It is hilarious when someone attempts to channel the opposition and in doing so projects his own prejudices of said opposition through a distorted prism.
I will answer.
Social justice is dead. In fact social justice =socialism. Right? Why should we as a society (or any of us as individuals) be concerned about fairness, the plight of individuals, poverty, unemployment, exploitation, or any other issues related to personhood?
There is no such thing as
social justice, only justice. The most valuable contribution anybody in a society can provide is to look after himself and those he is personally responsible for.
If someone
chooses to reject the opportunities afforded by this great nation by quitting public school, thus
voluntarily limiting his own prospects, which is freely available to everyone; How can I be held responsible?
If someone
chooses to not use a condom and ends up with a litter of children he or she cannot afford to raise; how is that my responsibility?
If someone
chooses to send his child to a 'free' public school without breakfast and unprepared for class. It is not
my problem.
Progressives seem to believe the irresponsible choices made by someone
else somehow is
my responsibility. Furthermore, I should be compelled to 'invest' in society by assisting people who
prove themselves unworthy of assistance.
This is otherwise known as '
casting pearls before swine.'
The fact of the matter is that anyone who is poor obviously deserves to be so. Every single poor person is reckless, breeds out of control, is uneducated, ignorant, and it is their fault. They are undeserving of any real attention by society.
People are poor because they
insist on
continuing the
same behavior which got them poor in the
first place.
And poverty is a
relative term. A poor person in the United States is living
large by global standards. Automobiles, mobile phones, flat screen televisions, and computers with internet access.
The U.S. has the
fattest poor people in the world. Think about that for a minute. In many parts of the world, obesity is a symbol of wealth.
In fact, does it really make sense to care about anyone but ourselves? The more we can marginalize certain elements of society, the less we have to deal with them, and the better off we will be.
Charity begins at home. Look after yourself and no one else has to.
People marginalize
themselves by making shitty decisions.
I honestly do not care about anyone else. Why should I? I’ve worked hard, they have not. So, to all you folks that think so-called “equality” and justice are important, I say fuck you. I have made my money, I enjoy my life, and that is all that is important.

This uninformed statement
ignores the fact that Conservatives give to private charities at a much higher rate than Progressives. They give blood more often. They volunteer more.
Conservatives believe compassion should be
voluntary, not compulsory.
What is the
Remove all incentive to better ourselves. Get everyone hooked on government entitlements to guarantee their continued political support. Institute a plantation mentality where the government is
master and the rest of us are dependent.
No thanks.
I do not claim them to be a majority. Just a significant part of the right-wing, tea bag movement.
there it is. You revealed yourself.
One would think you all might drop that
derogatory term since the movement sort of took a crap all over your side in the past few special elections.
Douchebaggers have successfully converted 'tea-bagger' into a
badge of honor.