Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)


If you dont see the white snow on the buds by week 3 then your not going to, it doesnt magically show in the last week or two it shows all the way, After drying thought it looks no different that your pic its while growing as mentioned that you see how "white" the buds are. Sounds like yours isnt coming out this way, dont give up grow another and dont clone the one you have. I dont really have a clear pic of all the trichs but definitly let them go longer than 7 weeks, widows looks ready after 5 weeks but its going to swell much more in last two weeks. The smoke is just so good that even very early it gives nice buzz.
uh bullshit white widow is fucking frosty as fuck when grown right and dried it appears almost like someone threw baby powder on your ganja your doing something wrong or you dont got the original ww or you dont have widow at all and its passing for that if i sent you a pic of ww that has been grown right you'll love it its not a easy plant to get to its full potential but when it reaches it there arent to many sativa's that can compete with potency and not too many strains period with the trichs i REPEAT THAT IF YOU HAVE WW DRIED IT SHOULD APPEAR WHITE[/QUOTE]

ok, well mines not white when its dried. So lets recap here. 8 weeks is good or should i do it longer. thankyou for the trichome pics, thats helpful. Should I go by that then?


if your asking when to harvest you dont go by a calander you go by your plants research the sign when its ready but here are som swollen almost seeded in appearance calxs the hairs to start to receed back to calx and change in color meaning they arent sticking out they are curling up starting to die and turn amberish color THE MAIN AND BEST WAY IS TO LOOK AT YOUR TRICHS get a microscope and look @ your trichs i like to harvest about 20-40 amber sometimes less but never more than 5 % clear and dont just look @ heads look @ stalks/shafts you want swollen shafts that are same color as heads


Well-Known Member
Tell your friend that if he wants to grow, and get the most for his efforts...10 weeks isnt shit honestly. There are Sativas out there that can flower for literally a handful of months. Such as the Vietnamese Dalat.

It's the price you pay when growing Sats...longer flower time.


Well-Known Member
yeh my ww went for 12 weeks till i got 1/2 cloudy and 1/2 amber, well maybe a little more amber, i like feel really stoned when i smoke. anyways you should always go by trichs. you could control what type of high if you master this.... ive only completed one grow so what do i know... but it turned out great!!!!!!! i wont even buy from others anymore cuz i know with a little love and pateince i can get better shit than they do... tell you freind to harvest one plant when he thinks it ready, than the other a week later.. cure both properly.... now he will see and feel the diff...


he refuses to go longer than 8 weeks. he wants to harv so he can make room for the next clones coming in. but for my own knowledge I will keep the trichomes in mind. if i ever end up growing myself i want to make it as perfect as possible. so i really appreciate all the input. it sounds like trichomes is where its at. and whoever showed me the pic of the trichomes 3 stages, thankyou!

now on to cure properly... which he also refuses to do any other way but his own. but i suppose i can look around this site and find ways to cure it the best. thanks again everyone. hes just very impatient being as he'growing it for the $


he refuses to go longer than 8 weeks. he wants to harv so he can make room for the next clones coming in. but for my own knowledge I will keep the trichomes in mind. if i ever end up growing myself i want to make it as perfect as possible. so i really appreciate all the input. it sounds like trichomes is where its at. and whoever showed me the pic of the trichomes 3 stages, thankyou!

now on to cure properly... which he also refuses to do any other way but his own. but i suppose i can look around this site and find ways to cure it the best. thanks again everyone. hes just very impatient being as he'growing it for the $
well thats just silly people pay more for better ganja if your boi isn't going to get the shit right he might as well not do it and if he is doing it for the money tell him that in the last week you can gain 25 % of you total yield meaning he'd get more trees if you wait longer so even from money motive only it make sense


Well-Known Member
Oh no, he would have to hold onto clones for two more weeks than he thought?!


Now his clones would be a lil bigger and more established when they go into the room! What a horrible thing! That means in the end he might get another 10 - 15% (or more) harvest weight from larger plants...while increasing the harvest weight yet again by letting the other crop go the 10 weeks.

10 weeks is still cutting it short from what I know about WW...and he is pissy about 8 when it can go for 12? Tell him find a different strain then. Doing himself and his customers a favor.

