jammin screw
Well-Known Member
I've read about herojuana... Want to try it it... It says it's badazz... Nice buds
I found that pic on google.Its by far my favorite smoke I get it from a place in LA www.drc215.com they have it on and off
IF someone already said it, I am going to say it again. GREEN CRACK
smoked some shit one time my buddy claimed to be from amsterdam, no idea, i DO know i smoked 2 bowls and 10 minutes later i had walked outside to get something from my car, annnnd i wound up on the ground, woke up a couple mins later from the guy pouring ice water on me.felt pretty silly afterwards.
I smoked some crazy stuff my boy got me from NYC, its tasted and smelled like fruit loopes, and it so white. The high was so out of these world, a crazy high the gets you going, I am still searching for that strain.