Here is a nice link that should help people asking questions and wondering why they are being told to do their homework first.
Sorry, I should have PM'd you. I got so excited I lost it and went off topic. I value your advise and would gladly offer you help if you ever needed it (I'm a computer programmer/admin, if you need any help with geek stuff let me know).
I am sincerely grateful for this thread.
It is just the opposite of what I've been told to do my my more experienced friends. They always had me strip the bottom colas saying they would never produce much... I guess they never seen a photo the ones of your buds.
Good Morning Uncle Ben!
LDO, it is hard to kill someone through the net
But if you had read the last few pages of this thread you would see me clearly pointing out to where the cutting site is. Theres even pictures with lines involved..
Dave, you've been more than patient with folks that are too lazy to try to get a grasp on plant parts, plant physiology, or at least read the first page. I just had a guy PM me asking me to define a node.
This is for the noobs that keep asking the same old questions over and over again -
....enough of this rant.
im sorry i did read this post, and i have read books, on plant physiology, and culture, and im not to lazy, and u made this thread to help but yet u get all pissed when u have to answer a few qeustions, it seems like al your response to people is a dickhead answer, i dont even see why people ask u cuz u just a dick, dont make the thread if u dont want to answer some shit, and people do do researching and every website everybook every person has somthing different shit to say like where the true second node is,
PS ur a dick dude smoke some more weed to calm yourself
he's been answering the same questions for 167 pages.. did you notice how old this thread is? he has every right to respond how he sees fit.
the true second node is the same place EVERY time, thats not really something that is debatable. its like discussing "is two plus two really four?" it's fact, there is not debate.
get a life loser.
PS take your own advice.
jsut cuz it was answered already gives him no right to be a dick
also ive read many posts and books and have watched videos and have expeirence with very well known growers, and none of them ever agree on wich is the second node, some count nodes different, so ya it is debatalbe when theirs all these diffent answers
i got a life i dont sit here all day on ubs nut like you, peace not gonna argue just sayin ub is a dick head, and i dont know why evryone likes him, but what ever![]()
Everyone needs to calm down and take a toke. Thats what Im gonna do!![]()
Wait, so I must've topped in a bad spot. I went way up my stem by the newest nodes...My shit is 10 inches tall. What do I do?!?!?!
So uncle Ben, I used your topping technique on all four of my plants, worked wonders on three (thx), the other is taking much longer to recover and seems to have about 5 shoots coming out of the place where I topped it...what have I done wrong? What is happening here? is the plant salvageable?
How do i post a topic on the forums?
Well, you could always shit can it.
You must seek the 2nd true node, grasshopper. It is within reach for those seeking the truth.
Ever tried a post hole digger?
And to all my high tech friends out there in cannabis rocket fuel land, gude nite fraudlines!
Buenas panoches,
Tio Bendejo
Am I the only one that is completely confusedled now?
jsut cuz it was answered already gives him no right to be a dick,
right on brother. i'm sorry i got worked up everyone. i haven't been able to find my nicotine inhaler (i quit smoking 1/1/10 and havent lit up since!)![]()