PH DOWN- question


Well-Known Member
added nutes, at 7.2, purchased some aquarium ph down (top fin)......

i cant get below 6.5..... is this even ok to use???? i seriously have used 90ml to a 10 gal res...

1) am i a complete dumbass is buying aquarium ph down
2) im a 1st time DWCer, used lime juice to drop my ph in soil,(only need a tiny bit) and all is GREAT. can i use lime juice as a down in hydro?


Well-Known Member
I moved over to lemon juice several years back. As far as I have been able to determine how much is needed depends on the Ph of the water supply. For example at my crib a gallon o tap water needs one capful of lemon juice to make it hit in the sweet spot. I buy the cheap store brand stuff.



Well-Known Member
Your nutes alone should PH balance the water when first added. If your having that much trouble lowering your PH after a day or two in the res, then you should lower your PPM's. I just had the same problem. In week 4 of flower, running AN connoseur at 1790 as of monday. The PH soared to 7.2, lowered the PPMs down to 1500, PH balanced out.


Well-Known Member
im using the seni 2 part grow/bloom w/ extras, only now putting my clones in it, so in a 30l tub i only added 24ml of each(sensi grow). i do not have a PPM meter still only a PH

i was just worried about the juice because of possible bacteria / mold


Active Member
i use aquarium ph down and have no issues, also running the sensi 2 part... the only thing i would suggest is trying to ph ur water b4 u add nutes, like bring it down to like 5 and see if it would balance out after nutes.

Illegal Smile

or use pH down made for hydro. I once put a four ounce bottle of aquarium stuff in one gallon of water and it didn't move it at all.


New Member
Phosphoric acid can be bought anywhere that they sell auto body supplies quite cheaply. It is used as a final etching cleaner of metal parts before painting or adding body filler. They usally sell it at 28% strength. Dyna Grow pH Down contains 33% phosphoric acid and 11.5% Nitric acid. Nitric acid is about 1/3 the strength of Phosphoric acid. There fore 28% phosphoric acid is about 75% of the strength of pH down. Likely about 25% of the cost however. CLI-Right Stuff is available usually at Auto parts stores. ACE hardware and Home Depot sell it. About $12 to $22 a gallon tops. It will be greenish in color.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys hmm i work for a auto... lol

my PH is fucked i think... i got it to drop to 5.7 w/ citric acid from 7.7 ( not too much) and i got home (8 hrs) im back to 7.2... i used jiffy pellets for rooting, just got some roots, not out of the net pot yet though so its not the plants yet... wtf people


New Member
Weak non mineral acids only have a short term effect at best. You really need to use a mineral acid such as Nitric, Phosphoric or Sulfuric.


Well-Known Member
Weak non mineral acids only have a short term effect at best. You really need to use a mineral acid such as Nitric, Phosphoric or Sulfuric.

damn..... yep, the citric only lasts a total of 8hrs in the res, i have grown in soil with the water ph'd....

i have no phosphoric acid at work.... wtf to use

is this good people??????


New Member
what about a car battery???? thats sulfuric acid right?
Yes it is diluted sulpuric acid, but once you put the acid in a battery it is then very heavily contaminated with lead. Sulphuric Acid is available at most hardware stores in the plumbing department and phosphoric acid is usually in the paint department with the solvents.

Klene-Strip Brand Phosphoric Prep & Etch (cheap and strong phosphoric acid)


Well-Known Member
going to hardware store now...

I DO NOT RECOMMEND CITRIC ACID for a ph down, made like a white line in res and only drops ph for a few hrs...


Well-Known Member
god dammit!

i found the green stuff (Klene-Strip Brand Phosphoric Prep & Etch), and dropped my Milwaukee ph pen in the res..... BROKE NOW


i need a res change ASAP, wont have new PH pen till saturday, my tap is 7.7


Well-Known Member
got new pen, this Phos acid works great!!!

only needed 5ml per 30l ROOTS ALMOST AT WATER LEVEL!