Heat or Nute-burn?


I'm no expert but a friend who is gave me some advice saying that if leaves start curling up instead of down before they burn then it's heat damage.
But I'm sure you'll get a more expert answer in a few mins


Active Member
I'm no expert but a friend who is gave me some advice saying that if leaves start curling up instead of down before they burn then it's heat damage.
Interesting. 1 vote for heat damage and + rep to you my friend.


Active Member
11 hours under CFL's/Fluro's, 5 hours under 250watt HPS, temps have been a bit high at times, but they're also slow growers so I'm thinking I could have given then too much nutes for their size rather than age. Both options are as viable as each other.


Active Member
>>>>>>>>>bumpy : ) : )

How large and how much nutes did you give them?

In my experience a general overall yellowing of a leaf is from lack of food or light.

I've been fooled before with small plants, thinking I was getting nutrient burn at the tips of the plant. Then I slacked off on food and it got even worse. I was actually underfeeding.


Well-Known Member
what temps do you reach in there.. i would definitely go with nute burn, just for the fact cfl's and a 250 watter shouldn't make enough heat to cause damage.. unless the 250 watter is right on the plant. i have seen temps in the 90's w/o damaging the plant.. to me it really looks like nute burn.. could be over watering too...


Well-Known Member
it looks like a heat related issue to me..when i got nutrient burns in the past it was on the outter edges of the blades not just the tips


Active Member
Doesn't really look conclusively like either, and you'd be hard pressed to burn your plants with that lighting setup unless they're WAY too close. I'm leaning towards a nutrient problem.