bananas or brachs?help please


Active Member
LMAO... your right, this MUST be the explantion... haha obsurd. Those are just the calyx's swelling signifying the end of harvest. The calyx will swell (looking like seeds) and will start to pull the hairs into them. No worries, its just time to chop. enjoy!
thanks you so much but the answer i ned is whether to chop now after watering it 1 quart or wait till tomorrow and leave lights off for 15 hours..

B.C Chef

Active Member
Yep those are seeds bro. The plant is starting to hermie a bit but thats ganja for ya. It's not the end of the world.... if you don't see the flowers you are fine but I think you should probably cut your plant now or the smoke mixed with all the seeds will be rough.



Active Member
let it dry our for a few days before harvesting if you want a shorter drying time. However, it will not hurt anything to chop it now, it just might add a week or so to the dry time. your call.. and the extended dark period is unecessary.. it takes 24 hours or so before the plant realizes a change in photopereiod and protects itself with more resin. you would need to do this for a few days to notice a big difference.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Yep those are seeds bro. The plant is starting to hermie a bit but thats ganja for ya. It's not the end of the world.... if you don't see the flowers you are fine but I think you should probably cut your plant now or the smoke mixed with all the seeds will be rough.

Good Lord man! Have you ever even grown a crop?




Active Member
Boy all these mixed answers is making it hard for me :(...only thing keeping me from harvesting now is that i watered it 1 quart today..its in a 4.25 gallon pot and i gave it 1 quart of water...will this really matter?i picked buds 2 days ago and they were small b ut they dried in 2 days from hanging in a closet and then into curing jars..SHOULD I PICK THIS PLANT NOW OR TOMORROW BECAUSE OF WATERING,Thanks all

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Boy all these mixed answers is making it hard for me :(...only thing keeping me from harvesting now is that i watered it 1 quart today..its in a 4.25 gallon pot and i gave it 1 quart of water...will this really matter?i picked buds 2 days ago and they were small b ut they dried in 2 days from hanging in a closet and then into curing jars..SHOULD I PICK THIS PLANT NOW OR TOMORROW BECAUSE OF WATERING,Thanks all

That quart of water you put on that plant earlier today isn't going to make one bit of difference one way or the other. But if it makes you feel better wait until tomorrow morning and then chop it before the lights come on.


PS: When you de-pot it take a picture of the root ball and post it for us. Going on what you've said about your watering practices I'm guessing you don't have much of a root system.


Active Member

That quart of water you put on that plant earlier today isn't going to make one bit of difference one way or the other. But if it makes you feel better wait until tomorrow morning and then chop it before the lights come on.


PS: When you de-pot it take a picture of the root ball and post it for us. Going on what you've said about your watering practices I'm guessing you don't have much of a root system.
Ok will do...its a 4.25 gal pot and the roots are coming thru the bottom..i had to transplant 4 times until i got this pot..but yeah ill have pics tomorrow of harvest


Well-Known Member
Cut it. it could go a bit longer but FUCK THOSE SEEDS more will come.. Plenty have told you already that its good to go. and yes, i would say they are seeds. Cut when ready. Better question is, HOW DID THEY GET THERE. You say its your first and only plant? Are you sure there were no light leaks in your space. My whole last grow was fucked up by a tiny 2 inch slit in my tent i didn't realize that this TINY leak would ruin everything. It almost did. try and figure out if it was genetics or personal error that caused it.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member

I don't know about you but I'm absolutely giddy with anticipation over your impending harvest. Of course you realize that once you get this plant picked you're going to have to thrash around looking for something else to fret about.

Once you get it dried and brake up one of those buds that a lot of people here seems to think might have seeds in them, let us know if you actually have any. It's my best guess that you don't. As far along in flowering as that plant is if there were seeds in that pod the pod would be split open and you'd be seeing the seed.



Active Member

I don't know about you but I'm absolutely giddy with anticipation over your impending harvest. Of course you realize that once you get this plant picked you're going to have to thrash around looking for something else to fret about.

Once you get it dried and brake up one of those buds that a lot of people here seems to think might have seeds in them, let us know if you actually have any. It's my best guess that you don't. As far along in flowering as that plant is if there were seeds in that pod the pod would be split open and you'd be seeing the seed.

lol thanks and yeah i know you think iam waiting for some miracle but iam not i assure you.the plant i just wanted to get done as best as i can following similiar grows on here but its getting chopped now and ill be posting pictures,as for the weeks in flowering i wanted to chop at 8-9 weeks but people telling me to wait 1-2 more weeks...which is why i waited or else it would have been dried and cured somewhat already if i didnt post on these forums..


