Talking to your girls.


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does anyone else just pull up a chair and sit in front of your lovely green ladies and just talk to them, (talking nicely and complimenting them of course like you have to do with all women). It may seem like a moronic thing to do, but in the long run i think it could potentially be more beneficial for them because I'm a bit of a wind bag so i am only elevating the co2 levels..correct? I Could almost do this all day long and am only curious if anyone else does this too. (sorry if this doesn't make sense sounds good in my dome baked..)


Well-Known Member
Well, on my new grow my wife has started using the grow room for her smoking (cigs) habit as it's too cold in the other corner of the garage. I put my seedlings in there at about 2 weeks old and since I did that she would talk to them every time she smoked a cigarette. Well, 3 weeks later and out of 5 plants I only have one male! That was with a one new strain that I crossed that NEVER has came out female after three trys. So I think the talking may have done "something" but no way to prove it. My wife thinks so and I guess I'll go along with it.


Well-Known Member
I do, but its more like rants and tirades about stuff i cant control or wild ideas i have that no one cares to hear me talk about. They dont seem to mind, and bring up some good points at times. Although i think one of them is racist.


Active Member
I do, but its more like rants and tirades about stuff i cant control or wild ideas i have that no one cares to hear me talk about. They dont seem to mind, and bring up some good points at times. Although i think one of them is racist.
Too Funny, Im always asking my girls why are they looking at me like that... Every now and then I see them twitch and I get excited but then I remember the fan is on... But to the poster I talk to them every day during stage 1 I even turn the music up for them (Bass Heavy of course) so they can get the stimulation from the vibrations

If you make ya Women feel good they wont run off lookn for that attention if ya know what I mean :)

Much Respect


Well-Known Member
I like to think of it as good karma!! but I do know my dont lik so much music about bashin heads as they do with the likes of some good ole Bob Marley playin!!


Well-Known Member
Well, on my new grow my wife has started using the grow room for her smoking (cigs) habit as it's too cold in the other corner of the garage. I put my seedlings in there at about 2 weeks old and since I did that she would talk to them every time she smoked a cigarette. Well, 3 weeks later and out of 5 plants I only have one male! That was with a one new strain that I crossed that NEVER has came out female after three trys. So I think the talking may have done "something" but no way to prove it. My wife thinks so and I guess I'll go along with it.

No more smoking in the ladies room!! VERY BAD FOR THEIR HEALTH!!!


Well-Known Member
Not only do I talk to them, but they talk to me as well. I thinks it's an energy thing?
I also hang my wifes panties in the veg room for them and I tell them that only ladies can wear them, and you know what....I never had a male pop up yet! My wife says I am silly and she says it's because I buy only fem seeds, I say "No, it's the panties now take them off so I can hang them".....


Active Member
The musical vibrations stimulate the stomata into a more vigorous movement,helping the plant to absorb more co2,water,etc.,

thats Y i said Bass heavy, for the rumble of the bass... was just my 2Cents didnt mean any disrespect just tryn to share what has worked for me

Much Respect


Active Member
I talk to my ladies every day! It might just be a girl thing but I compliment them and tell them how beautiful they are. I'm a believer! Check out a pic of my bubblegum.



Active Member
Talk??!! I play music to my plants! :lol:
This morning, I played them Feist. It's their favorite.

I'm not being sarcastic, it's a true story :p


Active Member
i have a lil radio playing beethovan and acdc just the right mix to keep my bitchs crazy but in line i always go down and smoke with them in the morn and when i get home from work best thing is my bitchs dont ever back talk me :) Love them fat ones to guys big girls need lovings to :)


Well-Known Member
No more smoking in the ladies room!! VERY BAD FOR THEIR HEALTH!!!
Yes! That concerns me somewhat also but because my wife can't smoke the "kind" she at least gets to become involved with the grow. This is the first time she's payed attention (after 7 grows) to what it takes to grow out a cannabis plant. Now that she's deeply involved any extra money I spend or attention that is spent on the girls she's all for it. She's even adopted one of them so I'll take a little bad smoke in the room for her new found love of "plants" :lol:

She's tested, fuckin crap! The system forces her to use legal harmful shit.:-|


Well-Known Member
deep bass makes the pours on the foilage and in the roots pulsate and allow for more uptake,its scientifically proven for all plants


Well-Known Member
I def sit in the room as the day is winding down and chill with them....and say good night... They deserve company...

in all honesty I guess I look on with pride as I know they're thriving because of my hard work... so it's kind of rewarding...