No offense but you're buddy is not that serious about his grow apparently. He is in it just for cash huh? Until he can take an actual appreciation for the strain he is growing..and willing to lay down a bit of that arrogance...his grow will never be what it truly could be..and he will keep unknowingly throwing away money.

Tell him to put that in his pipe and smoke it..


Optimum flower time, depending on the strain and stone you want, is when trichs are 50% clear and 50% milky white, this will give you a soaring sativa esq. stone, wait a lil longer till trichs are majority amber to get you full indica body stone. I beleive white widow is predominantly indica so you should be waiting maybe even longer than 8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I say take hime where he needs to go in steps it will feel like dragging a mule in a direction it doesn't want to go but eventually you will get there. after he sees what 8weeks does he might be easier to convince or, even better yet ask him for one plant so you can show him. as for you selling the shit for him and not getting a cut fuck that I'd be pinching bags and selling that off .2g off of every gram you sell for him ends up being a lot over time sell a zip and you have 5.6g @ 10$ per gram you have 56$ do that and just buy a plant from him after awhile and take care of it yourself. give him a side by side comparison smoke to smoke you know.


I say take hime where he needs to go in steps it will feel like dragging a mule in a direction it doesn't want to go but eventually you will get there. after he sees what 8weeks does he might be easier to convince or, even better yet ask him for one plant so you can show him. as for you selling the shit for him and not getting a cut fuck that I'd be pinching bags and selling that off .2g off of every gram you sell for him ends up being a lot over time sell a zip and you have 5.6g @ 10$ per gram you have 56$ do that and just buy a plant from him after awhile and take care of it yourself. give him a side by side comparison smoke to smoke you know.
so your saying short the customer fuck that tell that fool sell his own shit or front it to you wholesale simple as that period dot end of discussion dont ever short the customer id beat you head in and take your shit if you shorted me think im exaderating im not


Well-Known Member
Or just ask him to let ONE plant stay up for the 10 weeks (or more if you can talk him into it) and see how much more it grows. He is soooo cutting his end harvest down and he doesn't even realize it. Someone stated that the last week (roughly) you get about 25% of your end weight. Now, if WW is a 12 week strain and he is only letting them go for 8 he is not only losing those added couple weeks...but that end boom when plants just pack it on.


Or just ask him to let ONE plant stay up for the 10 weeks (or more if you can talk him into it) and see how much more it grows. He is soooo cutting his end harvest down and he doesn't even realize it. Someone stated that the last week (roughly) you get about 25% of your end weight. Now, if WW is a 12 week strain and he is only letting them go for 8 he is not only losing those added couple weeks...but that end boom when plants just pack it on.
I CONCUR with above statement


Well-Known Member
so your saying short the customer fuck that tell that fool sell his own shit or front it to you wholesale simple as that period dot end of discussion dont ever short the customer id beat you head in and take your shit if you shorted me think im exaderating im not
honestly i would tell you it was .8 your choice to buy it at that point. no need for violence, and i don't think your exaggerating i would do the same if someone sold me .8 as 1g especially if I was buying more than a gram. an 8th that weighs 2.8g is not ok.


honestly i would tell you it was .8 your choice to buy it at that point. no need for violence, and i don't think your exaggerating i would do the same if someone sold me .8 as 1g especially if I was buying more than a gram. an 8th that weighs 2.8g is not ok.
exactly what im sayin more about the point of it all like big worm said there are pricipalities involed smokay


Well-Known Member
exactly what im sayin more about the point of it all like big worm said there are pricipalities involed smokay
Oooh man, classic. :joint:

"No Sugar? Damn. Ya'll aint ever got two things that match. Either ya'll got kool-aid, no sugar. Peanut Butter, no Jelly. Ham, no burger. Daaaaaam!"


Oooh man, classic. :joint:

"No Sugar? Damn. Ya'll aint ever got two things that match. Either ya'll got kool-aid, no sugar. Peanut Butter, no Jelly. Ham, no burger. Daaaaaam!"

hell yeah son


He got himself a 100x zoom magnifying glass with a focus. We'll be going by the trichs i can guarentee that. Looks like we've broke him, gentleman. im SO stoked. no more fucking 7 week harvest


I actually wish there was a way to print this whole thread just to proove to him i wasnt bullshitting. he's 53, im 20. he thinks im wrong because im younger than him. god damn... atleast with everyones help i was able to gain the right knowledge to teach him something