What is a good indoor grow book??


Active Member
The bible is one mans method.I grow fat medical nugs.I never bought a book.It's all online these days.Oregon024


Well-Known Member
The bible is one mans method.

If you never bought the book, how would you know? The bible talks about just about every aspect in growing.

I grow fat medical nugs.


I never bought a book.


It's all online these days.

Online, yes I agree. But my wireless doesn't work in the growroom.


Well-Known Member
The bible is one mans method.

If you never bought the book, how would you know? The bible talks about just about every aspect in growing.

I grow fat medical nugs.


I never bought a book.


It's all online these days.

Online, yes I agree. But my wireless doesn't work in the growroom.
i'm glad i'm not the only one that likes to point out hypocritical statements


Active Member
I didn't lie never bought a book.It's all about dedication if your a dedicated grower you will learn.The medical grow class helped me too.