdom :roll:

Natures Cure

Active Member
I joined this website for a handful of reasons and was off to a fast start . . .

Now I have a number of questions that have been viewed many times without anyone responding.

Am I asking stupid fkn questions. WTF! Why can't I get answers?
kiss-assThanks everyone for the posts that have started to pour in it's greatly appreciated.

:peace: & :weed:

Natures Cure

Active Member
wait until you have a problem maybe, a spot on your leaf? no is paid for helping on this site btw weird how people expect or demand help like its someones job here. stop worrying so much your plant looks fine
first, I dig ur avatar, second I'm an eager beaver on my first grow:eyesmoke:, third thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
At the risk of sounding like a broken record...:eyesmoke::lol:

Might I suggest adding the link to your thread to your signature...:razz:

It makes it easier for EVERYONE...:clap:

Natures Cure

Active Member