Active Member
Hey all i harvested her today..and still i didnt find a seed...only thing i found remotly close to thinking a seed would be there was these little white things...but i dont know..11 weeks flowering and no seeds...just those ehh whatever i just hope the smoke is good..loo kat the pic and tell em wht ya think!! also here i s a link to some videos on my tube


Thanks all

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Hey all i harvested her today..and still i didnt find a seed...only thing i found remotly close to thinking a seed would be there was these little white things...but i dont know..11 weeks flowering and no seeds...just those ehh whatever i just hope the smoke is good..loo kat the pic and tell em wht ya think!! also here i s a link to some videos on my tube


Thanks all

Congratulations man, you grew yourself some weed to smoke.

Now for the criticism.....

I think you went about 2 weeks past where you should have harvested at. Those little white things are partially formed immature seeds. What happened is that about 2 or 3 weeks a go the plant started putting out some "bananas" which are male flowers that a lot of strains produce right in the middle of the colas close to harvest time in a last ditch effort to reproduce it's self. You just didn't see them because you probably didn't know what to look for.

I almost always get these "yellow bananas". I pull the first couple of ones I see off with tweezers but basically with in a week to ten days of seeing the first one I harvest. They're just another indication that it's close to harvest time.

Nice job of trimming. I do mine very similarly. Personally I'd leave those buds on that bigger piece of stem until they got dry enough to break off of it. Sure it will slow down the drying but that's what you want (IMO). Even though the plant has been picked it continues to slowly metabolize some of the material it's made up of. This makes for a smoother better tasting smoke.

If you'll weigh what you've got right after you've picked it and trimmed it like you have, I'm guessing that you'll end up with about 20 to 22 % of that as a final dried weight once you get it off that bigger piece of stem. I'm guessing you've got less than a half oz. there.

Now your goal is to at least double that amount on the next attempt.



Active Member

Congratulations man, you grew yourself some weed to smoke.

Now for the criticism.....

I think you went about 2 weeks past where you should have harvested at. Those little white things are partially formed immature seeds. What happened is that about 2 or 3 weeks a go the plant started putting out some "bananas" which are male flowers that a lot of strains produce right in the middle of the colas close to harvest time in a last ditch effort to reproduce it's self. You just didn't see them because you probably didn't know what to look for.

I almost always get these "yellow bananas". I pull the first couple of ones I see off with tweezers but basically with in a week to ten days of seeing the first one I harvest. They're just another indication that it's close to harvest time.

Nice job of trimming. I do mine very similarly. Personally I'd leave those buds on that bigger piece of stem until they got dry enough to break off of it. Sure it will slow down the drying but that's what you want (IMO). Even though the plant has been picked it continues to slowly metabolize some of the material it's made up of. This makes for a smoother better tasting smoke.

If you'll weigh what you've got right after you've picked it and trimmed it like you have, I'm guessing that you'll end up with about 20 to 22 % of that as a final dried weight once you get it off that bigger piece of stem. I'm guessing you've got less than a half oz. there.

Now your goal is to at least double that amount on the next attempt.

Yeah but the thing is i was going by the trichome color and hardly any were amber..and everybody was telling me to let it go 2 more weeks ill post the thread here that is the reason i didnt harvest when i was going to here it is

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Yeah but the thing is i was going by the trichome color and hardly any were amber..and everybody was telling me to let it go 2 more weeks ill post the thread here that is the reason i didnt harvest when i was going to here it is

Well that's the problem with getting on these forums and asking other people to tell you what to do. I read the first couple of posts in the link you gave and there was one person that was telling you to go ahead a pick it right then.

I've agonized over this when to harvest a plant thing 15 or 20 times now. And I can tell you from experience that you'll get better at it as you do it a couple more times.

You just gained some valuable first hand experience but now it's time to move on and start figuring out how you're gonna do it better next time.


B.C Chef

Active Member
Good Lord man! Have you ever even grown a crop?


Dude.....most people gave the advice I did.....soooo chances are you have just never seen a hermie plant before. They tend to occur more in feminized seeds, especially in the blue strains. I have had both a Barney farms blue cheese and a Blue Moonshine hermie near the end. Stress can easily cause a plant to hermie and since the guy’s pics looked a lot like when I’ve had plants hermie and the plants looked easily mature enough to harvest....I gave the advice that i did.

So chances are your a rookie grower and haven’t really had many grows. That’s fine but you should be less willing to jump down someone’s throat until you have gained the experience necessary to give an educated rebuttal.
