Video Games


Well-Known Member
haha alright.
Im ok just started playing again and getting the hang of it again.
I usually run with the eagles or vikings with the west coast offense and jets D,I love them 3-4 predator blitzes.


Active Member
Fuck football games, if I am going to play football I will go outside. If I am going to play a real game I would put in Mass Effect 1. Awesome game!

Another awesome game is southpark tower defense play (on Xbox arcade). Getting high, playing that online is the best.


Well-Known Member
yea spread is good.
I love the gun/doubles screen pass called fl screen.and theres another called wr screen but I forget what formation its in and its just as good.
If the D is in zone im hitting desaun jackson and he is gone for a TD or a huge gain 99% of the time he is crazy fast in this.

I need to get my damn ps3 back now im trying to play I should of never lent it out lol.


Active Member
yea spread is good.
I love the gun/doubles screen pass called fl screen.and theres another called wr screen but I forget what formation its in and its just as good.
If the D is in zone im hitting desaun jackson and he is gone for a TD or a huge gain 99% of the time he is crazy fast in this.

I need to get my damn ps3 back now im trying to play I should of never lent it out lol.
Ya get on that i remember i lent mine out to a buddy once and it was hell getting it back it just to much fun there nothing wrong with playing a football game man i live where theres a shit load of snow and cant go out and play plus i just had my wrist operated on so no need for the negativity


Well-Known Member
Yeah I do have the dream job. :0 and Army of Two is one of my favorite games that I tested.
And I too rock the PS3 and the 360 elite. Lol. Got them for free.
I only test 1st person shooters so no sports games for me.
I just got MAG today and so far I'm in love.


Active Member
Yeah I do have the dream job. :0 and Army of Two is one of my favorite games that I tested.
And I too rock the PS3 and the 360 elite. Lol. Got them for free.
I only test 1st person shooters so no sports games for me.
I just got MAG today and so far I'm in love.
Yea you really do have a dream job what did you do to get into that take a computer programing course or what


Well-Known Member
I just hit up my cuz and he's about to march his ass over in the snow with it right now lol.I fucked my wrist up playing foot ball before to I still play whenever we feel like getting a game going I just cant do push ups that good anymore because I fucked it up again,the pain will be gone for awhile then it wil come back and I cant put no pressure on it it sucks.


Active Member
I just hit up my cuz and he's about to march his ass over in the snow with it right now lol.I fucked my wrist up playing foot ball before to I still play whenever we feel like getting a game going I just cant do push ups that good anymore because I fucked it up again,the pain will be gone for awhile then it wil come back and I cant put no pressure on it it sucks.
Yea thats how i messed mine up during training camp snapped my scaphoid and now that i got that back together i gotta have it rebroken and the pin taken out and lengthen it and put all the bones back where they are suppose to be and that will be a fun time
haha really off the topic of the thread my bad im really baked


Well-Known Member
I had pins in my arm but they weren't permanent so they ripped them out with needle nose plyers while I was still awake no numbing meds or nothing it was disgusting lol
I got a nasty scar to go with it to.


Active Member
nice man how long were you in school for that?

Yea im not looking forward to the second surgery im collecting quite a collection of scars


Well-Known Member
Well school was 4 years. Then I went into this special school for designing video games for 6 months. Graphic design school is fucking hard. But one of my favorite teachers was a stoner and he even told us. He said that we should get high before this class so we can be creative. LOL.


Active Member
Well school was 4 years. Then I went into this special school for designing video games for 6 months. Graphic design school is fucking hard. But one of my favorite teachers was a stoner and he even told us. He said that we should get high before this class so we can be creative. LOL.
haha thats some good shit man you just made me think of grandmas boy but thats sick how you got into a sick job like that i can only dream of something that sweet


Active Member
Has anyone heard anything good about Dante's Inferno? Demo is kool seems like the game play is just like god of war.