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:leaf: I just bought one of those Jiffy Professional Greenhouses and began planting some mid-grade tiger seeds in it. It's only been a couple of days, but I do need all the knowledge I can get on this. Any advice?
:leaf: I just bought one of those Jiffy Professional Greenhouses and began planting some mid-grade tiger seeds in it. It's only been a couple of days, but I do need all the knowledge I can get on this. Any advice?

there is a little more to it then just tossing some seeds in the dirt and a few months later you get weed .. lol i recommend reading all the new grower and help threads you can and especially everything on lighting and heat and nutrient needs .. good luck !! :bigjoint:
there is a little more to it then just tossing some seeds in the dirt and a few months later you get weed .. lol i recommend reading all the new grower and help threads you can and especially everything on lighting and heat and nutrient needs .. good luck !! :bigjoint:
Thanks, & I also bought one of those Spot-Gro lights as well. I have been reading up on a few stuff, like lighting consistency, & watering as well. I know everything's not completely efficient, but I was hoping to get some advice from someone who's used the same type of easy grow greenhouse as I'm using.
I have CFL's in every fixture in my house .. so i was hip to the amount they can save you on your bill even before i was using them to grow with but my main reason is their low heat signature because we get ALOT of flyovers here and last thing i need is them coupling a super high electric bill with a red hot room in my house .. now if i was gonna grow for distribution i might chance them just to get a monster crop to sell but truthfully just for myself ...the safer the better :):weed:

.....hotspots, you say? Now I am starting to worry, Man it is just a plant, but I do have that giant bulb heating up the room. I just want to grow and smoke my own organic herb and the PO can PO! My lassaiz faire approach has brought me some trouble in the past, though. I wonder how much higher the electric bill has to be i order to raise eyebrows?

The only thing that I have against CFL's is that they contain mercury - which as long as you dont break them and recycle them properly is ok? better than jail anyway.

I am listening to my plants and for my first time grow I am pretty impressed! The white hairs are everywhere and lots of branches with buds on top and all over.

I can't really smell them, though.

Hey thanks for the advice re: not using tinfoil, I didn't know that.

Does anyone know if some strains just grow really, really slowly? I planted 3 mystery seeds, and 2 are big and dark green and bushy with big leaves, and the 3rd is a stubby little light green one - 'the runt'- although they were under the same conditions.
I looked through the posts and see that my 'runt plant's' problem may be N deficiency but I guess that I was wondering if this could just be another strain? Is a runty light green plant ever a good plant strain that hasn't grown up yet? maybe I hurt her feelings.....
I looked through the posts and see that my 'runt plant's' problem may be N deficiency but I guess that I was wondering if this could just be another strain? Is a runty light green plant ever a good plant strain that hasn't grown up yet? maybe I hurt her feelings.....

lol maybe you called it a runt too loudly in public and it is just really mad at you :)
I thought that I would stop and say hey...I am new to the growing thing. I have decided to go with a basic fence post hydroponic setup. I have NO gardening experience, let alone hydroponic. This is just something that I took up just to do and turned into me becoming legal to grow plants as a caregiver for a few people in my area. Well anyway it seems like you have a great site here and look forward to learning a lot more!
Hey everyone, name is rob, and I like to smoke weed. No but really just posted to introduce myself.
I'll say nice to meet all of you in advance cause you all seem like pretty cool people from what I've seen.
Hello! Been trolling on the boards (and many of the other hundreds of MJ boards out there XD) to learn more about apartment grow box methods. Figured after I have some specifics nailed down I'd make a thread with any questions I can't find an answer to and hopefully meet some people that will follow along with my grow journal =D. Cheers!
I looked through the posts and see that my 'runt plant's' problem may be N deficiency but I guess that I was wondering if this could just be another strain? Is a runty light green plant ever a good plant strain that hasn't grown up yet? maybe I hurt her feelings.....

i don't know what nutrients your using but i know from my experience if your getting yellow on the leaves it could be N deficiency or maybe over watering .. hard to tell some plants are way oversensitive also so id try a little of everything and just go one step at a time .. good luck !! :)
i don't know what nutrients your using but i know from my experience if your getting yellow on the leaves it could be N deficiency or maybe over watering .. hard to tell some plants are way oversensitive also so id try a little of everything and just go one step at a time .. good luck !! :)

thanks, yeah maybe I will give the runt another chance and some positive vibes, oh well at least my other 2 look so good by comparison. I wish that I knew about the molasses trick earlier - does anyone know if it is ever too late to start with the molasses, or does it need to be flushed along with the nutes?

