how to make friends?


hey guys,

whats good. i've been a lurker on this site for a bit now. i'm very paranoid about people knowing about live plants in my possesion... yet i have seen many people on here talk about their "grow buddies". I believe this to be a certain kind of relationship based on the fact that both parties have plants. many of you, i'm sure, have a grow buddy that has hooked you up with a certain nice seed or even maybe a clone.

how would i go about making friends in this trade without sending out creepy signals, being too nosey, making people think i'm some kind of snitch... all while not putting myself out and possibly compromising my very well conceled secret hobby?

i'm too paranoid to buy seeds online, i'm still very much a noob in experience (though i feel guru in knowlege, THANKS RIU!), and i act like this hobby is my own in i dont talk about it. in fact, this is my first post just cuz i'm that paranoid about tracing IP's and such. i dont let any1 on to what i'm up to, yet i feel issolated and without friends who share a common goal.

i know people near me (ill never say where) grow cuz its happening more and more in more and more places. i've got stoner buddies, but dont know if i trust them with such a secret. and why...when odds are they arent growing

first rule of fightclub.

here is my question. how to i make friends? grow buddies? without putting myself out on a limb and comprimising my mission or making any1 feel the same. as if i comprimised their mission. i'd love to have somebody to bounce knowledge off of, trade supplies, and possibly be introduced to a nice breed without having to order seeds online or something like that... yet i need to follow the rules of fightclub.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:can't really- just continue to learn and you don't need to have grow buddies.I think not telling anyone outweighs being able to trade with others. Just get some good genetics and keep getting better at your hobby. Seedbanks and us are the only buddies you need.

The other day someone posted some text from the registration page that clearly states it is unlawful for cops/detectives or whatever to register on to this site and any information obtained from these forums is inadmissable in court so that should ease your paranoa a little


:bigjoint:can't really- just continue to learn and you don't need to have grow buddies.I think not telling anyone outweighs being able to trade with others. Just get some good genetics and keep getting better at your hobby. Seedbanks and us are the only buddies you need.

The other day someone posted some text from the registration page that clearly states it is unlawful for cops/detectives or whatever to register on to this site and any information obtained from these forums is inadmissable in court so that should ease your paranoa a little
ha...yes. yes it does indeed! i feel much better about my 1st post....and now my 2nd being up in the public.

how would one go about getting good genetics? i started off with some seeds i got outta a bomb bag of mids. it was midis but it looked nicer. i'm really interested in getting a nice strain of some 5* smoke, yet i will never ever order online. i dont find seeds in bags of haze and other name brand smoke i find.

is it weird for some1 to hope their are seeds in their bag of *enter name of strain here*?

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
Yeah, Never tell any of your stoner buddies... you never know who will get caught up.. and what they will do when put in that situation. this site is safe.

The only reason i use this site is to get rip of any temptation to tell other people, its really fun to show off your babies, and even more fun to talk about them and get praise.

the only people i talk about it with are my parents, brother, and the nice people here at RIU.

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
ha...yes. yes it does indeed! i feel much better about my 1st post....and now my 2nd being up in the public.

how would one go about getting good genetics? i started off with some seeds i got outta a bomb bag of mids. it was midis but it looked nicer. i'm really interested in getting a nice strain of some 5* smoke, yet i will never ever order online. i dont find seeds in bags of haze and other name brand smoke i find.

is it weird for some1 to hope their are seeds in their bag of *enter name of strain here*?
I've just started growing again, but the last time (and this is what i will do this time) i had good genetics i started with a trusted seed site.

I never ship to my grow adress, i used a friends, whom i didnt tell what it was. then from there try to set up a safe area to breed plants of the same genes. remember how pollen travels... its crazy.. so just be careful if your breeding seeds.

I usually continue to order fem seeds, i dont even like pollen getting in my house.

i trust attitude seeds for all my seed needs. just try not to order too much at one time, incase customs get them. i have never had a package taken.. and i never order more than 20 seeds at a time.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
yeah you can hope for seeds in your KB but it's not likely to happen. I've grown some bomb weed off of bagseed but the biggest problem is not knowing what to expect how tall how long to flower hermaphroditesd etc. I have ordered online with my debit card before and had no problems. Another good way is to send a money order I have never heard of anyone getting arrested for buying seeds I have only heard of customs taking them on rare occasions. I recommend personally they were pretty stealthy and fast and also have a good selection of budget seeds and TGA strains. Just don't order to the place your gonna grow.
Bagseed is always an option though but plants are only as good as their genetics.

^you don't necessarily have to order online just follow the instructions for ordering and send your money order to the posted address with a printed ordedr form a peice of paper or even an add from a HT magazine or something. Check stock online and list your second choices in case they are sold out when they recieve your order.


Well-Known Member
look at peoples locations and PM them, ask them if there interested in a "smoke and swap" meet up, smoke eachother up, talk grow details and maybe trade some clones or seeds

and yeah, i always hope to find a seed in some killer dank so i can grow it; but it never happens. my friend found a seed in his his headies, he threw it out the window in the middle of winter and says "ill remember to check for a plant in the spring"

violator kush

Active Member
idk it just happens randomly to me, we smoke up and i bring it up or they do, something like" u ever try to after any seeds befor"? if not i'll say i've tryed it but no lucky. but other wise.....


Well-Known Member
consider me a friend.

The first rule of my club is : If I cant keep my secret to myself then I cant expect my buddy to keep it for me.

Friends in RIU are Cyberfriends.I dont ask personal questions and dont answer personal question.Do u wana be a friend?


consider me a friend.

The first rule of my club is : If I cant keep my secret to myself then I cant expect my buddy to keep it for me.

Friends in RIU are Cyberfriends.I dont ask personal questions and dont answer personal question.Do u wana be a friend?

thanks for the great thread guys. you really eased my paranoia about this site a great deal. i also posted a pic of my baby in another thread about my noobish cheap attempt at a grow. its under introductions "a noobs best mistake"

and while i am not about to invite any1 i meet online to a smoke and trade kinda thing, i feel that you guys here at RUI are the only friends i need now. definatly kills that urge to show off what i'm proud of. thank you friends.