the Newbie challenge.


Well-Known Member
so i kinnda ripped this idea from a contest earl posted in 2009.
i want to have 5 - 10 true newbies(no grow experience what so ever).
The goal is to grow 4 plants and whoever gets the highest yields wins.
this is the catch. we each get to find a coach or sponsor on this site. We will all order seedsfrom sam place so we have the same strain. we will set a time line 90 days for example. you can harvest as early as you want but whoever has harvested the highest yields per plant wins.
you can use whatever systme or nutes you want or your coach tells you.

this is a chance for some vets to show their skills.
I am new at this but i am taking it very seriouse. ive done a lot of research and spent a lot of money on good equipment
anyways if anyone is interested or has ideas on how to tweek or fine tune the details of the contest let me know.
it would be a good way to see what systems and nutes are effective and EASY since it will be newbs growing
the best system will probably win.
the peole will have a good reference as to what systems can do what.
every one will keep a grow journal.

what ya think

Illegal Smile

I would not participate because, as I've said many times, the target havest for a newb should not be how much yield but how much you learn. If you want to have a contest for how much you learn and how much you improve as a grower, I'm in.


Well-Known Member
I would not participate because, as I've said many times, the target havest for a newb should not be how much yield but how much you learn. If you want to have a contest for how much you learn and how much you improve as a grower, I'm in.
I see your point, but a newb in a competition would HAVE to learn or lose.
Sounds more like a competition between coaches than newbs. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
It would have to be more specific. Indoor or outdoor? 90 days is near impossible outdoors. Indoors is doable. Soil or hydro? Hydro has more potential for yield but easier to screw up. Soil is more forgiving and easier to fix mistakes.
Just some thoughts.


Well-Known Member
nb, you mentioned Earl. I remember a competion he wanted to start but I think it was 2008. If I remember correctly he was going to send seeds and see who could get the best results. I was interested at first but there was a lot of sending stuff back and forth and I'm not giving my address out here anytime soon. The logistics were complicated and maybe dangerous. Is that the one you are talking about? If so, whatever happened with that? Haven't seen Earl in a while.


Well-Known Member
nb, you mentioned Earl. I remember a competion he wanted to start but I think it was 2008. If I remember correctly he was going to send seeds and see who could get the best results. I was interested at first but there was a lot of sending stuff back and forth and I'm not giving my address out here anytime soon. The logistics were complicated and maybe dangerous. Is that the one you are talking about? If so, whatever happened with that? Haven't seen Earl in a while.
yep that was the contest i was talking about.
their would be no mailing all communication would just be throught the thread on this site. obviously someoe can cheat easily but its better than mailing stuff to eachother.
we would order from the same place same strain.
it would be indoors (thats why i was thinking 90 days).
just an idea. i just thought it would be a great way for seriouse newbs to learn. their is a lot of good info on the sites but their is a lot of mediocer stuff to sift through to find it.
just an idea


Well-Known Member
I would not participate because, as I've said many times, the target havest for a newb should not be how much yield but how much you learn. If you want to have a contest for how much you learn and how much you improve as a grower, I'm in.
i 100% agree that as a newb your goal is to learn.
i thought it would be a good way for a seriouse newb to learn a lot from a seriouse vet.
i thought the yield would be a good way to judge who learned the most. What i mean is it will be a steep learning curve for a newb yo produce a high yield, but if a good vet was helping us along it is possible to have atleast a semi descent end result.
i also thought it would be a good way for people to put their different systems and nutes to the test.
because the newbies dont know shit
the winner probably had the best system. but people will be able to follow 5 different grow logs and be able to see the differences in results both good and bad. this way people have some factual data to use when choosing a system or eliminating a potential system..
I am as new as a newbies get, and i get all different kinds of conflictring advice about what system to use nutes etc. and i usually only listen to people that seem like they know what they are talking about but sometimes its hard to tell if its good advice or wishfull thinking. I think a lot of vets on here already know so much that they forget how hard it can be to filter out the bad info from the good

just a thought. id be interested in any suggestions you have for a way to judge who learned more i just cant think of any other way to measure sucess than yield.
and again it could give us a real indicator into what systems work better etc, because all the growers have cherry ass brown thumbs.
but you guys know more about this than me if its a dumb idea than i will be happy to scrap the idea and stop waisting peoples time
