JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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Well-Known Member
According to the ground hog this morning, our last 6 weeks before spring is going to be rough. It's been a strange winter for us. Colder than avg temps, only a few days in Jan made it above freezing. But only a few inches of snow all season.

Know matter what it will be the middle of March before there will be anything trying to grow outside. We also don't plan any planting until after mothers day. I need to move south...


New Member
We have a cold front moving through today, but it's only bringing the temps down to the mid 40's for a few nights. almost time... I like to get in a bit early and try for three harvests in a year outdoors.


New Member
From the top of his coon skinned cap to the heel of his rawhide shoooes
the rippenest roarenist fightin man
the frontier ever knew!!!


Well-Known Member
The ground hog never fails.

He needs to go blind.. that will cure our pain. Till then, I'll be asleep in the back booth..


Well-Known Member
Yo man, that's not cool at all homie. I think you should delete your post bro. You can trash other threads but this is not one of them..
You will be greeted very shortly with a few neg reps and I don't blame any one that dishes it to you.

JohnnyO will not take kindly to this......

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
when you gotta go i guess..........steping around steaming pile of blood streaked stool , i'll take a house blend after hazmat cleans up this mess


New Member
and watches her udders in amazement as her phreaky shit-eating dog
sniffs then gobbles down the tasty, steaming pile of fresh, bloody shit then licks the floor shiny and after wagging ITs tail in appreciation for the tasty treat and looking in vain for the depositor to thank him for the super-tasty streaks on top, just sits down and looks up at ITs human.

The chic, feeling the uncomfortable stares, walks out and the dog sits by the door.




Well-Known Member
A pretty hippie chic walks in, and watches in amazement as her phreaky dog finds and eats the shit then licks the floor shiny and wagging ITs tail in appreciation looking for the depositor for the tasty streaks on top, just looks at ITs human.

The chic, feeling the uncomfortable stares, walks out.

I already lost my appetite, now i want to puke :spew:
It freaks me out to see a dog eat shit. YUCK!
Johnny, Wiki....I'll be back later.


Well-Known Member
and watches in amazement as her phreaky shit-eating dog sniffs then gobbles up the tasty, steaming pile of fresh shit then licks the floor shiny and wagging ITs tail in appreciation looking for the depositor to thank him for the tasty streaks on top, just looks at ITs human.

The chic, feeling the uncomfortable stares, walks out.

:peace: that you? :???:

Someone suggested it to me before, but I didn't think so until now.


New Member
Cracker waits outside for the non hygenic customer and drags him into the back alley and induces him to shiite good and proper .... pants still on.

Now you can go.

P.s> .... it was so easy.... and he cried.


Well-Known Member
***Stolls in the Almost empty coffie shop, Grabs an already read newspaper off someones used table that has yet to be cleaned, Casualy walking past the Baked goods section, Eying every cookie and brownie. Walks over to the Front, Unzips pants and drops trousers, and squats chinese style and takes a fat,hot,Runny shit. Casualy brousing through the current everts page in the paper. Leans over and Grabs a unused peice of toast and wipes that poopshoot.Gets up and slowley walks out the front door as if nothing happened.***
When this mutt starts complaining about me being mean to him, I hope he remembers this little encounter.


Well-Known Member
I tried to warn him.

But nooooo ,,, nobody pays attention to the guy sleeping in the booth. Just because..... he dropped a deuce right in front of me and where is my toast? If a was awake the moment he did that it would have never happened. Sorry JO.
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