3 dank bagseeds 1st cfl grow

3 bagseeds that germinated on 1-24-10 i planted them that day and two of which are about 2 or 3 inches tall, the other one is about a day or two behind the others because the taproot just wasnt as long when i planted it as the other two were. im using fox farm ocean forest, and i have them under 4 23 watt cool white cfls ( not exactly sure the spectrum im guessing in between 2300 & 3000k & also two 24' verilux "Instant Sun" daylight spectrum flourescents which are 6800k (3000 lumens a piece) 20 watts, all of this in a cabinet i set up, the dimensions are something like 7 feet tall and 2 feet wide by 2 feet wide. its a nice little setup for seedlings or clones. im pretty new to the game but ive been doing alot of research.. im planning to build a veg room something like 4 feet tall by 6 feet wide by 6 feet wide as i plan to clone a couple and put together at least 5 - 8 nice ladys and do a "SCROG" under either a 600 watt or a 400 watt mh followed by 1000 watt hps for flower ( i am still deciding and trying to factor in heat as a major issue, so feedback on light decisions would be much appreciated) i have pictures attached of the three seedlings which i call "Michelle" "Nichole" and "Cindy Lou Zoo" lol. and michelles root that has already reached the bottom of my cup in just 6 days (Should i transplant soon)?!?!? and my grow cabinet.. this is my first semi legit grow so criticism is needed.. tell me what you think i can do to make my ladies more comfortable.. ALSO can you swich from dirt to hydro?



Well-Known Member
Be patient. But umm, you should tape the outsides of those cups because light on the roots will kill, but good job so far. And also move the lights a lil closer and turn on the cfl's


Active Member
Nice lookin grow you got started man. "Cool white" usually means ~4100k spectrum. I don't know what your final plans are but yea 1000w hps is alot of heat to deal with. Good luck!
Be patient. But umm, you should tape the outsides of those cups because light on the roots will kill, but good job so far. And also move the lights a lil closer and turn on the cfl's
the cfls are usually on i turned them off just to get a better picture...
moved the plants closer to my ligts and taped up the cup where the roots are and about halfway up the cup ( thanks for that tip)
but when should it be okay to transplant them from the party cups, considering they are only a week old?
Nice lookin grow you got started man. "Cool white" usually means ~4100k spectrum. I don't know what your final plans are but yea 1000w hps is alot of heat to deal with. Good luck!
well thats what im trying to figure out. im going to be working with about 6 feet by 6 feet by 6 feet of space for veg,and the same for flowering ( im going to try to ease my way into a perpetual grow or "SoG"
sooo my smallest seedling "Cindy Lou" keeled over and is just lying there on her side lifeless.. i was using a nebulizer toget air to the roots by sticking the tubing from the nebulizer in a whole in the tom of the cup, either i dryed out the roots or i think i might have gotten too hot in the cabinet this morning when my lights turned on since i had the cabinet closed ( i usually keep it open with a fan circulating the air in the room unless i leave) i hope she doesnt die. i am growing quite partial to her
aw they are so cute at that age...i've got a bagseed growing aswell, just hoping it's a girl but you never know. good luck on the grow, keep us posted
dude im using only 2 cfl 26 watt lights and mine is alot farther along. i think it has to do with the seeds you chose. i got an indica thats 14 days old today i posted a new thread come check it out https://www.rollitup.org/introduce-yourself/298913-indica-sativa.html not too bad though. give em more time and see how they do. this is my first grow also. any feedback would be appreciated. peace
yes well they are only about 5 or 6 days old. i planted them in soil with the seed still attached on 1-25-10 and they didnt break out of the seed and completely out of the membrane until the 28th, so im not worried. aside from the fact that the smallest one cindy is just laying there half the time. she trys to stand up. then just lays back down. i think shes just gonna die..
Updates! Cindy is dead, she just leaned over on her side ad never got back up, what a weak little girl. oh well. i still have michelle and nikki and they are doing quite well. they have their second set of fan leaves and i can see roots trying to expand all the way around the circumfrance of my party cups ( they are clear but i taped them up to keep the roots from dying) i will transplant them soon enough. here are some pictures..


trying to fiure out when a good time to transplant would be?
dude nice job but... You need to either get more lights or move the plants with one or two inches at most away from the tops of the plants I have 2 babies that are 13 days old and are on there fourth sets of leaves!!! I have a grow box with 5 plants that are six days old and they are all twice the size of yours all hayseed mixed. You can tell your plants don't have nearly enough light because those stems are so long I'm surprised no one has pointed this out. Also you are using cool white bulbs you need a spectrum of 5000kelvin with 6000k or 6500k preferable. Right now my plants have 6200 watts in a 19 " x 11" box with the tops always within one inch. Your tube fluorspar may put out a ton of lumens but they are spread across a long bulb. Your plants are basically growing on environment similarto the light output of early sunrise or sunset. Handle those lights and good luck keep posting progress
dude nice job but... You need to either get more lights or move the plants with one or two inches at most away from the tops of the plants I have 2 babies that are 13 days old and are on there fourth sets of leaves!!! I have a grow box with 5 plants that are six days old and they are all twice the size of yours all hayseed mixed. You can tell your plants don't have nearly enough light because those stems are so long I'm surprised no one has pointed this out. Also you are using cool white bulbs you need a spectrum of 5000kelvin with 6000k or 6500k preferable. Right now my plants have 6200 watts in a 19 " x 11" box with the tops always within one inch. Your tube fluorspar may put out a ton of lumens but they are spread across a long bulb. Your plants are basically growing on environment similarto the light output of early sunrise or sunset. Handle those lights and good luck keep posting progress
first of all i have my lights about an inch to two inches from the plants at all times. that wasnt the case for the first week ( i didnt want to burn them as i have done before)
i figured out that lumens dont add (LOL) thanks al. i had a shit ton of cfls in there and it was just heating the place up to like 90 degrees. so fuck that. i took all of the cfl bulbs out. i have the two fluourescents in there, they are 6280 kelvin. 20 watts each. they are going to have to do the job until i buy the 1000 watt hps from my buddy for the sweet price of 150 bucks (hes throwing in a mh bulb and a few other things) and my grow tent. which will be 76' x 76' x 76' where i will set up an a 4 tray ebb and flow sea of green once these girls get big enough to cut clones off of.. oh how i cant wait lol.. but i will of course keep posting.
:bigjoint:here they are bustin out with their 3rd set of fan leaves gettin super fat now that i replaced the 4 cfls that i was using with much bigger 60 watts daylight spectrum 6500. AND i put some fans in front of my cabinet to get the air flowing so it never gets over 78' degrees.. problem solved.. so theres michelle and nikki d. i think nikki d is a sativa and michelle is indica. as nikki seems to be taller with further space between nodes and the leaves are skinny and long. compared to michelle is shorter, fewer space between nodes, the leafs are real close together and they are fat short little things. i also planted another one that germinated last night in the good ole fox farm ocean forest and its already broke out of the shell. so i will have pictures of that soon as wellbongsmilie

