Its an out of shape man with pimply ass, a very unkept un hygenic pubic area and for some reason more hair in the crack of his ass then a fuckin baboon.If it was a woman Id feel bad for him having to sleep with her as thats just pure flat assed unsexy human hair meat ewww
and besides no self respecting non true tree hugging hippie woman would allow herself to get sooutta control let along display it like that lol.A good bush on a woman is fine but it has to be tended and cleaned for god sake.I surprised there isnt yelling evry time that person walks with that much hair in thier ass its gotta be pulled with every step what a gentic mutant lol
That's pretty gay to put a pic up of some dude, claiming it's a woman. That means you had to look through gay porn sites to get that i'm sure, or wherever you sickos get naked pics of guys that try to be women. They need to have a gay section for people of your sexual preference.