Transplant advise

Get on all, wondering if anyone can advise me if my plants are ready to transplant, in theese pics they are 15 days old including 3 days germination time, they are a couple of days older now with a load of new leaf sets and still going good but id like to catch them before they start to get root bound.
I also dont want to transplant to early and risk all the soil falling off the roots so any advise would be much appriciated, cheeeeers.

Oh yeah the pots are 6 inches wide (for scale) and the strain is "Church"



Well-Known Member
I judge if mine are ready by seeing how many roots have found there way to the drainage hole. If there are roots showing at at least half of the holes I feel safe enough to transplant.


Well-Known Member
Get on all, wondering if anyone can advise me if my plants are ready to transplant, in theese pics they are 15 days old including 3 days germination time, they are a couple of days older now with a load of new leaf sets and still going good but id like to catch them before they start to get root bound.
I also dont want to transplant to early and risk all the soil falling off the roots so any advise would be much appriciated, cheeeeers.

Oh yeah the pots are 6 inches wide (for scale) and the strain is "Church"

I could do the entire grow in those 6" pots and yield the same as you would transplanting them to a 2 gallon. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
this is one i upped from a 6" to an 8" pot. Turned out male, but thats irrelevant! :)
I'd say potting up from 6"-8" is irrelevant.

I have a Mother plant right now sitting in a 6" pot, she's been in there from clone for nigh on 5 months and provided me with nigh on 200 cuts. she just sits under a weak cfl.

i could even flower her to a heavy yield... all in a 6" pot.


Well-Known Member
I'd say potting up from 6"-8" is irrelevant.

I have a Mother plant right now sitting in a 6" pot, she's been in there from clone for nigh on 5 months and provided me with nigh on 200 cuts. she just sits under a weak cfl.

i could even flower her to a heavy yield... all in a 6" pot.
Yeah, my situation was more of a practice in OCD, the plant in the bigger pot went male, so I upcanned to make all the plants be in the same size pot in the grow area. BUT that doesnt have anything to do with the guy who started this thread.
I judge if mine are ready by seeing how many roots have found there way to the drainage hole. If there are roots showing at at least half of the holes I feel safe enough to transplant.
Nice one GidgetGrows that advise was spot on, transplanted them today and the roots were at the same sort of stage as your pic, theyre now in 15 litre pots.

I could do the entire grow in those 6" pots and yield the same as you would transplanting them to a 2 gallon. :bigjoint:
Thanks for replying skunkushybrid01, i think im going to stick with bigger is best principal with the pots though as the bigger the plant, the more opportunity for buds, at least that seems to be what the majority say but if you mean you could get the same amount from a smaller plant than i will off a bigger one then your deffinately right, first time and all but again its better to have a poor amount off a bigger plant than off a small one, just hedging my bets.


Active Member
My pots are 11 1/2 deep and 12in wide for veg the more room the roots have the more production the plant has.So after 45 days or so trans plant into 5 gal pots and the grow like crazy in flower,Get away from small pots u just stunt the growth of the plants one of my fem got trans planted week 3 in flower and just used big bloom and tiger bloom to water after trans plant and no shock or stress to plant look at my album and u will see to pics one before trans plant and one 3 days after and just look at the leaf and that will tell u what root space does for a plant,GOOD LUCK BRO!!!
My pots are 11 1/2 deep and 12in wide for veg the more room the roots have the more production the plant has.So after 45 days or so trans plant into 5 gal pots and the grow like crazy in flower,Get away from small pots u just stunt the growth of the plants one of my fem got trans planted week 3 in flower and just used big bloom and tiger bloom to water after trans plant and no shock or stress to plant look at my album and u will see to pics one before trans plant and one 3 days after and just look at the leaf and that will tell u what root space does for a plant,GOOD LUCK BRO!!!
cheers buddy there in three gallons now and lovin it nice one


Well-Known Member
I usually transplant mine from their nursery, so to speak, right into the three gallon buckets they'll finish in. You might consider trying that in the future.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for replying skunkushybrid01, i think im going to stick with bigger is best principal with the pots though as the bigger the plant, the more opportunity for buds, at least that seems to be what the majority say but if you mean you could get the same amount from a smaller plant than i will off a bigger one then your deffinately right, first time and all but again its better to have a poor amount off a bigger plant than off a small one, just hedging my bets.
No, i meant no disrespect... and maybe this early on in our hobby it is probably more advisable for you to follow the grain.