Who Gives More?


Well-Known Member
There are a million ways to give to charity. Toy drives, food drives, school supply drives…telethons, walkathons, and dance-athons.
But just who is doing the giving? Three quarters of American families donate to charity, giving $1,800 each, on average. Of course, if three quarters give, that means that one quarter don't give at all. So what distinguishes those who give from those who don't? It turns out there are many myths about that.

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I don't think this is even possible to analyze. I, for example, give to no charitable organizations. But my wife and I spend at least $10k each year of our own money doing dog rescue, paying vet bills, and placing dogs in good homes. I think lots of people who might appear to give do stuff like that, although some don't. Take a disabled vet for another example, wouldn't you say he has already done his giving for life?
I don't think this is even possible to analyze. I, for example, give to no charitable organizations. But my wife and I spend at least $10k each year of our own money doing dog rescue, paying vet bills, and placing dogs in good homes. I think lots of people who might appear to give do stuff like that, although some don't. Take a disabled vet for another example, wouldn't you say he has already done his giving for life?

Na, you are dealing with very large numbers. There are many studies similar to the one I posted. You have to assume the same variances occur equally on both sides. The Right gives more by a significant margin across the board. And the Left wants to give more of YOUR money across the board.
Na, you are dealing with very large numbers. There are many studies similar to the one I posted. You have to assume the same variances occur equally on both sides. The Right gives more by a significant margin across the board. And the Left wants to give more of YOUR money across the board.
Well the lefties will say it's because the righties have more money. We all know that everyone with money is a conservative and everybody without money is a liberal, right? :hump:
i saw a similar study a few years back. it compared new england with southern states. the poorest people gave the highest percentage of their incomes. the connecticut libs came in last. doesnt surprise me one bit. libs love charity. they love taking your money and giving it to their charity.
Again with your retarded biased bullshit that doesn't hold up to facts and is riddled with fallacies...

You ever gonna think for yourself and not regurgitate GOP propaganda? (emphasize I said GOP and not conservative)
Again with your retarded biased bullshit that doesn't hold up to facts and is riddled with fallacies...

You ever gonna think for yourself and not regurgitate GOP propaganda? (emphasize I said GOP and not conservative)

That was a really juvenile response. You should be embarrassed.
Again with your retarded biased bullshit that doesn't hold up to facts and is riddled with fallacies...

You ever gonna think for yourself and not regurgitate GOP propaganda? (emphasize I said GOP and not conservative)

who you talking to? are you disputing the studies? thats fine if you are, lets see your data.....
That was a really juvenile response. You should be embarrassed.

Sorry man, it might have been I admit, but honestly... Day after day, Rick posts the same stupid shit - "I'm better than you" "holier than thou" "retarded biased bullshit". The least I can do is point it out each time, right?
who you talking to? are you disputing the studies? thats fine if you are, lets see your data.....

Yes, I'm disputing the studies. I believe they are fallacious in nature.

Similar to how gallup polls tend to work a lot of the time, they take small samples of people and attribute the results to the entire population, for one.

Another thing was the locations, size of community, locations of the collection of data, etc...

Not to mention the author of the study CBS was using... Yeah, go wiki that guy, see what comes up... lol. I do that every time with the sources Ricky gives me, and consistently get "conservative commentator" or "conservative author" within the first few paragraphs of the page... Dude is terrified of different opinions...
Yes, I'm disputing the studies. I believe they are fallacious in nature.

Similar to how gallup polls tend to work a lot of the time, they take small samples of people and attribute the results to the entire population, for one.

Another thing was the locations, size of community, locations of the collection of data, etc...

Not to mention the author of the study CBS was using... Yeah, go wiki that guy, see what comes up... lol. I do that every time with the sources Ricky gives me, and consistently get "conservative commentator" or "conservative author" within the first few paragraphs of the page... Dude is terrified of different opinions...

again you are bashing the stats with no counterpoint other than stossel is an ass.

i seem to remember when they released the tax returns of kerry and edwards and how their donations to charity were dwarfed by cheney bush donations.

seriously i would bet a dollar to a donut that your average social conservative (church goer) gives more monetarily and time to charitable organizations than your average lib. so far i have seen no data contradicting the imperical documentation provided and common sense anectdotal stuff either.

your turn:peace:
i saw a similar study a few years back. it compared new england with southern states. the poorest people gave the highest percentage of their incomes. the connecticut libs came in last. doesnt surprise me one bit. libs love charity. they love taking your money and giving it to their charity.

The southern poor and Conneticut libs? You just tried to make a political ideology connection to something that is completely unrelated. I live in the South, the deep South. Without giving my exact location, lets just say my hometown is only a couple of hours from the gulf coast and it ain't in Florida. Yes, Southerners are more than happy to part with their money for charity. I myself am a proud Southerner and have charities I try to give to regularly and I have never been accused on this site of being a right wing neocon. But I dare say Southerners are more likely to also give more of their income to churches and even people like Robert Tilton and Pat Robertson. Do I have a study to back that up? No.. Lets just say its a hunch after having been born, raised, and lived here all my life.
The southern poor and Conneticut libs? You just tried to make a political ideology connection to something that is completely unrelated. .

i dint make the connection the study did. i will see if i can find the study if i have time later. it broke down party affiliation, incomes, locale. the study definitely pointed out that rich libs didnt give as much as poor conservative southerners. and it wasnt even close.
are you saying libs dont like tax deductions? i bet the 7 or so tax cheats obama hired would beg to differ :confused:
You seem suprised, There is no one that does not cheat or make mistakes on Taxes,,,It would take lifetimes to even understand the tax laws. They are corrupt, So is someone cheats they are a criminal Right?,,,If they get away they are better off...Sounds pretty crappy to me.
Just goes to show you how slimey people can be when they have specific agenda's to accomplish.
I'm openminded tho', and mainly a liberal,,,That agrees with the fair tax.
Well the lefties will say it's because the righties have more money. We all know that everyone with money is a conservative and everybody without money is a liberal, right? :hump:

Well moderates and middle of the roaders do not think that. And to assume that the lion's share of wealth resides exclusively with the "righties" is false also.

I have been a huge supporter of animal humane issues. I would say that maybe 75% are right of center (not ultra right wing). With Habitat for Humanity it was about 75% left of center (not ultra libs).

Charity and giving is important. I have seen near destitute folks give $5 for the people of Haiti. I have also seen wealthy folks be generous beyond reason. If anything, why are we trying to assign and make political the issue of charity? Rich and poor, conservative and liberal. Those with a conciense do what they can. To say someone's giving is worth more then others is morally bankrupt. :leaf::smile::leaf: