I've made an observation...purely in the interest of science.


Alright, so there SWIM was, smoking a bong without bong water, buds resinating in the once water filled chambers. After about an eigth, SWIM noticed the chamber was filthy with resin so the bud must be nasty as hell and ready to consume.
SWIM was smoking this extremely bad tasting bud (but SWIM got hella stoned) and started smoking a cigarette in between bowls.
While smoking SWIM decided that blowing cigarette smoke through a napkin and then blowing bong smoke through the same napkin in a different spot to confirm that bud is better for SWIM's self.
Well folks, try it for yourself. The bud left little tar on the napkin, the cigarette however was filthy nasty. The bud probably left tar because of the resin in the chamber on the bud, SWIM imagines it'd be less with no resin.

Makes SWIM wanna quit smoking cigarettes! :weed:


thats why hempcurescancer quit smoking cigarettes. My brother used to blow on a napkin after inhaling ciggy smoke, show me it, and say that's what a smoker's lungs look like.

Edit- Welcome to riu friend


Yeah, but now munchies are too hard to defeat without nicotine. Oh well I'll do it as long as the trees keep growing, they are much healthier than cigarettes.


Well-Known Member
I sympathize with the tobacco smokers. I only managed to quit because when i got my wisdom teeth pulled i wasn't supposed to smoke for a week, and i had 7.5's of hydrocodone which were nice.. I read somewhere that smoking herb will paralyze the cilia ( tiny hair-like structures in the back of your throat) whereas cigarrettes kill them; over a period of time. So paralyzed cilia + tobacco with radioactive metals in it = not good. BUT...the buzz is intense and i know there's a lot of people who have smoked cigs for a long time and appear to be ok.

Sr. Verde

whats swim doing hiting a bong with no water? retard

Maybe for experimental purposes

And SWIM is dumb

Nobody cares if your smoking herb and cigarettes, MAYBE if you were producing pounds and pounds and pounds of weed and talking about selling it would someone give a fuck


Well-Known Member
guys, he's probably using "SWIM" because its very common on other sites that discuss illegal drugs. it means "someone who isn't me"...as for smoking a bong without water...geez...thats gotta be harsh lol.

its interesting though. that the experiment is showing that cigarettes have more harmful crap in them than bud. its an experiment that i can smile about :D thanks for posting it!


guys, he's probably using "SWIM" because its very common on other sites that discuss illegal drugs. it means "someone who isn't me"...as for smoking a bong without water...geez...thats gotta be harsh lol.

its interesting though. that the experiment is showing that cigarettes have more harmful crap in them than bud. its an experiment that i can smile about :D thanks for posting it!
Thank you, sorry I hadn't responded sooner. I was busy researching the growing process etc...

To everyone else, many other sites I am a member of use the "SWIM" pseudonym as to not incriminate, sorry if that cause a bunch in some of your panties. If I wanted to talk about:

producing pounds and pounds and pounds of weed and talking about selling it
I wouldn't have posted in Toke N Talk, I'd have posted in the appropriate section, so kindly piss off thanks.