My buds are beautiful and plentiful in numbers, but kinda small. They have been flowering for about a month. They have lots of long hairs and I can see crystals forming on the small leaves around the buds. They don't smell like anything yet though.
thanks, yeah maybe I will give the runt another chance and some positive vibes, oh well at least my other 2 look so good by comparison. I wish that I knew about the molasses trick earlier - does anyone know if it is ever too late to start with the molasses, or does it need to be flushed along with the nutes?

My buds are beautiful and plentiful in numbers, but kinda small. They have been flowering for about a month. They have lots of long hairs and I can see crystals forming on the small leaves around the buds. They don't smell like anything yet though.

I honestly don't know if it is ever too late to start with the ole molasses trick but i know all through a grow it will sometimes work as a cure all for not so perky plants when all else fails and i know it does make a difference during budding so if i was you i would go ahead with it but that is your call really.
Man i wish my plants wasn't smelling strong yet.. :shock: .. my 8 plants i got going right now (Super Skunk) have my whole house fukt up big if i turn off their blower for even a second. i turned off the blower yesterday to change out the carbon filter and my wife came home and asked me if i had been getting high all over the house. i told her no i was just in here changing out the filters and she said soon as she walked in it smelled like burnt hippie BAD :weed:
I told her it was the scent of good things to come...she just grinned and walked back out :joint::) good thing i live in the middle of NOWHERE and NOTHING ..
hi im new here and im now starting my first grow with is whit widow, power africa, skunk#1. what is the best way to lower or rais ph levels cheers in advance .
hi im new here and im now starting my first grow with is whit widow, power africa, skunk#1. what is the best way to lower or rais ph levels cheers in advance .
most people use ph up or ph down additives but you can also use bakeing soda or vinager to achieve the up or down effect also.
I honestly don't know if it is ever too late to start with the ole molasses trick but i know all through a grow it will sometimes work as a cure all for not so perky plants when all else fails and i know it does make a difference during budding so if i was you i would go ahead with it but that is your call really.
Man i wish my plants wasn't smelling strong yet.. :shock: .. my 8 plants i got going right now (Super Skunk) have my whole house fukt up big if i turn off their blower for even a second. i turned off the blower yesterday to change out the carbon filter and my wife came home and asked me if i had been getting high all over the house. i told her no i was just in here changing out the filters and she said soon as she walked in it smelled like burnt hippie BAD :weed:
I told her it was the scent of good things to come...she just grinned and walked back out :joint::) good thing i live in the middle of NOWHERE and NOTHING ..

It sounds like you have some good smoke to look forward to.

I get so excited with my 3 babies but then when I read these posts I am humbled by the amount of knowledge available that I have yet to learn....I wish that I could get a degree in Marijuana! A doctorate, even. Student loans to grow pot. Scholarships, bursaries - it would be nice if the knowledge contained in the industry was recognised.

Growing pot is the first practical thing that I have done with my science degree.

I just want a reliable source of clean herb to smoke.
It sounds like you have some good smoke to look forward to.

I get so excited with my 3 babies but then when I read these posts I am humbled by the amount of knowledge available that I have yet to learn....I wish that I could get a degree in Marijuana! A doctorate, even. Student loans to grow pot. Scholarships, bursaries - it would be nice if the knowledge contained in the industry was recognised.

Growing pot is the first practical thing that I have done with my science degree.

I just want a reliable source of clean herb to smoke.

The real horticulturists work in the weed field and the real scientists grow the best dope :)

Alright, hows it going im new to growing mj, I have 4 plants that are about a week old, they are about 3 inches tall and are just starting to develop their second pair of leaves, but i was abit hastey in planting these seeds and put then im a coke bottle in only abrout 3 inches of soil brfore really reading much about growing, i can see that the ends of the tap roots are too long for the bottoms of the conainers by a few inches are they too young to transplant yet? cheerrs
Alright, hows it going im new to growing mj, I have 4 plants that are about a week old, they are about 3 inches tall and are just starting to develop their second pair of leaves, but i was abit hastey in planting these seeds and put then im a coke bottle in only abrout 3 inches of soil brfore really reading much about growing, i can see that the ends of the tap roots are too long for the bottoms of the conainers by a few inches are they too young to transplant yet? cheerrs

did you put all 4 of them in the same coke bottle ?? :wall: