Has anyone here ever harvested 1lb off a plant?


Well-Known Member
If you have could you explain a few things?

How long did you let your plant veg?
What lights did you veg them under?
What soil did you use?
What nutes did you use?
What strain was the plant?
Do you use uncle ben's topping technique?
Did you use LST or any kind of training?


Well-Known Member
i never have but i can help u out..i do grow monsters but i have space issues..so ur ganna need to veg about 40days, 2months or so depending on how veg goes at least..ur ganna want to transplant a few times and i'd use a 10g pot if i was trying to get a p off one plant..ur ganna want probably a 600w on just one plant..LST it or do a Sea of Screen..(maybe look into aeroponics or hydro in general) soil is simple to pick out dont trip of that..for nutrients id say dont grow organically if u want a high yield..i suggest the AN nutrient line but theirs lots of good ones out there and go with a sativa strain for sure or a hybrid that has a high yield


Well-Known Member
If you have could you explain a few things?

How long did you let your plant veg?
What lights did you veg them under?
What soil did you use?
What nutes did you use?
What strain was the plant?
Do you use uncle ben's topping technique?
Did you use LST or any kind of training?
I got over 2 elbows from 3 plants...with Mblaze's guidance...

Grow is in the sig...:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
If you have could you explain a few things?

How long did you let your plant veg?
What lights did you veg them under?
What soil did you use?
What nutes did you use?
What strain was the plant?
Do you use uncle ben's topping technique?
Did you use LST or any kind of training?
It was my mother plant that I harvested a couple of years ago.
She was Dutch Passion Oasis.
I harvested close to 600 grams of her.
Which is like a 1-1/4 lbs.

I took the cutting aroung July 07.
It didn't officialy become a mom until around September.
She was kept in a 5 gallon bucket with
ocean forest soil, mixed with diatomite, and extra bat guano.
I repotted her once a month.
I couldn't say how many clones I took off of her....a shit load.
She was kept under 8 two foot T5 bulbs on a 18/6 schedule.
I watered her about every 3-4 days, depending if I was taking cuttings the next morning.
I used Grow, Micro, and Bloom from Advanced Nutrients.
When I was coming close to taking cuttings again, I only used ph'd R/O water.
I had absolutely no problems, with her entire life.
Mostly due to the perfect environment I had provided for her.
When May 08 came rolling around, I decided to put her outside.
She was about 60 inches tall at that time.
I dug a hole about 32 inches deep and about 3X3.
I covered the bottom with diatomite about 4 inches thick.
Then filled it with my soil mix.
Every week, whether it was raining or not, I watered her with Adavanced Nutrients 2 part
flowering mix, sensizym, Liquid Karma, B52, Piranha, Tarantula, Voodoo Juice, Barricade, and Over drive in the end.
In September 08, she was over 10 feet tall.